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Displaying Results 461 - 480 of 1008

Adopted on 30 September 1957 in Geneva under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the ADR entered into force on 29 January 1968. This authoritative Agreement is intended to increase the safety of international transport of dangerous goods by road. Its
… is intended to increase the safety of international transport of dangerous goods by road. Its Annexes A and B contain the technical requirements for road transport, i.e. the conditions under which dangerous goods, …
Adopted on 30 September 1957 in Geneva under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the ADR entered into force on 29 January 1968. This authoritative Agreement is intended to increase the safety of international transport of dangerous goods by road. Its
… is intended to increase the safety of international transport of dangerous goods by road. Its Annexes A and B contain the technical requirements for road transport, i.e. the conditions under which dangerous goods, …
Adopted on 30 September 1957 in Geneva under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the ADR entered into force on 29 January 1968.This authoritative Agreement is intended to increase the safety of international transport of dangerous goods by road. Its Annexes
… is intended to increase the safety of international transport of dangerous goods by road. Its Annexes A and B contain the technical requirements for road transport, i.e. the conditions under which dangerous goods, …
- Español
Existen 59 instrumentos jurídicos de las Naciones Unidas en el ámbito del transporte terrestre que son administrados por la Comisión Económica de las Naciones Unidas para Europa (CEPE). De las 59 convenciones, siete instrumentos se consideran prioritarios en seguridad vial para la adhesión:-
… jurídicos de las Naciones Unidas en el ámbito del transporte terrestre que son administrados por la Comisión …
Le Livre bleu dresse un inventaire des normes et paramètres actuels et envisagés des voies navigables et ports E en Europe, régulièrement mis à jour par la Division des transports de la CEE-ONU, et présente, sur une base internationale comparable, les paramètres d'infrastructure actuels de la
… E en Europe, régulièrement mis à jour par la Division des transports de la CEE-ONU, et présente, sur une base … - un traité des Nations Unies adoptée par le Comité des transports intérieurs de la CEE-ONU en 1996. Le Livre bleu …
ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.7Sales No. F.20.VIII.1ISBN 978-92-1-139173-2e-ISBN 978-92-1-004504-9Languages: E, FComment se procurer cette publication?Cette
… des « Recommandations des Nations Unies relatives au transport des marchandises dangereuses, Règlement type », … des tests et critères » sur le site Web de la Division des transports de la CEE. … Manuel d’épreuves et de critères …
- Français
Le Livre bleu dresse un inventaire des normes et paramètres actuels et envisagés des voies navigables et ports E en Europe, régulièrement mis à jour par la Division des transports de la CEE-ONU, et présente, sur une base internationale comparable, les paramètres d'infrastructure actuels de la
… Cette coopération porte sur les questions économiques, les statistiques, l'environnement, le transport, le commerce, l’énergie durable, le bois et … leur expérience et les meilleures pratiques. - iv - TRANSPORTS A LA CEE-ONU Le Comité des transports intérieurs …
El SGA trata de la clasificación de los productos químicos por tipos de peligro y propone los elementos de comunicación correspondientes a dichos peligros, incluidas las etiquetas y las fichas de datos de seguridad. Tiene como objetivo garantizar la disponibilidad de la información sobre los
… salud humana y del medio ambiente durante su manipulación, transporte y utilización. Además, el SGA proporciona la base … ficha de datos de seguridad a todas las mercancías que se transporten a granel, independientemente de su estado …
El SGA trata de la clasificación de los productos químicos por tipos de peligro y propone los elementos de comunicación correspondientes a dichos peligros, incluidas las etiquetas y las fichas de datos de seguridad. Tiene como objetivo garantizar la disponibilidad de la información sobre los
… salud humana y del medio ambiente durante su manipulación, transporte y utilización. Además, el SGA proporciona la base … ficha de datos de seguridad a todas las mercancías que se transporten a granel, independientemente de su estado …
The GHS addresses classification of chemicals by types of hazard and proposes harmonized hazard communication elements, including labels and safety data sheets. It aims at ensuring that information on physical hazards and toxicity from chemicals be available in order to enhance the protection of
… of human health and the environment during the handling, transport and use of these chemicals. The GHS also provides … Labelling of Chemicals, visit the GHS section of the UNECE Transport Division Website. … Globally Harmonized System of …
ST/SG/AC.10/30/Rev.4 Sales No. E.11.II.E.6 ISBN: 978-92-1-117042-9 Price: US$ 115; Languages: A, C, E, F, S, R Price: US$ 115How to order this publication?The GHS addresses classification of chemicals by types of hazard and proposes harmonized
… of human health and the environment during the handling, transport and use of these chemicals. The GHS also provides … Labelling of Chemicals, visit the GHS section of the UNECE Transport Division Website. … Globally Harmonized System of …
Le SGH décrit la classification des produits chimiques par types de danger et propose des éléments de communication correspondant à ces dangers, y compris des étiquettes et des fiches de données de sécurité. Le SGH vise aussi à garantir que l’information sur les dangers physiques et la toxicité
… et de l’environnement au cours de la manipulation, du transport et de l’utilisation de ces produits. Le SGH … les cargaisons en vrac, quel que soit leur état physique, transportées conformément aux instruments de l'Organisation …
Le SGH décrit la classification des produits chimiques par types de danger et propose des éléments de communication correspondant à ces dangers, y compris des étiquettes et des fiches de données de sécurité. Le SGH vise aussi à garantir que l’information sur les dangers physiques et la toxicité
… et de l’environnement au cours de la manipulation, du transport et de l’utilisation de ces produits. Le SGH … les cargaisons en vrac, quel que soit leur état physique, transportées conformément aux instruments de l'Organisation …
- English
The GHS addresses classification of chemicals by types of hazard and proposes harmonized hazard communication elements, including labels and safety data sheets. It aims at ensuring that information on physical hazards and toxicity from chemicals be available in order to enhance the protection of
… of human health and the environment during the handling, transport and use of these chemicals. The GHS also provides … Labelling of Chemicals, visit the GHS section of the UNECE Transport Division Website. … Globally Harmonized System of …
The GHS addresses classification of chemicals by types of hazard and proposes harmonized hazard communication elements, including labels and safety data sheets. It aims at ensuring that information on physical hazards and toxicity from chemicals be available in order to enhance the protection of
… of human health and the environment during the handling, transport and use of these chemicals. The GHS also provides … Labelling of Chemicals, visit the GHS section of the UNECE Transport Division Website. … Globally Harmonized System of …
The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN) done at Geneva on 26 May 2000 under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine (CCNR) has been in force
… with the dangerous goods agreements for other modes of transport. The Agreement has been regularly amended and … on this agreement, visit the  ADN  section of the UNECE Transport Division Website. … Европейское соглашение о …
The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN) done at Geneva on 26 May 2000 under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine (CCNR) has been in force
… with the dangerous goods agreements for other modes of transport. The Agreement has been regularly amended and … on this agreement, visit the  ADN  section of the UNECE Transport Division Website. … Европейское соглашение о …
The GHS addresses classification of chemicals by types of hazard and proposes harmonized hazard communication elements, including labels and safety data sheets. It aims at ensuring that information on physical hazards and toxicity from chemicals be available in order to enhance the protection of
… of human health and the environment during the handling, transport and use of these chemicals. The GHS also provides … Labelling of Chemicals, visit the GHS section of the UNECE Transport Division Website. … Globally Harmonized System of …
ST/SG/AC.10/30/Rev.4 Sales No. E.11.II.E.6 ISBN: 978-92-1-117042-9 Price: US$ 115; Languages: A, C, E, F, S, R Price: US$ 115How to order this publication?The GHS addresses classification of chemicals by types of hazard and proposes harmonized
… of human health and the environment during the handling, transport and use of these chemicals. The GHS also provides … Labelling of Chemicals, visit the GHS section of the UNECE Transport Division Website. … Globally Harmonized System of …
… of Guidelines for Socio-Economic Cost Benefit Analysis of Transport Infrastructure Project Appraisal …