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Ukraine Decision V/9m

Document Status Date received or posted by the Secretariat
Decision V/9m of the Meeting of the Parties on compliance by Ukraine with its obligations under the Convention (ECE/MP.PP/2014/2/Add.1)  ENG FRE RUS Adopted by the Meeting of the Parties at its 5th session 02.07.2014

Cover letter
Progress report RUS ENG

From the Party concerned 09.12.2014
Update on status of draft legislation From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2004/3 23.06.2015
Email seeking update on draft legislation from the Party concerned From the secretariat 24.06.2015
Update on draft legislation
Attachment 1: Draft EIA law (ENG)
Attachment 2: Draft SEA law (ENG)
From the Party concerned 26.06.2015
Update attaching draft EIA law (ENG) and draft SEA law (ENG) From the Party concerned 02.10.2015
Letter from the UNECE Executive Secretary to the Ambassador of Ukraine regarding the implementation of decision V/9m 
Annex 1: Letter to Mr. Yatsenyuk, Prime Minister of Ukraine
Annex 2: Letter to Mr. Groysman, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
Annex 3: Letter to Ms. Herashchenko, Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on issues of European integration
From the secretariat  20.01.2016
Letter to the Party concerned regarding the open session on decision V/9m at the Compliance Committee's 52nd meeting From the secretariat 08.04.2016
Cover letter UKR ENG
Annex 1: Draft EIA law (ENG)
Annex 2: Draft EIA law in track changes (ENG)
From the Party concerned 12.04.2016 (dated 11.04.2016)
Update on draft legislation From the Party concerned 20.06.2016

Cover letter

Annex 1: vetoed SEA Law (ENG)
Annex 2: vetoed EIA law (ENG)
Annex 3: commentary on EIA and SEA laws (ENG)

From the Party concerned 23.11.2016


Annex 1: Proposals of the President on the EIA law, dated 31.10.2016 (ENG)
Annex 2: Proposals of the President on the SEA law, dated 31.10.2016 (ENG)
Annex 3: Table with the analysis of the proposals, dated 31.10.2016 (ENG)

From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2004/3 08.12.2016
Letter to the Party concerned enclosing Committee's progress review From the Executive Secretary 23.01.2017
Letter in response to invitation for open session at Committee's fifty-sixth meeting From the Party concerned 21.02.2017
Statement at the Committee's 56th meeting From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2004/03 28.02.2017
Email update From the Party concerned 15.06.2017
Comments on email update From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2004/3 15.06.2017
EIA law, as adopted UKR ENG ENG with track changes From the Party concerned 22.06.2017
Email to communicant of communication ACCC/C/2013/87 inviting his input to the Committee's examination From the secretariat 25.06.2017
Comments on the extent to which the Party concerned's measures to implement decision V/9m address the general issues raised in communication ACCC/C/2013/87 From the communicant of communication ACCC/C/2013/87 28.06.2017
Report to the Meeting of the Parties on compliance by Ukraine with its obligations under the Convention (ECE/MP.PP/2017/45) ENG FRE RUS   31.07.2017