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The UNECE project on the development of sustainable biomass trade and export opportunities in the Russian Federation to expand to algae biomass


The UNECE project on the “development of sustainable biomass trade and export opportunities for selected regions of the Russian Federation” is entering a new phase with the introduction of algae biomass production.
The project, which was launched in September 2008 by the Government of the Russian Federation with the support of UNECE, aims at the development of Regional Biomass Action Plans (RBAPs) in participating regions. The objective of these plans is to help the private sector and regional governments develop a coordinated approach to foster the integration of the regional biomass sector with the forestry, woodworking and agricultural sectors, as well as with the electricity and municipal heating sector, the waste and recycling sector.
The project builds up on the results of a project initiated in 1998 to foster the production of biomass and improve the related trade logistics in Northwestern Russia. The project is open to all regions of the Russian Federation. Participating regions include Krasnodar krai, the republic of Tatarstan, and Leningrad oblast.
Within the project, the Krasnodar region is developing an innovative approach in the use of windbreaks as a source of biomass. Windbreaks are rows of trees that protect agricultural fields from the wind and protect soil from erosion. The Republic of Tatarstan has a particular interest in developing technology for the conversion of municipal waste to biomass, and its Regional Biomass Action Plan is being developed accordingly.
The project promotes a variety of initiatives in the use of biomass, including:
The UNECE project will help to identify the best opportunities for algae biomass production as part of its work to introduce RBAPs. This latest development within the project will most likely increase the number of regions that can be involved and give a new impetus for regional governments to work on capacity building, cooperate with the private sector and make further investments in the development of the biomass sector.
For more information please contact:
Hans Jansen
Senior Project Manager
UNECE Economic Cooperation and Integration Division
Tel: +41 (0)22 917 37 28

Note to editors
The UNECE project ‘Improved trade logistics for the sustainable use of biomass in Northwest Russia” was initiated in 1998. The project aimed at strengthening the sustainable biomass supply from Russia to energy producers in the EU, with a focus on agro- and wood residues, which constitute an important alternative to the use of (food) crops for fuel. The project also seeked to improve the logistics chain of biomass trade from producers to end-users through improved inland transportation, port and trade logistics, and customs cooperation with respect to imports and exports of biomass. Two further aims of the project were facilitating the exchange of good practice with the private sector and exploring cross-sectoral approaches that take into account environment, energy, trade and transport issues.
Since 1998, an extensive network of private and public partners has been established through the project.
Some of the main achievements include:
Ref: ECE/ECID/10/P06

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