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Cristelle Nikoh Mefeugeng, Inspector of Petroleum Products, Department of Petroleum Products and Gas, Ministry of Water and Energy of Cameroon

Subject: Comments to the Draft Specifications for Application of UNFC-2009 to Injection Projects for the Purpose of Geological Storage: from Cristelle NIKOH MEFEUGENG, Inspector of Petroleum Products, Department of Petroleum Products and Gas, Ministry of Water and Energy of Cameroon
15 August 2015
Concerning the Guidelines for the Application of UNFC to Injection Projects, special reference to the following:
- Page 15, K. 53., Aggregation of Quantities: which makes emphasis on giving a proper justification and disclosure of the methodology adopted for the aggregation of estimated quantities associated with injection projects and geological storage operations classified in different Categories on the E or F axis. 
- Page 16. T. 64, on Quantities delivered for injection and storage that may not be stored:  losses or leaks in transportation is an important aspect to consider.
Comments from Cristelle NIKOH MEFEUGENG, Inspector of Petroleum Products, Department of Petroleum Products and Gas, Ministry of Water and Energy of Cameroon, to the Draft Specifications for Application of UNFC-2009 to Injection Projects for the Purpose of Geological Storage.