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10th meeting

Informal Group on Child Restraints Systems -10th meeting (Association des consommateurs Test Achats - Brussels, Belgium, 22nd April 2009)

CRS-10-8 - CRS-10-8 Report of the 10th meeting
English only DOC (488 KB) PDF (343 KB)
CRS-10-7 - Geometrical prerequisites for a third ISOFIX type anchorage
English only DOC (318 KB) PDF (201 KB)
CRS-10-6 - (VTI) 3rd Isofix point
English only ---- PDF (1,650 KB)
CRS-10-5 - CRS matrix test method V1
English only XLS (34 KB) ----
CRS-10-4 - (Dorel - Kettering) Child Seat Testing Dorel/Kettering Method
English only   PDF (1,480 KB)
CRS-10-3 - (Dorel) Presentation of a Side impact Step 1 proposal
English only   PDF (1,370 KB)
CRS-10-2 - (CSI) CRS - SIDE IMPACT TEST - Initial evaluation of repeatability on CRS side impact test using a deceleration test device with rigid fixed door - Semi Universal Isofix Group 0+ CRS
English only ---- PDF (966 KB)
CRS-10-1 - Provisional Agenda for the 10th meeting of the Informal Group on Child Restraint Systems
English only DOC (38 KB) PDF (12 KB)