Meeting papers and presentations |
PSI-03-12 - (NHTSA) Repeatability of Oblique Test Configuration |
PSI-03-11 - (BMW) WorldSID 50M |
PSI-03-10 - (BAST) Accident Data: Side Impacts with Poles |
PSI-03-09 - Option for the 5th female |
PSI-03-08 - Scope of the UN GTR |
PSI-03-07 - (Monash University) Data analysis to investigate the injury profile of near-side, side impact crashes: a comparison of injury risk between pole and vehicle-vehicle impacts |
PSI-03-06 - (NHTSA) Incremental BenefitsPerpendicular to Oblique Configuration |
PSI-03-05 - Fatalities and Serious Injuries in Side Impact Crashes by Impact Type, Occupant Age and Year of Vehicle Manufacturer. |
PSI-03-04 - (Australia) Pole Side Impact GTR - Assessment of Safety Need - Updated Data Collection |
PSI-03-03 - (Australia/Canada) Joint Australian and Canadian Pole Side Impact Research |
PSI-03-02 - Minute of the 2nd meeting |
PSI-03-01 - Agenda for the 3rd meeting of the GRSP Informal Group on a Pole Side Impact UN GTR |