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Entry into force of amendments to the TIR Convention New lay-out of the TIR Carnet

12 April 2006
In Depositary Notification C.N.1350.2005-TREATIES-6 of 5 January 2006, the Secretary-General of the United Nations has informed Contracting Parties of the entry into force on 1 April 2006 of amendments to Annexes 1 and 9 of the TIR Convention (see News of 16 January 2006).
The amendments introduce the mentioning of the Identification number of the authorized TIR Carnet holder (ID) in:

- Box 3 of Page 1 of the cover of the TIR Carnet
- Box 4 of Vouchers No. 1 and Vouchers No. 2
- Box 5 of the Certified Report
TIR Carnet holders are reminded that the requirement to indicate the ID number in the relevant boxes has, thus, become mandatory as of 1 April 2006.
At its 38th session (Geneva, 3-4 February 2005), the Administrative Committee considered that these amendments would require a change in the lay-out of the TIR Carnet and that it, therefore, would be necessary to introduce a new version of the TIR Carnet.
The IRU has informed the secretariat that the new lay-out will be applied to TIR Carnets with numbers above MX51,000,000.
At the same time, the IRU has informed the secretariat that a barcode will be a added to the yellow voucher No.1/No. 2 (not for Customs use) and to the Certified Report.
With a view to avoiding the return and destruction of already printed and distributed TIR Carnets, the Administrative Committee decided that during a transition period until 1 October 2007, both TIR Carnet versions with and without the modifications should be accepted by Customs authorities.