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Working Documents 2005 (TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/...)

2005/19 - (European Commission) Proposal for collective amendmentsto Regulations Nos. 30, 54, 75, 108 and 109 (part I.)as well as to Regulations Nos. 78 and 90 (part II.)(Clarification of the scopes of the Regulations)
English only DOC PDF
2005/18 - (Canada) Proposal for draft global technical regulation(gtr) on motorcycle brake systems
English only DOC PDF
2005/18/Add.1 - (Canada) Preamble to the draft gtr on motorcycle brakesystems
English only DOC PDF
2005/17 - (FEMFM) Proposal for draft amendments to RegulationNo. 90 - (Replacement brake linings)
English DOC PDF
2005/16 - (GRRF Ad Hoc Working Group on Replacement Brake Linings)Proposal for draft amendments to Regulation No. 90 (Replacementbrake linings)
English DOC PDF
2005/15 - (ETRTO) Proposal for draft amendments to RegulationNo. 106 - (Pneumatic tyres for agricultural vehicles)
English DOC PDF
2005/15/Rev.1 - (ETRTO) Revised proposal for draft amendments to RegulationNo. 106 - (Pneumatic tyres for agricultural vehicles)
English DOC PDF
2005/14 - (CLEPA and OICA) Proposal for draft corrigendum 1to supplement 11 to the 09 series of amendments to RegulationNo. 13 (Braking)
English DOC PDF
2005/13 - (CLEPA) Proposal for draft amendments to RegulationNo. 13 (Braking)
English DOC PDF
2005/12 - (CLEPA) Proposal for draft amendments to RegulationNo. 13 (Braking)
English DOC PDF
2005/11 - (GRRF ad-hoc tyre wet grip group) Proposal for draftamendments to Regulation No. 117 (Tyre rolling sound)
English DOC PDF
2005/11/Rev.1 - (GRRF ad-hoc tyre wet grip group) Revised proposalfor draft amendments to Regulation No. 117 (Tyre rollingsound)
English DOC PDF
2005/9 - (UnitedKingdom) Amendment proposal to Regulation No. 64 (Draftamendments to document TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2002/17/Rev.3)(Temporary use spare wheels/tyres)
English DOC PDF
2005/8 - (CLEPA)Amendment proposal to Regulation No. 13 (Braking)
English DOC PDF
2005/7 - (OICA)Amendment proposal to Regulations Nos. 13 and 13-H (Brakingand harmonized braking)
English DOC PDF
2005/7/Amend.1 - (Japan) Amendment proposal to Regulations Nos. 13and 13-H (Braking and harmonized braking) - Amendment
English DOC PDF
2005/6 - (Japan)Amendment proposal to draft supplement 3 to RegulationNo. 64 (document TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2002/17/Rev.3)
English DOC PDF
2005/5 - (OICA)Amendment proposal to draft supplement 3 to RegulationNo. 64 (document TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2002/17/Rev.3)
English DOC PDF
2005/4 - (RussianFederation) Amendment proposal to supplement 3 to the01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 79 (documentTRANS/WP.29/1024)
English DOC PDF
2005/3 - (Chairmanof the Informal group on replacement brake linings)Amendment proposal to Regulation No. 90 (Replacementbrake linings)
English DOC PDF
2005/2 - (Germany) Proposal for draft supplement 10 to the 09 series of amendments to Regulation No. 13 (Braking)
English DOC  PDF