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E200: Greening Economies in the Eastern Neighbourhood (EaP-Green)



EXCOM approval

Planning phase

Implementation phase

Final Reporting
and Evaluation phase

EXCOM form

Monitoring the Implementation

ROM report

Final/Terminal report

The final report shall be available in September - October 2018

Evaluation ToR

Evaluation report(*)

Midpoint/Annual Progress Reports Annual funds utilization reports

Annual funds utilization report

  • 2013
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • The final report shall be available in September-October 2018
Part I. Planning
(to be filled in before submission to EXCOM)
Part II. Implementation
(to be used for reporting on progress in the implementation of the project in real time)1,2

Expected accomplishments

Planned activities(3)

Estimated costs (US$)

Implemented activities3

Actual expenditures (US$)

EA 1: Advice on revision of the existing national regulatory and legislative framework provided

A1.1. Carry out legislative review of SEA and, as appropriate, of EIA



Two review of national legislative and institutional framework of SEA and one review on EIA have been conducted.





Review report







Meeting Materials

Chisinau, 3 Sept.

Minsk, 5 Sept.

Tbilisi, 4 Nov.





A1.2. Provide assistance in drafting for SEA legislation



Georgia: Development of the draft law on EIA and SEA initiated during the start-up workshop (25 - 26 August 2014, Tbilisi). The Draft law will be based on the result of the 2014 SEA mapping exercise and the 2013 Review of legislation on environmental impact assessment of Georgia via-a-vis the provisions of the Espoo Convention


Armenia: Assistance to the drafting amendments to the law on environmental impact assessment and environmental expertise initiated in March 2015. Planning meeting for preparation of the amendments to the law of the Republic of Armenia on “Environmental impact assessment and expertize” (24 March, 2015) organized. 

Azerbaijan: A discussion of the second draft law at the round-table meeting for national authorities (2 March 2015).

Belarus: Assistance to the drafting of the SEA provisions to the EIA law (March 2015 – December 2015) initiated, including a round-table meeting (on 29-30 April 2015) development of amendments in June-October, 2015

Georgia: Preparation of the draft law on EIA and SEA ongoing (September 2014 – September 2015), round-table meeting (19 May, 2015) and public hearing to discuss the first draft law (20 May) and a final round table meeting (23 -24 September 2015).

Ukraine: Awareness raising event for high level officials to support adoption of the draft law on SEA (11 June 2015)



Armenia: The legal drafting continued, the Roundtable on integration of the SEA procedure into the national legal framework of Armenia was organized in Yerevan, 11 March. 2016. Assistance to the drafting of the environmental assessment legislation extended to March 2017 (originally planned for October 2014 – March 2015) to consider experience from the SEA pilot.

Belarus: Training workshops and drafting sessions on Developing legislative framework for the EIA and SEA in line with the Espoo Convention and its Protocol on SEA in Belarus, organized in Minsk, 19 - 22 September 2016



Armenia: The second legal roundtable on developing the national legal framework on SEA in Armenia organized in Yerevan, 16 February 2017. Amended text of the Law on EIA and Ecological Expertise and the draft Governmental Decision on SEAs were prepared in April 2017 and shall be a subject of further intergovernmental discussions.

Azerbaijan: Expert review of the revised draft law was completed in February 2017 to provide advice on further steps to establish a legal framework on environmental assessment that is aligned with the Convention and the Protocol.

Belarus: Regulations on EIA, SEA and state ecological expertise (adopted in January 2017) were reviewed by international legal expert, and conclusions communicated in writing to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Belarus.




A1.3. Prepare sub-regional overview



The first draft of the sub-regional overview was completed in October 2015. The final draft shall be ready in May 2017.

Preparation of Good Practice recommendations on the application of the Convention to nuclear energy-related activities is ongoing (The inclusions of this activity was agreed at the 4th Steering Committee meeting, 18 June, Chisinau). Tendering procedure is completed at the end of Sept 2015 (new activity included based on the request of the Project Steering Committee, on 18 June 2015). The final draft of the document shall be ready in May 2017.


Good Practice recommendations on the application of the Convention to nuclear energy-related activities was finalized in May 2017.


The sub-regional overview was finalized in April 2018


EA 2: Strengthened capacity of the participating countries on application of SEA/EIA procedures, following good practices including those in use in the EU Member States

A2.1. Carry out national level training on SEA



Two national SEA events were conducted

  • Armenia (Yerevan, 28-29 November, 2013)
  • Ukraine (Kyiv, 1-4 October, 2013)






Republic of Moldova:






Republic of Moldova:






A2.2. Carry out regional/local level training on SEA



Three local level training workshops on SEA were conducted in Belarus

  • in Gomel on 7-9 October 
  • Brest on 21-23 October 
  • Grodno on 24-25 October


Cancelled in favour of legal draftings (see A1.2.) and further carried out jointly with the national trainings (see A2.1)



A2.3. Develop national guidance documents


Armenia: Initiated in September 2017, finalized in April 2018

Azerbaijan: The initial concept note was developed in August 2016, and the first meeting of the working group was organized in September 2016. The work continued until April 2018.

Belarus: The activity was cancelled, additional training on SEA was organized instead in December 2017.

Georgia: Preparation was launched in February 2016. The first meeting of the working group was organized on April 22, 2016, followed by three other meetings. The document was finalized in February 2017.

Republic of Moldova: The first draft was developed in September 2016, and the final draft prepared in April 2018.

Ukraine: The first draft was prepared in August 2016, followed by the second version in October 2016. The final draft of the document was prepared in April 2018.



A2.4. Organise sub-regional coordination and experience-sharing events






A2.5. Identify and implement pilot SEAs and EIAs



Armenia, Ukraine: The selection of an SEA pilot project is initiated.

Azerbaijan: MOU for implementation of a pilot project on application of SEA to Alternative Energy Strategy in Azerbaijan is signed between UNECE and Regional Environmental Center for Caucasus (Office in Azerbaijan).

Republic of Moldova: A pilot project on the application of the Draft Law on SEA to the Orhei town Master Plan development process initiated  (July 2014 – March 2015)

Belarus and Ukraine: a pilot  project on the post-project analysis (PPA) of environmental impact in transboundary context in Belarus and Ukraine, completed, including a meeting of the Task Force for project evaluation (17 December 2013), one virtual (for Ukraine, May 2014) and one physical public participation events (21 February, 2014), and a Subregional conference for disseminating results held (15 April 2014, Minsk)



Armenia: MOU for implementation of a pilot project on application of SEA in the waste management sector to the National Regional Environmental Center for Caucasus (Office in Armenia) signed. The SEA pilot was launched in December 2015.

Azerbaijan: Implementation of the SEA Pilot project for the State Strategy on Alternative and Renewable Energy Resources Use in Azerbaijan for 2015-2020 ongoing, including SEA training events on 3-4 March 2015 and 11-12 May 2015

Georgia: SEA Pilot Project on National Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan in Georgia was carried out in 2015 - detailed information including the links to relevant reports and events can be found at dedicated website here.

Republic of Moldova:

Ukraine: Ukraine indicated to the UNECE secretariat in 2015 that it was not ready to initiate an SEA pilot project. After the Law on SEA was adopted on the 4 October 2016 (and then vetoed by the President), however, Ukraine reiterated its earlier request for carrying out the SEA pilot project for the National Waste Management Action Plan. The activity is incorporated into the waiting list of the 2017-2020 Workplan, expected to be adopted by the Meetings of the Parties to the Convention and the Protocol at their seventh and third sessions, respectively, in Minsk in June 2017.


Armenia: Implementation of SEA pilot continued - detailed information including the links to relevant reports and events can be found at dedicated website here. The SEA pilot shall be finalized in April 2017.

Azerbaijan:The SEA report was finalized in September 2016. The results of the pilot project were disseminated during the 7th International Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development (Baku, 21 October 2016). A short summary of the SEA pilot can be found in English and Russian language.The dedicated website can be found here.

Republic of Moldova: Implementation of the second SEA pilot continued - detailed information including the links to relevant reports and events can be found at dedicated website here. The SEA pilot shall be finalized in April 2017.


Armenia: The final consultation workshop to present and discuss the findings and conclusions summarized in the draft SEA report was carried out in Yerevan (March 2017). Inputs from the discussion were considered in the pre-final draft of SEA report. The national SEA team in Armenia finalized the SEA report in September 2017.

Republic of Moldova: Suggestions and recommendations formulated by during the scoping stage of the SEA pilot in Moldova were presented at the meeting of the Inter-ministerial Working Group on Green Economy. An intensive communication with the team preparing the National Green Economy Road Map during entire SEA pilot resulted in integration of a number of SEA recommendations in the draft Road Map. The SEA report was finalized in October 2017 and submitted to the final steps of approval procedure.



A2.6. Prepare factsheets on application of SEA/EIA


Initiated in 2015 and to be completed in 2017.

The brochure and video on the Protocol on SEA and its benefits were prepared in English, Russian, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Georgian, Romanian and Ukrainian languages.



A2.7. Ensure participation of representative from target countries in regional meetings on SEA/EIA



The participation of representatives from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine in the meetings of the Working Group on EIA and SEA in Geneva (27-30 May and 11-15 November 2013) was financially supported


EaP GREEN coordination meeting at the meetings of the Parties of the Espoo Convention and the Protocol on SEA  organized (2-5 June, Geneva).


EaP GREEN regional coordination meeting on the margins of the Working Group Meeting  under the Espoo Convention and the Protocol on SEA (26-28 May, Geneva 2015).


Representatives of EaP GREEN countries attended the Meeting of the Parties to the Espoo Convention, 7th session, and Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on SEA, 3rd session (13 - 16 June 2017), Minsk, Belarus, and presented outcomes and results of the project activities.


EA 3: Strengthened administrative capacities of the authorities in charge of the environmental assessments

A3.1. Carry out legislative reviews of EIA and SEA, pilot projects, training and technical assistance


Relevant authorities were represented at the round-tables, training events and through the pilot projects. Their roles and responsibilities were discussed.


A3.2. Prepare recommendations that cover both legislative process and institutional improvements


Recommendations to the governmental authorities were provided.


A3.3. Share and discuss the recommendations with governmental authorities at roundtable events


For the detailed information, see Meeting, events and outputs from the activities under the EA1 and EA 2


A3.4. Include institutional building as part of the training objectives


Addressed within trainings under EA2, activity A2.1. Carry out national level training on SEA


A3.5. Define and clarify roles and responsibilities of national authorities in the national guidance documents.


Addressed within preparation of the national guiding documents under EA2, activity A2.3. Develop national guidance documents


(*) The project was exempted from evaluation as it had been designed and launched before the UNECE evaluation policy was introduced and therefore no funds were allocated for this purpose in the project's budget.
(1) This version of report was submitted to the donor EU commission by the OECD, EaP GREEN managing organisation on 14/09/2015. It was reviewed and adopted the EaP Green Steering commitee at its meeting on 18 June in Chisinau. Meetings documents are here. The information about the UNECE contribution is presented on pages 29-37.
(2) Cfr pages 11-14 for the UNECE component. Note of the secretariat on Progress on the implementation of the workplan activities under the "Greening Economies in the Eastern Neighbourhood" (EaP-GREEN) Programme, as well as activities in Kyrgystan and the Russian Federeration until May 2015 is available here.
(3) The contracts and the ToRs can be provided by the secretariat upon the request.

1 The secretariat shall inform EXCOM in case of unexpected developments or serious problems of any kind in the project implementation.
2 Questions from member States on project implementation will be forwarded to the secretariat.
Relevant information should be uploaded by the project manager on the Project Monitoring Tool within one month from the end of the activity and include the following:
(a) For an advisory service (including at a workshop/seminar/training organized by other organizations): title; venue; dates; project expenditures; and hyperlink(s) to presentation(s) and other relevant documents;
(b) For a workshop/conference/training organized by UNECE: title; venue; dates; project expenditures; and hyperlinks to the meeting agenda, list of participants, presentation(s) made by UNECE, conference documents, training materials and reports;
(c) For a consultancy: project expenditures; hyperlinks to the consultancy ToR and main outputs (study, report, training material, presentation, etc.) produced by the consultant/s;
(d) For other outputs not included under bullet points above: hyperlink to relevant documents.  
[1] Relevant financial information – certified by the Executive Office - should be uploaded by the project manager on the Project Monitoring Tool within one month from the end of the activity.