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Displaying Results 26 - 50 of 71

Experts from Hungary, Ukraine, Serbia, Romania, Slovakia, Croatia, Czechia and Austria joined UNECE in Hungary to take part this week in a practical exercise in the operational area of the Danube Oil Refinery related to industrial accident and water pollution management. This one day exercise
National Single Windows (NSW) simplify import and export transactions by making it easier to input all regulatory and commercial information at a single electronic point. Ensuring the compatibility (or “interoperability”) of this information between countries can drive international trade.
Experts from UNECE member States and the secretariat will be visiting Bulgaria from 11 to 21 April 2016 for a field mission in the framework of the third environmental performance review (EPR) of the country. The team will meet governmental officials and representatives of international
UNECE and the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21), in close cooperation with the International Energy Agency (IEA), have joined forces to develop the UNECE Renewable Energy Status Report, which aims at closing the data and information gap as well as tracking future
Thanks to UNECE and its Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Programme, the global “data revolution” needed to ensure sustainable development and monitor progress in achieving the future sustainable development goals (SDGs) is well under way in the countries of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe
The Western Balkans and Moldova are moving to modernize their trade and Customs procedures and roll out standardized trade data sharing and Single Window for export and import clearance. Building on years of capacity-building and technical cooperation efforts by UNECE, the World Bank, the CEFTA
Decades of unsustainable consumption and production patterns have resulted in the exhaustion of finite resources and environmental degradation. As governments reassess scenarios, the circular economy model - where resources are reused, recycled, and repurposed to reduce waste - has become a pillar
The heads of national statistical offices participating in the Conference of European Statisticians have (CES) welcomed UNECE’s new Guidance for measuring the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on women and men. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt many aspects of daily life. The
Experts from UNECE member States and the secretariat will be visiting Bosnia and Herzegovina from 27 March to 6 April 2017 for a field mission in the framework of the third environmental performance review (EPR) of the country. The team will meet governmental officials and representatives of
Experts from UNECE member States and the secretariat are visiting Belarus from 17 to 25 March for a field mission in the framework of the third environmental performance review (EPR) of the country. Following today’s plenary meeting, the team will meet governmental officials and representatives
UNECE has been actively engaged in the preparations of the World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (Sendai, 14-18 March). At the conference, UNECE Executive Secretary Christian Friis Bach will showcase at various sessions how UNECE work helps member States reduce disasters risks, build
Accidental water pollution, which can be sudden and heavy as a result of industrial accidents, endangers people and the environment where chemical activities take place near a river, lake or water body. Accidental water pollution events can be triggered by natural hazards, such as floods, lightning
Improving energy efficiency in buildings is one of the most cost-effective ways to ensure energy security, improve the quality of life and economic well-being, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The building sector presents a unique opportunity to improve energy efficiency substantially – both
How can we deliver better results on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? In a joint quest for answers, UNECE member States and key stakeholders will gather in Geneva on 21-22 March 2019 for the Regional Forum on Sustainable Development for the UNECE Region.Closely aligned with the issues
A recent UNECE study on mapping of energy efficiency standards in buildings has shown that there is still much room for improvement in the setting and application of such standards in the countries of the UNECE region. In many countries there are challenges both with strictness and with
Gender statistics “must be open, accessible, comparable, free and understandable”.  This call to action from Milana Rakanović, head of UN Women Serbia, could have been referring to any area of statistics, so crucial is this message to the entire community of official statisticians in today’
The Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention), adopted in Helsinki on 17 March 1992, entered into force 20 years ago, on 6 October 1996. Over the past two decades, the Water Convention, which is serviced by UNECE, has become a
Experts from UNECE member States and the secretariat will be visiting Tajikistan from 9 to 18 November for a field mission in the framework of the third environmental performance review (EPR) of the country. The team will meet governmental officials and representatives of international
Integrated management of water, energy and land resources, while protecting ecosystems, remains a substantial challenge in the Western Balkans. The Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus approach offers solutions that can reconcile potentially conflicting interests as they compete for the same
Energy and water resources are integrally related and strongly interdependent. Facilitating their integrated management and monitoring can therefore offer an important foundation for sustainable development. The United Nations Framework Classification of Resources (UNFC), developed at UNECE, can
In June 2022, the World Trade Organization (WTO) Members agreed on the Ministerial Outcome Document, which marked for the first time the recognition of the importance of the multilateral trading system in addressing the triple global environmental crises of climate change and related natural
Major industrial accidents can have far-reaching, transboundary and long-term impacts on populations and the environment. Without adequate coordination between land-use planning and industrial safety communities to ensure, for example, appropriate land use zoning and safety distances, the
The development plans in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia, the countries that share the Drina Basin, need to be assessed for their impact on the ecosystems but also across sectors, in particular energy, agriculture and water management. These plans include some 20 new hydropower
The Committee on Environmental Policy (CEP) worked hard this year to advance environmental governance in the region. Its twentieth session, held in Geneva from 28 to 31 October 2014, brought together delegates from 40 Governments, the United Nations system, the European Union, intergovernmental
Addressing the triple planetary crisis of climate disruption, pollution and nature loss, requires an innovative approach to financing as a way to rapidly and systemically address these interlinked issues. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) offers a financing mechanisms for infrastructure projects