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3rd meeting

"Common Tasks" Informal Group, 3rd meeting
(8-9 October 2001)


Informal Document 16: (Secrertariat of the informal group on "Common Tasks") Draft report of the third informal Group on "Common Tasks"   DOC or PDF

Informal Documents

Informal Document 15: (Secrertariat of the informal group on "Common Tasks") Report fo the second meeting of the informal group on "Common Tasks"   DOC or PDF
Informal Document 14: (Japan) Comparison between Japanese and Oica proposals for "0 Regulation"   DOC or PDF
Informal Document 13: (The Netherlands) Definition of overall length and width   DOC or PDF
Informal Document 12: (Japan) Proposal for (Draft candidate global technical regulation (gtr) concerning uniform provisions for common definitons of vehivlces categories, masses and dimensions)   DOC or PDF
Informal Document 11: (Japan) Provisional agenda   DOC or PDF
Informal Document 10: Minutes of the small meeting   DOC or PDF
Informal Document 9: Canada Comments on Vehicle Categories   DOC or PDF
Informal Document 8: Draft Proposal for a Global Technical Regulation "0" (OICA)  DOC or PDF
Informal Document 7: Summary of Tokyo Small Meeting-Favoured options   DOC or PDF
Informal Document 6: Advantages and disadvantages  DOC or PDF
Informal Document 5: OICA Comments on document CT2-6  DOC or PDF
Informal Document 4: Japan Comments on document CT2-6  DOC or PDF
Informal Document 3: Czech Republic comments on document CT2-6  DOC or PDF
Informal Document 2: Proposal for viable options and points at issues concerning categorization of vehicles  DOC or PDF
Informal Document 1: Draft Agenda of the Small Meeting  DOC or PDF