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THE PEP Conference Vienna 2023 - programme

THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference Programme

Languages and translations

THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference 2023 Vienna 1

THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference Programme

“Boosting active mobility and mobility management for climate friendly, healthy and energy saving mobility in Europe” – a contribution to THE PEP relay race workshop series

25-27 April 2023 Vienna

Conference location: Austrian Economic Chamber (WKO) – Julius Raab Hall, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, Vienna

Conference languages: English and German (with simultaneous interpretation)

Moderation: Eva Pölzl




THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference 2023 Vienna 2

25 April

12.00 am Check-In for registered participants

1.00 - 3.00 pm Session I: Welcome and Opening

1.00 pm Opening Panel – Strategic Dialogue • Leonore Gewessler, Austrian Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy,

Mobility, Innovation and Technology

• Johannes Rauch, Austrian Federal Minister for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer


• Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President European Commission (tbc)

• Olga Algayerova, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for

Europe UNECE

• Francesca Racioppi, Head of Office at World Health Organisation WHO European Centre for

Environment and Health

• Karlheinz Kopf, Secretary General of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber

• Manuel Marsilio, General Manager Confederation of the European Bicycle Industry CONEBI

2.10 pm Keynote on Healthy Streets for liveable cities

• Lucy Saunders, London

2.30 pm Award ceremony for klimaaktiv mobil partners (businesses and communities)

3.00 pm Coffee break

3.30-4.00 pm THE PEP Partnerships, Pan European Masterplan for Cycling and Walking and the klimaaktiv mobil programme – role models for Europe

• Robert Thaler, Member of THE PEP Bureau and Head of Department, Austrian Federal

Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology

4.00-6.00 pm Session II: Active Mobility – a key for healthy and climate friendly mobility • Moderation: Nicholas Bonvoisin, Chief of Section, Environment Division, United Nations

Economic Commission for Europe UNECE

• Rapporteur: Andreas Friedwagner, Verracon

4.00 pm Walking and Cycling – Latest evidence to support policy making and practice

• Francesca Racioppi and Nino Sharashidze, European Centre for Environment and Health,

World Health Organisation WHO

THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference 2023 Vienna 3

4.15 pm Panel on Promotion of Walking on national and European level • The Walking Dutchman: Filip van As, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management of

The Netherlands

• Austrian Masterplan Walking – National funding offensive for walking infrastructure:

Robert Thaler, Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility,

Innovation and Technology, and Alessandra Angelini, Environment Agency Austria

• Local Masterplans for Walking – Let´s walk Vienna: Petra Jens, Walking Coordinator,

Mobility Agency Vienna

• Paths for Scotland – Walking for good health: Rona Gibb, Manager at Paths for All, Scotland

• Portugal walks: Sofia Pires Bento, Instituto da mobilidade e dos transportes, Portugal (tbc)

5.00 pm Panel on Promotion of Cycling on national and European level • Translating international action to the nation level and vice versa – the Austrian showcase:

Martin Eder, Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility,

Innovation and Technology

• The French showcase: Thierry du Crest, Ministry of Transport, France (tbc)

• Private Public Partnership for bicycle promotion in Austria: Michael Nendwich,

Austrian Federal Economic Chamber

• On the way towards a trans-European cycling network: Gregor Steklačič,

Ministry of Environment, Climate and Energy, Slovenia (tbc)

• More people cycling in the Danube region – The Danube Cycle Plans project: Jitka Vrtalová,

Partnership for Urban Mobility Czech Republic

• The ECF perspective Pushing Cycling in Europe: Jill Warren, CEO of the

European Cyclists‘ Federation ECF

6.00 pm End of day 1

8.00 pm Evening Reception

THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference 2023 Vienna 4

26 April

8.30 am Coffee and snacks

9.15-11.15 am Session III: Mobility Management with a focus on companies, cities, tourism • Moderation: Iris Ehrnleitner, Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment,

Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology

• Rapporteur: Reinhard Jellinek, Austrian Energy Agency, klimaaktiv mobil management

9.15 am Mobility Management in the national and European Context • Melanie Schade, German Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning, Vice President of

the European Platform on Mobility Management EPOMM

9.30 am Panel on Mobility Management in companies and cities • Success stories of the klimaaktiv mobil programme Mobility Management for businesses,

property developers and fleet operators: Markus Schuster, Herry Consult

• Show case Mobility Management in Austrian companies: N.N. (tba)

• Mobility Management – the French experience: Joris Marrel, Project director for

the decrease of mobility demand at CEREMA

• Mobility Management for companies and schools in the Brussels region. Noemi Halen,

Service public régional de Bruxelles

• Challenges and pathways for sustainable urban mobility: Michael Glotz-Richter,

Free Hanseatic City of Bremen

• Competence center and lighthouse project Mobility Management: Christina Röll,

Hamburger Verkehrsverbund HVV

10.30 am Panel on Mobility Management for sustainable tourism • THE PEP Partnership on Sustainable Tourism Mobility: Monika Klinger,

Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy

• Show case from Slovenia: Stasa Kraljic, Ministry of Environment, Climate and Energy,

Slovenia (tbc)

• Alpine Pearls – destinations for sustainable tourism mobility: Peter Brandauer,

Mayor of Werfenweng, Salzburg

• New initiatives to make rail travelling great again: N.N., Austrian Federal Railways (tba)

• Success stories of the klimaaktiv mobil programme Mobility Management for tourism and

the leisure industry: Romain Molitor, komobile

11.15 am Coffee break

THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference 2023 Vienna 5

11.45 am-1.15 pm Session IV: Why we need to start with children and young people to achieve the mobility transition

• Moderation: Francesco Dionori, Chief Transport Networks and Logistics Section, United

Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE

• Rapporteur: Graphic Recording

11.45 am Welcome and introduction • Petra Völkl and Alexandra Dörfler, Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment,

Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, and Andreas Maier, Austrian Federal Ministry

for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection

11.55 am “Cyclepath to 2025” – THE PEP Partnership on child- and youth-friendly mobility • Kathrin Chiu, Austrian Energy Agency, klimaaktiv mobil

12.15 pm THE PEP Youth Position Paper – Impetus for change • Verena Matlschweiger, Co-Editor of the Youth Position Paper

12.30 pm Designing Streets for Kids • Skye Duncan, Executive Director Global Designing Cities Initiative, New Zealand

12.45 pm Panel Discussion: How to foster active child- and youth-friendly mobility (and why that´s good for all)

• N.N., National Austrian Youth Council (tba)

• Verena Matlschweiger, Co-Editor of the Youth Position Paper

• Carina Schönsleben-Seyringer, Transport Association VVT (Tyrol)

• Michael Schwifcz, City of Salzburg

1.15 pm Lunch

2.15-3.30 pm Session V: Eco-driving and driving education • Moderation: Robin Krutak, Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy,

Mobility, Innovation and Technology

• Rapporteur: Thomas Bogner, Austrian Energy Agency, klimaaktiv mobil EcoDriving Austria

2.15 pm Welcome and introduction

• Alexander Klacska, Chairman Transport and Traffic Division, Austrian Federal Economic


2.20 pm The new driving licence directive – important aspects in the context of EcoDriving and E-Mobility

• Claire Depré, Head of Unit Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport,

European Commission (tbc)

THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference 2023 Vienna 6

2.35 pm klimaaktiv mobil driving schools & driving instructors for electric mobility • Stefan Ebner, Director Professional Association for Driving Schools and General Traffic,

Austrian Federal Economic Chamber

2.45 pm Experiences in Germany with Code 78 „automatic regulation“ in driving licences • Jürgen Kopp, Federal Union of Driving Instructor Groups, Germany

2.55 pm Smart Driving in Switzerland • Reiner Langendorf, Quality Alliance Eco-Drive Switzerland

3.05 pm EcoDriving commercial vehicles in practice – successfully implemented in a logistics company

• Johannes Hödlmayer jun., Hödlmayr International

3.15 pm Discussion and conclusion of session

3.30 pm Conclusions of the Conference

3.45 pm Excursion • Aspern Seestadt, one of Europe‘s largest urban development projects

in the north-east of Vienna

6.00 pm Reception at Aspern Seestadt


Aspern Seestadt is one of Europe‘s largest urban development projects. Here in Vienna‘s fast-growing 22nd district

in the north-east of the city, a new urban centre is taking shape – a smart city, designed to accommodate the

whole spectrum of life. A multi-phase development through to the next decade will see the creation of high- quality

housing for over 25,000 people and, eventually, thousands of workplaces. Built on a foundation of innovative

concepts and forward-looking ideas, this city-within-a-city combines high quality of life with economic drive and

offers something for everyone.

Date and time: 26 April, 4.15-8.00 pm

Meeting point: Entrance (Registration Point) Austrian Economic Chamber

Address: Seestadt Aspern, 1220 Vienna

Programme 3.30 pm Joint trip with Public Transport

4.15 pm Guided tour at Seestadt Aspern

6.00 pm Reception @ Technology Centre Seestadt

THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference 2023 Vienna 7

Back to back THE PEP Partnerships and Working Group Meetings

Restricted participation for registered members only Meeting language: English

Meeting of THE PEP Partnership on Sustainable Tourism Mobility External venue: Austrian Energy Agency, Mariahilfer Straße 136, Vienna

24 April, 2.00-6.00 pm, including coffee breaks

25 April, 9.30-11.30 am, including coffee breaks and light lunch

Meeting of the EU Expert Group Urban Mobility, Sub Group Active Mobility and the Safety of Vulnerable Road Users Conference Venue: Austrian Economic Chamber, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, Vienna (Hybrid Meeting)

24 April, 2.00-5.00 pm, including coffee breaks

25 April, 9.30-11.30 am, including coffee breaks and light lunch

Meeting of the THE PEP Strategy Working Group Conference Venue: Austrian Economic Chamber, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, Vienna (Hybrid Meeting)

27 April, 10.00 am-4.00 pm

11.00 am Coffee break

1.00-2.00 pm Light lunch

Meetings of THE PEP Partnership on Active Mobility and THE PEP Partnership on Child- and Youth-friendly Mobility Conference Venue: Austrian Economic Chamber, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, Vienna

27 April 7.15 am Safe travel to school – a school street in practice.

Field Excursion starting at Austrian Economic Chamber

8.30 am Coffee and snacks at Austrian Economic Chamber

8.50 am-4.00 pm Meeting of THE PEP Partnership on Active Mobility

Meeting of THE PEP Partnership on Child- and Youth-friendly Mobility

11.00 am Coffee break

1.00-2.00 pm Light lunch

  • THE PEP Partnership
    • 25 April
    • 26 April
    • Excursion
    • Back to back THE PEP Partnerships and Working Group Meetings

THE PEP Conference Vienna 2023 - programme

THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference Programme

Languages and translations

THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference 2023 Vienna 1

THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference Programme

“Boosting active mobility and mobility management for climate friendly, healthy and energy saving mobility in Europe” – a contribution to THE PEP relay race workshop series

25-27 April 2023 Vienna

Conference location: Austrian Economic Chamber (WKO) – Julius Raab Hall, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, Vienna

Conference languages: English and German (with simultaneous interpretation)

Moderation: Eva Pölzl




THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference 2023 Vienna 2

25 April

12.00 am Check-In for registered participants

1.00 - 3.00 pm Session I: Welcome and Opening

1.00 pm Opening Panel – Strategic Dialogue • Leonore Gewessler, Austrian Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy,

Mobility, Innovation and Technology

• Johannes Rauch, Austrian Federal Minister for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer


• Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President European Commission (tbc)

• Olga Algayerova, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for

Europe UNECE

• Francesca Racioppi, Head of Office at World Health Organisation WHO European Centre for

Environment and Health

• Karlheinz Kopf, Secretary General of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber

• Manuel Marsilio, General Manager Confederation of the European Bicycle Industry CONEBI

2.10 pm Keynote on Healthy Streets for liveable cities

• Lucy Saunders, London

2.30 pm Award ceremony for klimaaktiv mobil partners (businesses and communities)

3.00 pm Coffee break

3.30-4.00 pm THE PEP Partnerships, Pan European Masterplan for Cycling and Walking and the klimaaktiv mobil programme – role models for Europe

• Robert Thaler, Member of THE PEP Bureau and Head of Department, Austrian Federal

Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology

4.00-6.00 pm Session II: Active Mobility – a key for healthy and climate friendly mobility • Moderation: Nicholas Bonvoisin, Chief of Section, Environment Division, United Nations

Economic Commission for Europe UNECE

• Rapporteur: Andreas Friedwagner, Verracon

4.00 pm Walking and Cycling – Latest evidence to support policy making and practice

• Francesca Racioppi and Nino Sharashidze, European Centre for Environment and Health,

World Health Organisation WHO

THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference 2023 Vienna 3

4.15 pm Panel on Promotion of Walking on national and European level • The Walking Dutchman: Filip van As, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management of

The Netherlands

• Austrian Masterplan Walking – National funding offensive for walking infrastructure:

Robert Thaler, Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility,

Innovation and Technology, and Alessandra Angelini, Environment Agency Austria

• Local Masterplans for Walking – Let´s walk Vienna: Petra Jens, Walking Coordinator,

Mobility Agency Vienna

• Paths for Scotland – Walking for good health: Rona Gibb, Manager at Paths for All, Scotland

• Portugal walks: Sofia Pires Bento, Instituto da mobilidade e dos transportes, Portugal (tbc)

5.00 pm Panel on Promotion of Cycling on national and European level • Translating international action to the nation level and vice versa – the Austrian showcase:

Martin Eder, Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility,

Innovation and Technology

• The French showcase: Thierry du Crest, Ministry of Transport, France (tbc)

• Private Public Partnership for bicycle promotion in Austria: Michael Nendwich,

Austrian Federal Economic Chamber

• On the way towards a trans-European cycling network: Gregor Steklačič,

Ministry of Environment, Climate and Energy, Slovenia (tbc)

• More people cycling in the Danube region – The Danube Cycle Plans project: Jitka Vrtalová,

Partnership for Urban Mobility Czech Republic

• The ECF perspective Pushing Cycling in Europe: Jill Warren, CEO of the

European Cyclists‘ Federation ECF

6.00 pm End of day 1

8.00 pm Evening Reception

THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference 2023 Vienna 4

26 April

8.30 am Coffee and snacks

9.15-11.15 am Session III: Mobility Management with a focus on companies, cities, tourism • Moderation: Iris Ehrnleitner, Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment,

Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology

• Rapporteur: Reinhard Jellinek, Austrian Energy Agency, klimaaktiv mobil management

9.15 am Mobility Management in the national and European Context • Melanie Schade, German Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning, Vice President of

the European Platform on Mobility Management EPOMM

9.30 am Panel on Mobility Management in companies and cities • Success stories of the klimaaktiv mobil programme Mobility Management for businesses,

property developers and fleet operators: Markus Schuster, Herry Consult

• Show case Mobility Management in Austrian companies: N.N. (tba)

• Mobility Management – the French experience: Joris Marrel, Project director for

the decrease of mobility demand at CEREMA

• Mobility Management for companies and schools in the Brussels region. Noemi Halen,

Service public régional de Bruxelles

• Challenges and pathways for sustainable urban mobility: Michael Glotz-Richter,

Free Hanseatic City of Bremen

• Competence center and lighthouse project Mobility Management: Christina Röll,

Hamburger Verkehrsverbund HVV

10.30 am Panel on Mobility Management for sustainable tourism • THE PEP Partnership on Sustainable Tourism Mobility: Monika Klinger,

Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy

• Show case from Slovenia: Stasa Kraljic, Ministry of Environment, Climate and Energy,

Slovenia (tbc)

• Alpine Pearls – destinations for sustainable tourism mobility: Peter Brandauer,

Mayor of Werfenweng, Salzburg

• New initiatives to make rail travelling great again: N.N., Austrian Federal Railways (tba)

• Success stories of the klimaaktiv mobil programme Mobility Management for tourism and

the leisure industry: Romain Molitor, komobile

11.15 am Coffee break

THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference 2023 Vienna 5

11.45 am-1.15 pm Session IV: Why we need to start with children and young people to achieve the mobility transition

• Moderation: Francesco Dionori, Chief Transport Networks and Logistics Section, United

Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE

• Rapporteur: Graphic Recording

11.45 am Welcome and introduction • Petra Völkl and Alexandra Dörfler, Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment,

Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, and Andreas Maier, Austrian Federal Ministry

for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection

11.55 am “Cyclepath to 2025” – THE PEP Partnership on child- and youth-friendly mobility • Kathrin Chiu, Austrian Energy Agency, klimaaktiv mobil

12.15 pm THE PEP Youth Position Paper – Impetus for change • Verena Matlschweiger, Co-Editor of the Youth Position Paper

12.30 pm Designing Streets for Kids • Skye Duncan, Executive Director Global Designing Cities Initiative, New Zealand

12.45 pm Panel Discussion: How to foster active child- and youth-friendly mobility (and why that´s good for all)

• N.N., National Austrian Youth Council (tba)

• Verena Matlschweiger, Co-Editor of the Youth Position Paper

• Carina Schönsleben-Seyringer, Transport Association VVT (Tyrol)

• Michael Schwifcz, City of Salzburg

1.15 pm Lunch

2.15-3.30 pm Session V: Eco-driving and driving education • Moderation: Robin Krutak, Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy,

Mobility, Innovation and Technology

• Rapporteur: Thomas Bogner, Austrian Energy Agency, klimaaktiv mobil EcoDriving Austria

2.15 pm Welcome and introduction

• Alexander Klacska, Chairman Transport and Traffic Division, Austrian Federal Economic


2.20 pm The new driving licence directive – important aspects in the context of EcoDriving and E-Mobility

• Claire Depré, Head of Unit Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport,

European Commission (tbc)

THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference 2023 Vienna 6

2.35 pm klimaaktiv mobil driving schools & driving instructors for electric mobility • Stefan Ebner, Director Professional Association for Driving Schools and General Traffic,

Austrian Federal Economic Chamber

2.45 pm Experiences in Germany with Code 78 „automatic regulation“ in driving licences • Jürgen Kopp, Federal Union of Driving Instructor Groups, Germany

2.55 pm Smart Driving in Switzerland • Reiner Langendorf, Quality Alliance Eco-Drive Switzerland

3.05 pm EcoDriving commercial vehicles in practice – successfully implemented in a logistics company

• Johannes Hödlmayer jun., Hödlmayr International

3.15 pm Discussion and conclusion of session

3.30 pm Conclusions of the Conference

3.45 pm Excursion • Aspern Seestadt, one of Europe‘s largest urban development projects

in the north-east of Vienna

6.00 pm Reception at Aspern Seestadt


Aspern Seestadt is one of Europe‘s largest urban development projects. Here in Vienna‘s fast-growing 22nd district

in the north-east of the city, a new urban centre is taking shape – a smart city, designed to accommodate the

whole spectrum of life. A multi-phase development through to the next decade will see the creation of high- quality

housing for over 25,000 people and, eventually, thousands of workplaces. Built on a foundation of innovative

concepts and forward-looking ideas, this city-within-a-city combines high quality of life with economic drive and

offers something for everyone.

Date and time: 26 April, 4.15-8.00 pm

Meeting point: Entrance (Registration Point) Austrian Economic Chamber

Address: Seestadt Aspern, 1220 Vienna

Programme 3.30 pm Joint trip with Public Transport

4.15 pm Guided tour at Seestadt Aspern

6.00 pm Reception @ Technology Centre Seestadt

THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference 2023 Vienna 7

Back to back THE PEP Partnerships and Working Group Meetings

Restricted participation for registered members only Meeting language: English

Meeting of THE PEP Partnership on Sustainable Tourism Mobility External venue: Austrian Energy Agency, Mariahilfer Straße 136, Vienna

24 April, 2.00-6.00 pm, including coffee breaks

25 April, 9.30-11.30 am, including coffee breaks and light lunch

Meeting of the EU Expert Group Urban Mobility, Sub Group Active Mobility and the Safety of Vulnerable Road Users Conference Venue: Austrian Economic Chamber, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, Vienna (Hybrid Meeting)

24 April, 2.00-5.00 pm, including coffee breaks

25 April, 9.30-11.30 am, including coffee breaks and light lunch

Meeting of the THE PEP Strategy Working Group Conference Venue: Austrian Economic Chamber, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, Vienna (Hybrid Meeting)

27 April, 10.00 am-4.00 pm

11.00 am Coffee break

1.00-2.00 pm Light lunch

Meetings of THE PEP Partnership on Active Mobility and THE PEP Partnership on Child- and Youth-friendly Mobility Conference Venue: Austrian Economic Chamber, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, Vienna

27 April 7.15 am Safe travel to school – a school street in practice.

Field Excursion starting at Austrian Economic Chamber

8.30 am Coffee and snacks at Austrian Economic Chamber

8.50 am-4.00 pm Meeting of THE PEP Partnership on Active Mobility

Meeting of THE PEP Partnership on Child- and Youth-friendly Mobility

11.00 am Coffee break

1.00-2.00 pm Light lunch

  • THE PEP Partnership
    • 25 April
    • 26 April
    • Excursion
    • Back to back THE PEP Partnerships and Working Group Meetings

THE PEP Conference Vienna 2023 - information

THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference

Information note

Languages and translations

THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference 25-27 April 2023 Austrian Economic Chamber (WKO) – Julius Raab Hall Wiedner Hauptstrasse 63, 1040 Vienna




THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference: “Boosting active mobility and mobility management for climate friendly, healthy and energy saving mobility in Europe” – a contribution to THE PEP relay race workshop series

Please look at the programme of the conference for detailed information.

Conference languages: English and German (with simultaneous interpretation)

How can we develop active, health-promoting mobility and climate-friendly mobility

management? What can cities and municipalities, businesses, the tourism sector

and educational institutions do to make their own mobility climate-friendly and

health- promoting? Which supporting initiatives for active, climate-friendly mobility

management on a national and EU level are necessary and need to be expanded?

Which contributions can the Transport, Health and Environment Pan European

Programme (THE PEP) make?

These important questions concerning the mobility transition will be discussed at

the THE PEP Partnership & klimaaktiv mobil conference from 25-27 April 2023 in

Vienna. Another focus of the conference will be the exchange of experiences and best

practice examples from Austria and Europe. The new extended funding options of the

klimaaktiv mobil programme for active mobility and mobility management for Austria‘s

cities and municipalities, businesses and tourism as well as educational institutions

will be presented.

The conference will be opened by Leonore Gewessler, Austrian Federal Minister

for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology and

Johannes Rauch, Austrian Federal Minister for Social Affairs, Health, Care and

Consumer Protection, in a strategy dialogue with Frans Timmermans, Executive

Vice-President European Commission (tbc), Olga Algayerova, Executive Secretary of

the UNECE, Francesca Racioppi, WHO European Centre for Environment and Health,

Karlheinz Kopf, Secretary General of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber and

Manuel Marsilio, General Manager Confederation of the European Bicycle Industry.

Important Note for THE PEP Focal Points and Members of THE PEP Partnerships

The meetings of THE PEP Partnership on active mobility, THE PEP Partnership on

child- and youth-friendly mobility and of the Ad-hoc Working Group on THE PEP

Strategy will take place on 27 April 2023 in parallel sessions at the conference venue.

Furthermore, THE PEP Partnership on sustainable tourism mobility will meet ahead of

the conference on 24 and 25 April 2023.

Additionally, a Meeting of the EU Expert Group Urban Mobility, Sub Group Active

Mobility and Vulnerable Road Users will take place on 24 and 25 April 2023.


Please register by 19 April 2023 at the latest: Link to registration

The number of participants is limited, first come first serve.

Privacy Policy

The personal data you provide will be processed for the purpose of registration and

implementation of the event (Legal basis in Austria: fulfilment of a contract pursuant

to Art. 6 para. 1 lit b DSGVO). Information on data protection can be found in our

privacy policy statement:

Image rights release

During the event, film and sound recordings as well as photos will be taken and used

for public relations or news coveragepurposes free of charge.

Green Event

We aim to organise the event in accordance with the criteria of the Austrian Ecolabel

for Green Meetings/Green Events. Travelling to the event by public transport or

bicycle is therefore very important to us.

Travel information

Please use public transport for your journey if possible!

Arrival at Austrian Economic Chamber, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, main entrance


• From Vienna main station take the bus line 13A for six stops in the direction of

Skodagasse to Johann-Strauß-Gasse or

• From Vienna main station take the subway line U1 one stop in the direction

of Leopoldau to Taubstummengasse, then walk 5 minutes on foot through


• Alternatively: approx. 15 min. walk from Vienna main station via Schönburgstraße

(approx. 1 km)

• From Vienna city center take the trams 1 or 62 or the local train to Baden to


• Bicycle parking facilities are located diagonally opposite the main entrance

To plan your journey, we recommend the following websites:,

For further questions please contact

brainbows GmbH, event organisation

[email protected]

+43 1 796 54 44

  • THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference
  • THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference: “Boosting active mobility and mobility management for climate friendly, healthy and energy saving mobility in Europe” – a contribution to THE PEP relay race workshop series

THE PEP Conference Vienna 2023 - information

THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference

Information note

Languages and translations

THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference 25-27 April 2023 Austrian Economic Chamber (WKO) – Julius Raab Hall Wiedner Hauptstrasse 63, 1040 Vienna




THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference: “Boosting active mobility and mobility management for climate friendly, healthy and energy saving mobility in Europe” – a contribution to THE PEP relay race workshop series

Please look at the programme of the conference for detailed information.

Conference languages: English and German (with simultaneous interpretation)

How can we develop active, health-promoting mobility and climate-friendly mobility

management? What can cities and municipalities, businesses, the tourism sector

and educational institutions do to make their own mobility climate-friendly and

health- promoting? Which supporting initiatives for active, climate-friendly mobility

management on a national and EU level are necessary and need to be expanded?

Which contributions can the Transport, Health and Environment Pan European

Programme (THE PEP) make?

These important questions concerning the mobility transition will be discussed at

the THE PEP Partnership & klimaaktiv mobil conference from 25-27 April 2023 in

Vienna. Another focus of the conference will be the exchange of experiences and best

practice examples from Austria and Europe. The new extended funding options of the

klimaaktiv mobil programme for active mobility and mobility management for Austria‘s

cities and municipalities, businesses and tourism as well as educational institutions

will be presented.

The conference will be opened by Leonore Gewessler, Austrian Federal Minister

for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology and

Johannes Rauch, Austrian Federal Minister for Social Affairs, Health, Care and

Consumer Protection, in a strategy dialogue with Frans Timmermans, Executive

Vice-President European Commission (tbc), Olga Algayerova, Executive Secretary of

the UNECE, Francesca Racioppi, WHO European Centre for Environment and Health,

Karlheinz Kopf, Secretary General of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber and

Manuel Marsilio, General Manager Confederation of the European Bicycle Industry.

Important Note for THE PEP Focal Points and Members of THE PEP Partnerships

The meetings of THE PEP Partnership on active mobility, THE PEP Partnership on

child- and youth-friendly mobility and of the Ad-hoc Working Group on THE PEP

Strategy will take place on 27 April 2023 in parallel sessions at the conference venue.

Furthermore, THE PEP Partnership on sustainable tourism mobility will meet ahead of

the conference on 24 and 25 April 2023.

Additionally, a Meeting of the EU Expert Group Urban Mobility, Sub Group Active

Mobility and Vulnerable Road Users will take place on 24 and 25 April 2023.


Please register by 19 April 2023 at the latest: Link to registration

The number of participants is limited, first come first serve.

Privacy Policy

The personal data you provide will be processed for the purpose of registration and

implementation of the event (Legal basis in Austria: fulfilment of a contract pursuant

to Art. 6 para. 1 lit b DSGVO). Information on data protection can be found in our

privacy policy statement:

Image rights release

During the event, film and sound recordings as well as photos will be taken and used

for public relations or news coveragepurposes free of charge.

Green Event

We aim to organise the event in accordance with the criteria of the Austrian Ecolabel

for Green Meetings/Green Events. Travelling to the event by public transport or

bicycle is therefore very important to us.

Travel information

Please use public transport for your journey if possible!

Arrival at Austrian Economic Chamber, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, main entrance


• From Vienna main station take the bus line 13A for six stops in the direction of

Skodagasse to Johann-Strauß-Gasse or

• From Vienna main station take the subway line U1 one stop in the direction

of Leopoldau to Taubstummengasse, then walk 5 minutes on foot through


• Alternatively: approx. 15 min. walk from Vienna main station via Schönburgstraße

(approx. 1 km)

• From Vienna city center take the trams 1 or 62 or the local train to Baden to


• Bicycle parking facilities are located diagonally opposite the main entrance

To plan your journey, we recommend the following websites:,

For further questions please contact

brainbows GmbH, event organisation

[email protected]

+43 1 796 54 44

  • THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference
  • THE PEP Partnership and klimaaktiv mobil Conference: “Boosting active mobility and mobility management for climate friendly, healthy and energy saving mobility in Europe” – a contribution to THE PEP relay race workshop series

Invitation and preliminary agenda


Languages and translations

Dear Madam or Sir, Following up the adoption of the Vienna declaration in May 2021 by 41 countries of the pan-European region, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy together with the Dutch hosts would like to invite you to participate in the third meeting of THE PEP Partnership on Sustainable Tourism Mobility, taking place January 25th/26th, in Utrecht and The Hague (Netherlands). If you are also interested in the topics of walking and cycling, please be informed that THE PEP Partnership Active Mobility will meet the days before - January 23rd and 24th. You are most welcome to join the walking and cycling experts on these days and extend the Dutch experience to the city of Rotterdam. The forthcoming partnership meeting in the Netherlands will give participants the possibility to get inspired by the great examples for the promotion of active travel in Dutch cities. The multiday workshop allows participants to: • Share and discuss questions and challenges in promotion and policy development for sustainable

mobility in tourism • Excursions to and briefings on multimodal offers, first/last mile services and cycling infrastructure

as part of the Dutch tourism experience • Discuss and exchange on the topic of mobility requirements: trends, behaviour, future mobility • Get inspiration for the further development of THE PEP Toolbox Sustainable Tourism Mobility • Expand their international network and connect in particular with Netherlands experts and peers

from research, government, companies and NGOs Inspiration: You can find the agenda including organizational details at the end of this document. We therefore kindly invite representatives of member states from ministries of climate action, transport and tourism but also intergovernmental organizations, NGOs and other experts to join and participate in this important event and bring in their perspectives and approaches in the development process. They will also benefit from the experiences of the participating countries and institutions in supporting sustainable mobility in tourism. This and all the following meetings will therefore offer a great opportunity to exchange on current challenges and to jointly work on recommendations for strategies and actions regarding the promotion of sustainable mobility in tourism throughout the whole pan-European region and to get inspired by the examples of other countries facing similar challenges. Please be aware that this meeting of the partnership will be organized as a live meeting. In case you can’t make it to the Netherlands there will be the possibility to follow some sessions via livestream with limited possibilities for interaction (chat). Those sessions will be earmarked in the agenda.




We are looking forward to meeting you in Utrecht and Den Hague and join our forces to promote sustainable mobility in tourism in Europe! Renske Klunder Robert Thaler Monika Klinger Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Anouk van Eekelen Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions

Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology & Member of THE PEP Bureau

Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy

ABOUT THE PEP PARTNERSHIP OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM MOBILITY Supported by the secretariats of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Transport and Environment Divisions in Geneva and the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe) in Copenhagen, THE PEP is a unique policy platform that seeks to encourage transport policymakers and urban planners to consider the health and environmental impacts of transport and address them through shared policy approaches. By bringing together the ministries of transport, health and environment, THE PEP acknowledges the importance of linking these different sectors. At the 5th high-level meeting on Transport Health Environment in Vienna 2021 the ministers decided to initiate a new THE PEP Partnership on Sustainable Tourism Mobility. It aims at bringing together the relevant stakeholders responsible for mobility, climate action and tourism in a European platform in order to further promote the sustainable tourism development of the pan-European region. Compared to other international initiatives, the partnership focusses in particular on the question how the national level can integrate the promotion of sustainable mobility in tourism in its strategies and actions as well as improve cross-sectoral cooperation and by doing so support destinations to promote and implement sustainable mobility in tourism.

Wednesday, January 25th - Utrecht

General information about Utrecht:


Welcome at location for lunch

Venue. Paushuize (Kromme Nieuwegracht 49, 3512 HE Utrecht) – Lunch offered by Provincial Minister Arne Schaddelee of Province of Utrecht


Start lunch – Meet the members of THE PEP Partnership Active Mobility

Welcome by Arne Schaddelee, Utrecht bike story by Ronald Besemer and Jelle Bakker (Bicycle Mayor of Utrecht)

14:00 Cycling OR walking tour (3 groups)

• Focus on multimodality, first and last mile solutions together with

Herbert Tiemens (10 pax max.) • City-region connections; sustainable mobility together with Jitte

Roosendaal (10 pax max.) • Mobility management at destinations, integration biking and walking


16:00 Tour around bike parking Utrecht Central Station

17:00 Closing the day (Location: Municipality of Utrecht)


Welcome speech by Susanne Schilderman (Municipality Utrecht)

Concluding words by Robert Thaler, Thierry du Crest and Anouk van Eekelen

Networking drinks

18:30 Joint dinner – goodbye for members of THE PEP Partnership Active Mobility Venue: Metro citykitchen (Utrecht) – costs to be covered by the participants!

Individual trip back to The Hague (approx.. 40mins)




Thursday, January 26th – The Hague

General information about The Hague:


Welcome: Sustainable Tourism and Mobility in the Netherlands

Location: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, The Hague, Bezuidenhoutseweg 73

Renske Klunder (Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate) & Anouk van Eekelen (Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions)

Monika Klinger (Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy) & Robert Thaler (Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology & Member of THE PEP Bureau)

Virginia Fuse, UN ECE / THE PEP Secretariat

09.45 Expert presentations

The Netherlands policy development and experiences to sustainable tourism and mobility:

• Perspective 2030: the national vision of the Netherlands and destination management incl. first/last mile services

• Roadmap: climate neutral 2030 in The Netherlands an example of the Dutch “polder culture”

Renske Klunder & Anouk van Eekelen

Good practices to inspire us and learn from - Examples from the (trans-)national level

• Simplon Alliance: Action plan for the Alps 2022 including Sustainable Mobility in Tourism


• Transdanube Travel Stories project - Sustainable mobility linking Danube Travel Stories

Alexandra Dörfler

• Planning and decision support for sustainable tourism mobility in Sweden: The Miranda tool and the case of Kalmar

Tobias Heldt

Please let us know whether you would like to share an example from your country/your work with the other members of the partnership. We will be happy to add it here!


THE PEP Toolbox Sustainable Tourism Mobility – status and expected next steps

Andreas Friedwagner

12:30 Joint lunch

Mobility requirements of different user groups: trends, behaviour, future mobility

13:30 Presentation of case studies / good practices

• The Travellers Perspective: Marketing & communication - sustainable mobility for destination the Netherlands

Anouk van Eekelen

• Pandemic travel behaviour of young travellers Ilil Beyer Bartana

• PaNaNet+ Participation of people with special needs in ecotourism

Miklós Berencsi

Please let us know whether you would like to share an example from your country/your work with the other members of the partnership. We will be happy to add it here!

Tour de table: how is your institution/country dealing with mobility requirements of different user groups? Are there any current challenges/initiatives?

All participants


How to cover the topic of mobility requirements in the toolbox? Scope, possible recommendations etc.

Interactive session

16:00 Conclusions and next steps Renske Klunder, Monika Klinger, Robert Thaler

16:30 Field visit to the Royal Dutch Touring Club ANWB in The Hague

18:00/ 18:30

Drinks & dinner in The Hague

Practical information


To register for the meeting please send an email to [email protected]


Hotel recommendations close to The Hague Central Station (most practical for this program):

• Eden Babylon Hotel The Hague Central Station (€ 165 per night incl breakfast, + 18,50 for 2nd

person if you book per email or phone with reference DBA-

GF13667 [email protected])

Other options close to The Hague Central Station/ city centre:

• Moxy The Hague Wijnhaven 6 (5 minutes walking)

• Holiday inn Express, Lange Houtstraat 5 (parliament & city centre 10 minutes walking)

• Novotel The Hague, Hofweg 5-7 (10 minutes walking, parliament & city centre)

• Paleishotel and Parkhotel (18 minutes walking, close to the Royal Noordeinde Palace)

And lots of other little boutique hotels, B&B’s look here for all options.


In The Netherlands the weather in winter can be cold and rainy. Please be aware of part of the program is outside. should-you-bring.htm


While we recommend to stay in a hotel in The Hague, the venues of the meetings will vary throughout

the days. In order to not cause any delays in the schedule please make sure that you buy your train

tickets in advance! You can check for more details.


On the day of arrival and/or departure it is possible to store your luggage at railway stations. Here you

can read how it works:


All partners need to cover costs for travel expenses (including the trips from and to The Hague), daily

allowances and accommodation. The costs for coffee breaks, lunches and dinners – except the dinner

on Wednesday evening - are covered by the host.

Please be aware that this meeting of the partnership will be organized as a live meeting. In case you can’t make it to the Netherlands there will be the possibility to follow some sessions via livestream with limited possibilities for interaction (chat). The link to the livestream will be provided in due time.

For any other question concerning THE PEP Partnership, please contact:

Andreas Friedwagner, Verracon GmbH ([email protected])

Alexandra Dörfler, Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation

and Technology ([email protected])

Ingrid Zimmermann, Austrian Federal Ministry for Labour and Economy

([email protected])

Invitation and preliminary agenda


Languages and translations

Dear Madam or Sir, Following up the adoption of the Vienna declaration in May 2021 by 41 countries of the pan-European region, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy together with the Dutch hosts would like to invite you to participate in the third meeting of THE PEP Partnership on Sustainable Tourism Mobility, taking place January 25th/26th, in Utrecht and The Hague (Netherlands). If you are also interested in the topics of walking and cycling, please be informed that THE PEP Partnership Active Mobility will meet the days before - January 23rd and 24th. You are most welcome to join the walking and cycling experts on these days and extend the Dutch experience to the city of Rotterdam. The forthcoming partnership meeting in the Netherlands will give participants the possibility to get inspired by the great examples for the promotion of active travel in Dutch cities. The multiday workshop allows participants to: • Share and discuss questions and challenges in promotion and policy development for sustainable

mobility in tourism • Excursions to and briefings on multimodal offers, first/last mile services and cycling infrastructure

as part of the Dutch tourism experience • Discuss and exchange on the topic of mobility requirements: trends, behaviour, future mobility • Get inspiration for the further development of THE PEP Toolbox Sustainable Tourism Mobility • Expand their international network and connect in particular with Netherlands experts and peers

from research, government, companies and NGOs Inspiration: You can find the agenda including organizational details at the end of this document. We therefore kindly invite representatives of member states from ministries of climate action, transport and tourism but also intergovernmental organizations, NGOs and other experts to join and participate in this important event and bring in their perspectives and approaches in the development process. They will also benefit from the experiences of the participating countries and institutions in supporting sustainable mobility in tourism. This and all the following meetings will therefore offer a great opportunity to exchange on current challenges and to jointly work on recommendations for strategies and actions regarding the promotion of sustainable mobility in tourism throughout the whole pan-European region and to get inspired by the examples of other countries facing similar challenges. Please be aware that this meeting of the partnership will be organized as a live meeting. In case you can’t make it to the Netherlands there will be the possibility to follow some sessions via livestream with limited possibilities for interaction (chat). Those sessions will be earmarked in the agenda.




We are looking forward to meeting you in Utrecht and Den Hague and join our forces to promote sustainable mobility in tourism in Europe! Renske Klunder Robert Thaler Monika Klinger Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Anouk van Eekelen Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions

Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology & Member of THE PEP Bureau

Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy

ABOUT THE PEP PARTNERSHIP OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM MOBILITY Supported by the secretariats of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Transport and Environment Divisions in Geneva and the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe) in Copenhagen, THE PEP is a unique policy platform that seeks to encourage transport policymakers and urban planners to consider the health and environmental impacts of transport and address them through shared policy approaches. By bringing together the ministries of transport, health and environment, THE PEP acknowledges the importance of linking these different sectors. At the 5th high-level meeting on Transport Health Environment in Vienna 2021 the ministers decided to initiate a new THE PEP Partnership on Sustainable Tourism Mobility. It aims at bringing together the relevant stakeholders responsible for mobility, climate action and tourism in a European platform in order to further promote the sustainable tourism development of the pan-European region. Compared to other international initiatives, the partnership focusses in particular on the question how the national level can integrate the promotion of sustainable mobility in tourism in its strategies and actions as well as improve cross-sectoral cooperation and by doing so support destinations to promote and implement sustainable mobility in tourism.

Wednesday, January 25th - Utrecht

General information about Utrecht:


Welcome at location for lunch

Venue. Paushuize (Kromme Nieuwegracht 49, 3512 HE Utrecht) – Lunch offered by Provincial Minister Arne Schaddelee of Province of Utrecht


Start lunch – Meet the members of THE PEP Partnership Active Mobility

Welcome by Arne Schaddelee, Utrecht bike story by Ronald Besemer and Jelle Bakker (Bicycle Mayor of Utrecht)

14:00 Cycling OR walking tour (3 groups)

• Focus on multimodality, first and last mile solutions together with

Herbert Tiemens (10 pax max.) • City-region connections; sustainable mobility together with Jitte

Roosendaal (10 pax max.) • Mobility management at destinations, integration biking and walking


16:00 Tour around bike parking Utrecht Central Station

17:00 Closing the day (Location: Municipality of Utrecht)


Welcome speech by Susanne Schilderman (Municipality Utrecht)

Concluding words by Robert Thaler, Thierry du Crest and Anouk van Eekelen

Networking drinks

18:30 Joint dinner – goodbye for members of THE PEP Partnership Active Mobility Venue: Metro citykitchen (Utrecht) – costs to be covered by the participants!

Individual trip back to The Hague (approx.. 40mins)




Thursday, January 26th – The Hague

General information about The Hague:


Welcome: Sustainable Tourism and Mobility in the Netherlands

Location: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, The Hague, Bezuidenhoutseweg 73

Renske Klunder (Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate) & Anouk van Eekelen (Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions)

Monika Klinger (Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy) & Robert Thaler (Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology & Member of THE PEP Bureau)

Virginia Fuse, UN ECE / THE PEP Secretariat

09.45 Expert presentations

The Netherlands policy development and experiences to sustainable tourism and mobility:

• Perspective 2030: the national vision of the Netherlands and destination management incl. first/last mile services

• Roadmap: climate neutral 2030 in The Netherlands an example of the Dutch “polder culture”

Renske Klunder & Anouk van Eekelen

Good practices to inspire us and learn from - Examples from the (trans-)national level

• Simplon Alliance: Action plan for the Alps 2022 including Sustainable Mobility in Tourism


• Transdanube Travel Stories project - Sustainable mobility linking Danube Travel Stories

Alexandra Dörfler

• Planning and decision support for sustainable tourism mobility in Sweden: The Miranda tool and the case of Kalmar

Tobias Heldt

Please let us know whether you would like to share an example from your country/your work with the other members of the partnership. We will be happy to add it here!


THE PEP Toolbox Sustainable Tourism Mobility – status and expected next steps

Andreas Friedwagner

12:30 Joint lunch

Mobility requirements of different user groups: trends, behaviour, future mobility

13:30 Presentation of case studies / good practices

• The Travellers Perspective: Marketing & communication - sustainable mobility for destination the Netherlands

Anouk van Eekelen

• Pandemic travel behaviour of young travellers Ilil Beyer Bartana

• PaNaNet+ Participation of people with special needs in ecotourism

Miklós Berencsi

Please let us know whether you would like to share an example from your country/your work with the other members of the partnership. We will be happy to add it here!

Tour de table: how is your institution/country dealing with mobility requirements of different user groups? Are there any current challenges/initiatives?

All participants


How to cover the topic of mobility requirements in the toolbox? Scope, possible recommendations etc.

Interactive session

16:00 Conclusions and next steps Renske Klunder, Monika Klinger, Robert Thaler

16:30 Field visit to the Royal Dutch Touring Club ANWB in The Hague

18:00/ 18:30

Drinks & dinner in The Hague

Practical information


To register for the meeting please send an email to [email protected]


Hotel recommendations close to The Hague Central Station (most practical for this program):

• Eden Babylon Hotel The Hague Central Station (€ 165 per night incl breakfast, + 18,50 for 2nd

person if you book per email or phone with reference DBA-

GF13667 [email protected])

Other options close to The Hague Central Station/ city centre:

• Moxy The Hague Wijnhaven 6 (5 minutes walking)

• Holiday inn Express, Lange Houtstraat 5 (parliament & city centre 10 minutes walking)

• Novotel The Hague, Hofweg 5-7 (10 minutes walking, parliament & city centre)

• Paleishotel and Parkhotel (18 minutes walking, close to the Royal Noordeinde Palace)

And lots of other little boutique hotels, B&B’s look here for all options.


In The Netherlands the weather in winter can be cold and rainy. Please be aware of part of the program is outside. should-you-bring.htm


While we recommend to stay in a hotel in The Hague, the venues of the meetings will vary throughout

the days. In order to not cause any delays in the schedule please make sure that you buy your train

tickets in advance! You can check for more details.


On the day of arrival and/or departure it is possible to store your luggage at railway stations. Here you

can read how it works:


All partners need to cover costs for travel expenses (including the trips from and to The Hague), daily

allowances and accommodation. The costs for coffee breaks, lunches and dinners – except the dinner

on Wednesday evening - are covered by the host.

Please be aware that this meeting of the partnership will be organized as a live meeting. In case you can’t make it to the Netherlands there will be the possibility to follow some sessions via livestream with limited possibilities for interaction (chat). The link to the livestream will be provided in due time.

For any other question concerning THE PEP Partnership, please contact:

Andreas Friedwagner, Verracon GmbH ([email protected])

Alexandra Dörfler, Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation

and Technology ([email protected])

Ingrid Zimmermann, Austrian Federal Ministry for Labour and Economy

([email protected])

Market Forecast Tables 2022

These tables show forest products production and trade forecasts for 2022 and 2023. These cover roundwood (logs, pulpwood and fuel wood), sawnwood (coniferous and non-coniferous), wood-based panels (plywood, particle board, OSB and fibreboard), pulp, paper and wood pellets.  The forecast data are provided by national correspondents and approved at the meeting of the Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry.

Languages and translations

List of tables

List of Tables and Notes
Table 1 - Sawn Softwood
Table 2 - Sawn Hardwood (total)
Table 2a - Sawn Hardwood (temperate)
Table 2b - Sawn Hardwood (tropical)
Table 3 - Veneer Sheets
Table 4 - Plywood
Table 5 - Particle Board (excluding OSB)
Table 5a - Oriented Strand Board
Table 6 - Fibreboard
Table 6a - Hardboard
Table 6b - MDF/HDF
Table 6c - Other Fibreboard
Table 7 - Wood Pulp
Table 8 - Paper and Paperboard
Table 9 - Removals of wood in the rough
Table 9a - Removals of wood in the rough (softwood)
Table 9b - Removals of wood in the rough (hardwood)
Table 10 - Softwood sawlogs
Table 11 - Hardwood sawlogs
Table 11a - Hardwood logs (temperate)
Table 11b - Hardwood logs (tropical)
Table 12 - Pulpwood
Table 12a - Pulpwood (softwood)
Table 12b - Pulpwood (hardwood)
Table 12c - Wood Residues, Chips and Particles
Table 13 - Wood Pellets
Table 14 - Europe: Summary table of market forecasts for 2022 and 2023
Table 15 - North America: Summary table of market forecasts for 2022 and 2023
Source: UNECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry , November 2022,
Notes: Data in italics are estimated by the secretariat. EECCA is Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia.
Data for the two latest years are forecasts.
In contrast to previous years, data are shown only for countries providing forecasts. Sub-regional totals are only for reporting countries.
Data are shown only for countries providing forecasts. Sub-regional totals thus reflect only the reporting countries of the subregion. No sub-regional forecast is provided for "Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia" due to lack of information provided by countries in this sub-region.
Germany – Pellets consumption is an estimated consumption as reported by Pellet Federation. There is a difference between reported consumption and apparent consumption of 242,000 metric tonnes and 214,000 metric tonnes, respectively. For 2022 and 2023, this difference is additionally stored at newly installed plants, i.e. sold but not yet consumed.
Slovenia trade figures are lower than actual as they do not include estimates for non-recorded trade with other EU countries.
Polish trade data exclude non-reporters (estimated at 1-3% of total). Residues exclude recovered wood. Polish sawnwood data exclude shop lumber. Wood pulp production is in metric tonnes, not air-dried, and excludes recovered fibre pulp. Wood pellets production data includes briquettes and non-wood based material.
United Kingdom production figures for OSB is secretariat estimate.
Softwood = coniferous, hardwood = non-coniferous
For tables 1-13, data in italics are secretariat estimates or repeated data. All other data are from national sources and are of course estimates for the current and future year.
Countries with nil, missing or confidential data for all years on a table are not shown.

Table 1

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 6,547 6,469 6,400 10,582 10,370 10,300 1,911 2,045 2,000 5,947 5,947 5,900 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 528 ... ... 638 ... ... 25 ... ... 135 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 32 33 32 2 1 1 31 32 31 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 3,250 3,249 3,272 5,015 5,144 5,279 526 555 560 2,291 2,450 2,567 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 2,296 1,910 1,910 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,699 1,360 1,360 1,003 1,050 1,050 Estonie
Finland Finland 3,731 3,650 3,570 11,900 11,750 12,200 547 350 70 8,716 8,450 8,700 Finlande
Germany Germany 20,104 19,800 19,500 25,313 25,300 25,000 5,700 5,000 4,500 10,909 10,500 10,000 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 1,968 1,500 1,300 3,641 3,500 3,300 1,463 900 700 3,136 2,900 2,700 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 56 43 43 39 39 39 28 5 5 12 1 1 Luxembourg
Malta Malta 7 8 9 0 0 0 7 8 9 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 3,036 2,905 2,850 110 100 100 3,408 3,276 3,226 481 470 475 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 4,857 4,750 4,900 4,583 4,500 4,650 1,239 1,250 1,300 965 1,000 1,050 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 632 730 665 817 850 840 121 130 125 306 250 300 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 379 400 422 99 110 120 295 300 310 15 10 8 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 563 650 675 1,302 1,300 1,325 324 350 350 1,063 1,000 1,000 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 627 600 550 904 1,000 970 563 500 500 840 900 920 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 6,954 6,450 5,300 19,000 18,500 17,500 514 450 300 12,560 12,500 12,500 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 1,245 1,275 1,315 1,150 1,180 1,220 280 275 270 185 180 175 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 10,960 8,920 9,410 3,574 3,010 3,400 7,623 6,150 6,250 237 240 240 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 67,771 63,342 62,124 90,268 88,255 87,844 26,303 22,936 21,866 48,800 47,848 47,586 Total Europe
Canada Canada a 19,841 18,893 24,156 55,842 52,183 50,290 1,030 752 745 37,031 34,041 26,878 Canada a
United States United States a 88,263 88,484 89,272 63,417 64,178 64,820 26,931 26,270 26,533 2,085 1,963 2,081 Etats-Unis a
Total North America 108,104 107,378 113,428 119,259 116,361 115,109 27,961 27,021 27,277 39,116 36,005 28,959 Total Amérique du Nord
a converted from nominal to actual size using factor of 0.72 a convertis du dimension nominale au véritable avec une facteur du 0.72

Table 2

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 186 215 220 182 178 170 177 210 220 173 173 170 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 71 ... ... 79 ... ... 22 ... ... 30 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 6 7 6 0 0 0 6 7 6 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 416 427 430 145 147 151 338 340 344 67 60 65 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 230 150 150 150 100 100 177 140 140 97 90 90 Estonie
Finland Finland 64 55 55 54 50 50 30 25 25 20 20 20 Finlande
Germany Germany 786 760 700 1,061 1,060 1,000 459 400 400 735 700 700 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 234 160 150 797 850 750 75 60 50 638 750 650 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 38 51 51 39 39 39 18 12 12 19 0 0 Luxembourg
Malta Malta 7 7 8 0 0 0 7 7 8 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 309 301 283 38 40 40 343 331 308 72 70 65 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 512 500 540 486 460 510 312 350 380 286 310 350 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 224 220 225 148 160 150 106 90 100 31 30 25 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 185 197 200 353 382 390 103 95 100 271 280 290 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 225 325 350 350 375 400 52 100 100 177 150 150 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 121 55 80 140 125 130 99 100 100 118 170 150 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 111 110 110 100 100 100 50 45 45 39 35 35 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 80 85 90 55 60 65 40 40 40 15 15 15 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 534 540 540 37 40 40 536 540 540 39 40 40 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 4,338 4,166 4,188 4,215 4,166 4,085 2,950 2,892 2,918 2,826 2,893 2,815 Total Europe
Canada Canada 1,208 1,229 1,116 880 813 714 798 894 779 470 478 377 Canada
United States United States 14,348 15,065 14,707 17,326 17,607 17,467 717 1,040 878 3,695 3,581 3,638 Etats-Unis
Total North America 15,556 16,295 15,823 18,206 18,420 18,181 1,514 1,934 1,658 4,165 4,059 4,015 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 2a

SAWN HARDWOOD (temperate) SCIAGES NON-CONIFERES (zone tempérée)
Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 182 211 216 182 178 170 172 205 215 172 172 169 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 70 ... ... 79 ... ... 21 ... ... 30 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 4 3 2 0 0 0 4 3 2 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 409 421 424 145 147 151 329 331 335 65 57 62 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 227 149 149 150 100 100 172 136 136 94 87 87 Estonie
Finland Finland 63 54 54 54 50 50 25 20 20 16 16 16 Finlande
Germany Germany 747 718 658 1,059 1,058 998 385 325 325 698 665 665 Allemagne
Luxembourg Luxembourg 27 49 49 39 39 39 6 10 10 19 0 0 Luxembourg
Malta Malta 6 6 7 0 0 0 6 6 7 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 166 160 142 31 32 32 184 177 154 49 49 45 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 498 485 524 486 459 509 295 333 362 283 307 347 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 222 190 197 136 150 137 74 50 70 -12 10 10 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 184 196 199 352 381 389 103 95 100 271 280 290 Serbie
Slovenia Slovenia 119 52 77 140 125 130 96 97 97 118 170 150 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 111 109 109 100 100 100 49 44 44 37 35 35 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 71 76 81 52 57 62 34 34 34 15 15 15 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 458 460 460 37 40 40 456 460 460 36 40 40 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 3,563 3,340 3,349 3,042 2,917 2,908 2,411 2,326 2,372 1,890 1,903 1,931 Total Europe
Canada Canada 1,202 1,214 1,107 880 813 714 781 865 753 459 464 360 Canada
United States United States 14,162 14,835 14,498 17,326 17,607 17,467 491 773 632 3,656 3,545 3,600 Etats-Unis
Total North America 15,364 16,049 15,605 18,206 18,420 18,181 1,272 1,638 1,385 4,115 4,009 3,960 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 2b

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 4 4 4 0 0 0 5 5 5 1 1 1 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 1 ... ... 0 ... ... 1 ... ... 0 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 2 4 4 0 0 0 2 4 4 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 7 6 6 0 0 0 9 9 9 2 3 3 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 3 1 1 0 0 0 5 4 4 2 3 3 Estonie
Finland Finland 1 1 1 0 0 0 5 5 5 4 4 4 Finlande
Germany Germany 39 42 42 2 2 2 74 75 75 37 35 35 Allemagne
Luxembourg Luxembourg 12 2 2 0 0 0 12 2 2 0 0 0 Luxembourg
Malta Malta 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 143 141 141 8 8 8 159 154 153 23 21 20 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 14 15 16 0 1 1 17 17 18 3 3 3 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 2 30 28 12 10 13 32 40 30 43 20 15 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Serbie
Slovenia Slovenia 2 3 3 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden -0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 9 9 9 3 3 3 6 6 6 0 0 0 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 76 80 80 0 0 0 79 80 80 3 0 0 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 316 341 339 26 25 28 412 406 396 122 90 84 Total Europe
Canada Canada 6 16 9 0 0 0 16 29 26 11 14 17 Canada
United States United States 186 230 208 0 0 0 226 267 246 39 36 38 Etats-Unis
Total North America 192 246 217 0 0 0 242 296 273 50 50 55 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 3

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 59 56 56 8 7 7 70 65 65 18 16 16 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 31 ... ... 18 ... ... 24 ... ... 10 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 11 20 21 30 32 33 41 50 54 60 62 66 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 103 140 140 110 140 140 85 86 90 92 86 90 Estonie
Finland Finland 8 8 7 170 184 178 9 9 9 171 185 180 Finlande
Germany Germany 167 165 160 116 115 110 111 110 110 59 60 60 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 155 85 55 42 45 45 154 110 50 41 70 40 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Luxembourg
Malta Malta 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 34 34 34 0 0 0 41 41 41 7 7 7 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 146 145 150 46 42 44 121 125 130 21 22 24 Pologne
Portugal Portugal -71 12 3 21 22 23 37 30 30 130 40 50 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 19 18 23 27 22 25 13 14 15 21 18 17 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 16 25 25 29 30 30 21 20 20 34 25 25 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 8 4 5 23 24 21 14 14 14 29 34 30 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 30 25 20 60 55 50 17 20 15 47 50 45 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 3 3 3 0 0 0 4 4 4 1 1 1 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 14 10 10 0 0 0 14 10 10 0 0 0 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 737 752 715 700 718 706 779 710 660 742 676 651 Total Europe
Canada Canada 144 181 173 581 565 565 183 222 230 620 607 622 Canada
United States United States 2,675 2,784 2,730 2,284 2,284 2,284 671 759 715 281 258 269 Etats-Unis
Total North America 2,819 2,965 2,903 2,866 2,849 2,849 854 981 945 901 865 891 Total Amérique du Nord
Note: Definition of veneers now includes all production (including converted directly to plywood). However most replies here continue to exclude the part going to plywood.
La définition des placages comprend maintenant toute la production (y compris la conversion directe en contreplaqué).
Cependant, la plupart des réponses continuent d'exclure la partie destinée au contreplaqué.

Table 4

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 94 85 80 184 180 170 267 205 200 357 300 290 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 65 ... ... 37 ... ... 66 ... ... 38 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 13 15 14 0 0 0 13 15 14 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 201 199 201 260 262 263 186 188 187 245 251 249 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 102 100 100 190 180 180 118 110 110 206 190 190 Estonie
Finland Finland 296 280 285 1,130 1,120 1,120 121 110 100 955 950 935 Finlande
Germany Germany 1,185 1,170 1,170 103 100 100 1,464 1,450 1,450 382 380 380 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 68 30 30 310 300 250 98 60 30 340 330 250 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 11 2 2 0 0 0 12 2 2 1 0 0 Luxembourg
Malta Malta 10 11 11 0 0 0 10 11 11 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 600 580 565 0 0 0 695 670 650 95 90 85 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 773 770 790 543 540 550 604 620 650 374 390 410 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 215 215 200 126 110 100 116 130 120 27 25 20 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 41 43 48 15 14 17 30 32 34 4 3 3 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 232 320 345 307 375 400 65 70 70 140 125 125 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 79 66 68 102 96 98 57 50 50 80 80 80 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 260 245 245 101 90 90 206 200 200 47 45 45 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 209 214 220 7 7 8 205 210 215 3 3 3 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 1,486 1,490 1,490 0 0 0 1,541 1,540 1,540 55 50 50 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 5,940 5,835 5,864 3,415 3,374 3,346 5,874 5,673 5,633 3,349 3,212 3,115 Total Europe
Canada Canada 2,485 2,288 2,490 1,698 1,644 1,639 1,421 1,144 1,406 634 500 555 Canada
United States United States 17,031 17,295 17,163 9,705 9,895 9,800 8,086 8,163 8,124 759 762 761 Etats-Unis
Total North America 19,516 19,583 19,653 11,403 11,539 11,439 9,507 9,306 9,530 1,393 1,263 1,316 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 5

PARTICLE BOARD (excluding OSB) PANNEAUX DE PARTICULES (ne comprennent pas l'OSB)
Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 868 776 766 2,550 2,350 2,300 361 370 360 2,043 1,944 1,894 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 487 ... ... 773 ... ... 118 ... ... 403 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 47 42 41 0 0 0 47 42 41 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 739 688 671 965 945 930 578 598 577 804 855 836 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 182 155 155 210 130 130 76 85 85 103 60 60 Estonie
Finland Finland 107 119 119 54 50 50 83 93 93 30 24 24 Finlande
Germany Germany 6,015 5,970 5,870 6,036 6,020 5,920 2,142 2,100 2,050 2,162 2,150 2,100 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 139 120 180 350 300 300 53 70 80 264 250 200 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 15 3 3 0 0 0 16 4 4 2 1 1 Luxembourg
Malta Malta 10 10 11 0 0 0 10 10 11 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 446 430 430 0 0 0 520 500 500 74 70 70 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 7,601 7,700 7,740 6,333 6,370 6,370 2,093 2,150 2,220 824 820 850 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 451 527 427 743 730 720 313 295 304 605 498 597 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 420 417 422 272 230 235 208 235 240 60 48 53 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 182 220 215 608 625 625 143 140 135 568 545 545 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 155 155 147 0 0 0 162 163 154 6 8 7 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 971 985 975 561 550 550 506 520 510 97 85 85 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 280 300 320 380 390 400 125 130 135 225 220 215 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 2,664 2,242 2,242 2,090 1,722 1,722 638 600 600 65 80 80 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 21,780 20,859 20,734 21,926 20,412 20,252 8,189 8,105 8,099 8,336 7,658 7,617 Total Europe
Canada Canada 1,487 1,594 1,591 1,647 1,724 1,686 593 594 586 754 724 681 Canada
United States United States 5,111 7,189 5,725 4,136 4,220 3,874 1,462 3,144 2,159 488 175 309 Etats-Unis
Total North America 6,597 8,783 7,316 5,783 5,944 5,560 2,056 3,738 2,745 1,241 899 989 Total Amérique du Nord
Data are calculated by subtracting OSB from the particleboard/OSB total - les données sont calculées en soustrayant les OSB du total des panneaux de particules et OSB.

Table 5a

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 186 224 214 0 0 0 192 230 220 6 6 6 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 175 ... ... 252 ... ... 8 ... ... 85 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 15 18 17 0 0 0 15 18 17 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 355 360 366 745 770 795 127 132 135 517 542 564 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 44 45 45 0 0 0 44 45 45 1 0 0 Estonie
Finland Finland 47 47 47 0 0 0 47 47 47 0 0 0 Finlande
Germany Germany 1,473 1,480 1,480 1,282 1,280 1,280 746 750 750 555 550 550 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 211 160 100 700 600 600 73 60 50 562 500 550 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 117 265 265 338 338 338 7 1 1 229 74 74 Luxembourg
Netherlands Netherlands 192 185 185 0 0 0 208 200 200 16 15 15 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 802 800 860 827 830 880 316 350 380 341 380 400 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 31 33 33 0 0 0 34 35 36 3 2 3 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 44 53 58 0 0 0 46 55 60 2 2 2 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 91 90 95 0 0 0 94 95 100 3 5 5 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 33 35 34 0 0 0 36 37 36 2 2 2 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 116 95 95 0 0 0 121 100 100 5 5 5 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 90 90 90 0 0 0 90 90 90 0 0 0 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 925 868 868 598 598 598 461 440 440 133 170 170 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 4,948 4,848 4,852 4,741 4,416 4,491 2,665 2,685 2,707 2,459 2,253 2,346 Total Europe
Canada Canada 1,618 1,589 1,570 7,240 7,581 7,646 124 72 72 5,746 6,064 6,147 Canada
United States United States 19,804 20,091 20,381 13,839 14,040 14,243 6,147 6,236 6,326 182 185 188 Etats-Unis
Total North America 21,422 21,680 21,951 21,079 21,621 21,889 6,271 6,308 6,398 5,928 6,249 6,335 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 6

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 504 469 445 690 570 545 370 340 330 556 441 430 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 106 ... ... 75 ... ... 118 ... ... 87 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 15 16 15 0 0 0 15 16 15 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 462 470 481 45 46 47 574 590 609 157 166 175 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 74 68 68 80 70 70 77 69 69 83 71 71 Estonie
Finland Finland 162 165 165 46 46 46 164 161 161 48 41 41 Finlande
Germany Germany 4,401 4,425 4,335 6,105 6,100 6,000 1,944 1,940 1,865 3,648 3,615 3,530 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 19 11 6 37 35 20 69 57 47 87 81 61 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 13 128 128 147 147 147 19 5 5 153 24 24 Luxembourg
Malta Malta ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 454 436 436 29 29 29 572 550 550 147 143 143 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 4,398 4,650 4,770 5,750 5,850 6,050 912 970 990 2,264 2,170 2,270 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 488 510 500 555 550 540 336 335 340 404 375 380 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 123 151 163 21 18 20 143 168 181 41 35 38 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 248 239 239 0 0 0 275 265 265 27 26 26 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 26 30 30 136 135 135 57 55 55 167 160 160 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 308 317 293 0 0 0 391 395 365 84 78 72 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 292 302 312 205 210 215 266 266 266 179 174 169 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 1,807 1,780 1,710 798 900 850 1,080 950 930 72 70 70 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 13,901 14,168 14,097 14,719 14,706 14,714 7,385 7,132 7,043 8,203 7,670 7,660 Total Europe
Canada Canada 1,492 1,348 1,355 1,349 1,395 1,395 1,009 889 885 866 936 924 Canada
United States United States 9,727 10,134 9,985 7,560 7,691 7,663 3,008 3,190 3,123 841 747 801 Etats-Unis
Total North America 11,219 11,482 11,340 8,909 9,086 9,058 4,017 4,079 4,007 1,707 1,683 1,725 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 6a

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 32 36 34 75 48 45 17 20 19 60 32 30 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 45 ... ... 51 ... ... 40 ... ... 46 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 146 146 147 0 0 0 167 168 170 21 22 23 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 27 24 24 0 0 0 34 30 30 7 6 6 Estonie
Finland Finland 26 30 30 46 46 46 21 20 20 41 36 36 Finlande
Germany Germany 213 210 210 0 0 0 242 240 240 29 30 30 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 11 10 5 0 0 0 23 20 15 12 10 10 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg -71 -9 -9 0 0 0 2 1 1 73 10 10 Luxembourg
Netherlands Netherlands 44 35 35 0 0 0 66 55 55 22 20 20 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland -212 10 10 76 100 100 139 180 180 427 270 270 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 44 20 30 12 0 0 42 30 40 10 10 10 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 33 38 41 21 18 20 31 35 37 19 15 16 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 17 20 20 0 0 0 22 25 25 5 5 5 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 6 6 7 6 6 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 75 87 78 0 0 0 88 100 90 14 13 12 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 13 13 13 0 0 0 21 21 21 8 8 8 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 101 100 100 0 0 0 111 110 110 11 10 10 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 544 771 769 281 212 211 1,075 1,062 1,060 812 503 502 Total Europe
Canada Canada 46 42 36 90 90 90 68 60 66 112 108 120 Canada
United States United States 503 509 514 499 504 509 252 255 258 248 250 253 Etats-Unis
Total North America 549 551 550 589 594 599 320 315 324 360 358 373 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 6b

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 316 283 265 615 522 500 192 166 161 491 405 396 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 58 ... ... 24 ... ... 75 ... ... 41 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 13 13 12 0 0 0 13 13 12 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 248 249 251 45 46 47 243 250 258 40 47 54 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 21 20 20 0 0 0 38 35 35 17 15 15 Estonie
Finland Finland 117 116 116 0 0 0 124 121 121 7 5 5 Finlande
Germany Germany 2,385 2,425 2,400 4,693 4,700 4,650 625 625 600 2,932 2,900 2,850 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 1 0 0 37 35 20 28 25 20 64 60 40 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 80 136 136 147 147 147 13 3 3 80 14 14 Luxembourg
Malta Malta 5 5 5 0 0 0 5 5 5 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 291 285 285 0 0 0 408 400 400 117 115 115 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 3,533 3,560 3,630 3,542 3,600 3,700 743 760 780 752 800 850 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 456 485 465 535 550 540 280 285 280 359 350 355 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 88 110 118 0 0 0 110 130 140 22 20 22 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 162 150 150 0 0 0 183 170 170 22 20 20 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 20 29 29 136 135 135 39 43 43 155 149 149 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 213 210 200 0 0 0 272 265 250 59 55 50 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 105 110 115 205 210 215 70 65 60 170 165 160 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 1,622 1,600 1,530 798 900 850 878 750 730 54 50 50 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 9,734 9,786 9,727 10,776 10,845 10,804 4,341 4,111 4,068 5,383 5,170 5,145 Total Europe
Canada Canada 1,301 1,135 1,153 1,159 1,205 1,205 780 648 639 637 718 691 Canada
United States United States 6,012 6,042 6,073 3,882 3,901 3,921 2,552 2,565 2,578 422 424 426 Etats-Unis
Total North America 7,313 7,177 7,226 5,041 5,106 5,126 3,332 3,213 3,217 1,059 1,142 1,117 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 6c

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 157 150 146 0 0 0 162 154 150 5 4 4 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 3 ... ... 0 ... ... 3 ... ... 0 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 68 75 83 0 0 0 164 172 181 96 97 98 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 26 24 24 80 70 70 5 4 4 59 50 50 Estonie
Finland Finland 19 19 19 0 0 0 20 20 20 0 0 0 Finlande
Germany Germany 1,803 1,790 1,725 1,412 1,400 1,350 1,078 1,075 1,025 686 685 650 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 7 1 1 0 0 0 18 12 12 11 11 11 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 4 1 1 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 Luxembourg
Malta Malta 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 119 116 116 29 29 29 98 95 95 8 8 8 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 1,077 1,080 1,130 2,132 2,150 2,250 30 30 30 1,085 1,100 1,150 Pologne
Portugal Portugal -12 5 5 8 0 0 15 20 20 35 15 15 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 2 3 4 0 0 0 2 3 4 0 0 0 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 70 69 69 0 0 0 70 70 70 0 1 1 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 5 1 1 0 0 0 10 6 6 5 5 5 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 20 20 15 0 0 0 31 30 25 11 10 10 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 174 179 184 0 0 0 175 180 185 1 1 1 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 84 80 80 0 0 0 91 90 90 7 10 10 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 3,628 3,616 3,607 3,661 3,649 3,699 1,976 1,965 1,922 2,009 1,997 2,013 Total Europe
Canada Canada 144 171 166 100 100 100 162 181 180 117 110 114 Canada
United States United States 3,212 3,583 3,398 3,179 3,286 3,233 204 370 287 171 73 122 Etats-Unis
Total North America 3,357 3,754 3,564 3,279 3,386 3,333 366 551 467 288 183 236 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 7

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 mt
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 2,261 2,229 2,235 2,004 1,970 1,980 578 577 577 321 318 322 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 125 ... ... 210 ... ... 7 ... ... 92 ... ... Bulgarie
Czech Republic Czech Republic 803 806 806 614 640 660 310 300 289 121 134 143 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 84 140 140 260 200 200 49 50 50 225 110 110 Estonie
Finland Finland a 6,625 5,760 6,280 10,950 9,360 10,520 150 220 220 4,475 3,820 4,460 Finlande a
Germany Germany 5,622 5,685 5,715 2,327 2,390 2,420 4,451 4,400 4,400 1,156 1,105 1,105 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 2 6 2 14 10 10 2 2 2 14 6 10 Lettonie
Netherlands Netherlands 929 987 987 37 37 37 2,167 2,150 2,150 1,274 1,200 1,200 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 2,767 2,750 2,790 1,749 1,720 1,750 1,194 1,220 1,250 177 190 210 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 1,660 1,640 1,645 2,809 2,750 2,800 141 140 145 1,290 1,250 1,300 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 75 76 79 0 0 0 76 77 80 1 1 1 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 680 685 695 769 775 800 160 160 170 248 250 275 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 331 309 309 86 82 82 250 230 230 5 3 3 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 8,146 8,250 8,400 11,701 11,950 12,150 602 600 600 4,157 4,300 4,350 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 160 160 160 70 70 70 90 90 90 0 0 0 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 984 990 ... 220 220 ... 766 780 790 2 10 10 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 31,255 30,473 30,243 33,820 32,174 33,479 10,993 10,996 11,043 13,558 12,697 13,499 Total Europe
Canada Canada 7,265 6,097 6,156 14,886 13,861 13,468 1,095 950 1,185 8,717 8,714 8,497 Canada
United States United States 48,100 48,274 48,187 49,685 49,859 49,772 6,036 6,036 6,036 7,621 7,621 7,621 Etats-Unis
Total North America 55,365 54,372 54,344 64,571 63,720 63,240 7,131 6,986 7,221 16,337 16,335 16,118 Total Amérique du Nord
a imports exclude dissolving pulp a les importations excluent pâte à dissoudre

Table 8

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 mt
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 2,334 2,340 2,315 5,065 5,100 5,080 1,296 1,310 1,300 4,028 4,070 4,065 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 573 ... ... 394 ... ... 358 ... ... 180 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 44 48 46 0 0 0 44 48 46 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 1,618 1,602 1,604 901 906 909 1,623 1,604 1,600 906 908 905 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 126 150 150 70 90 90 138 130 130 83 70 70 Estonie
Finland Finland 636 590 620 8,660 7,450 8,150 361 350 350 8,385 7,210 7,880 Finlande
Germany Germany 18,980 18,500 18,400 23,123 22,800 22,700 10,009 9,800 9,800 14,152 14,100 14,100 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 174 182 182 28 30 30 186 200 200 40 48 48 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 31 8 8 0 0 0 38 8 8 7 0 0 Luxembourg
Malta Malta 26 27 27 0 0 0 26 27 27 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 2,869 2,890 2,890 2,942 2,950 2,950 2,268 2,260 2,260 2,341 2,320 2,320 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 8,002 8,100 8,150 5,324 5,450 5,550 5,233 5,300 5,400 2,556 2,650 2,800 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 1,245 1,250 1,290 2,247 2,200 2,240 928 850 900 1,931 1,800 1,850 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 760 780 785 535 520 525 462 470 480 237 210 220 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 554 600 600 1,019 975 1,000 474 450 475 939 825 875 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 491 435 440 635 605 590 435 420 420 579 590 570 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 704 950 950 8,924 8,700 8,850 897 750 750 9,117 8,500 8,650 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 1,050 1,055 1,060 1,170 1,175 1,180 610 600 590 730 720 710 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 7,482 7,430 7,450 3,640 3,530 3,650 4,589 4,660 4,550 747 760 750 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 47,697 46,937 46,967 64,677 62,481 63,494 29,977 29,237 29,286 46,957 44,781 45,813 Total Europe
Canada Canada 4,940 4,796 4,930 8,787 8,436 8,436 2,424 2,567 2,538 6,272 6,207 6,045 Canada
United States United States 65,622 68,268 66,945 67,476 70,196 68,836 8,223 8,555 8,389 10,077 10,483 10,280 Etats-Unis
Total North America 70,561 73,064 71,874 76,263 78,632 77,272 10,647 11,122 10,927 16,348 16,690 16,325 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 9

1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
Country Industrial wood - Bois industriels Wood fuel c Bois de chauffage c Pays
Total Logs Pulpwood a Other b Total
Grumes Bois de trituration a Autre b
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 13,521 13,873 13,650 10,420 10,607 10,300 3,101 3,266 3,350 0 0 0 4,900 5,263 5,400 18,420 19,136 19,050 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 3,172 ... ... 1,524 ... ... 1,606 ... ... 42 ... ... 2,357 ... ... 5,529 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 0 0 7 7 8 ... ... ... Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 25,146 21,122 20,576 17,739 15,858 14,572 7,294 5,149 5,887 113 115 117 5,110 4,933 4,536 30,256 26,055 25,112 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 6,520 6,317 6,317 4,145 4,060 4,060 2,323 2,200 2,200 52 57 57 4,148 4,100 4,100 10,667 10,417 10,417 Estonie
Finland Finland 58,036 55,847 58,540 26,292 24,618 24,713 31,744 31,229 33,827 0 0 0 8,868 8,868 8,868 66,904 64,715 67,408 Finlande
Germany Germany 59,187 57,179 54,270 47,403 44,256 42,085 11,624 12,765 12,027 161 158 158 23,224 23,900 24,100 82,411 81,079 78,370 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 13,003 12,650 12,550 7,827 7,400 7,300 3,986 4,100 4,100 1,190 1,150 1,150 2,940 3,150 3,200 15,943 15,800 15,750 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 217 332 197 39 86 144 84 160 38 94 86 15 46 73 45 262 405 242 Luxembourg
Netherlands Netherlands 648 653 653 210 214 214 394 395 395 43 44 44 2,362 2,350 2,350 3,010 3,003 3,003 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 38,587 40,300 41,530 18,508 19,300 19,950 19,471 20,410 21,000 608 590 580 4,519 4,450 4,350 43,106 44,750 45,880 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 12,136 12,240 12,155 2,147 2,190 2,220 9,659 9,700 9,600 331 350 335 1,762 1,830 1,780 13,899 14,070 13,935 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 1,646 1,586 1,630 1,176 1,166 1,185 307 280 295 163 140 150 6,251 6,950 7,010 7,897 8,536 8,640 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 7,170 7,475 7,590 4,243 4,335 4,400 2,893 3,100 3,150 34 40 40 495 550 610 7,665 8,025 8,200 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 2,673 3,078 2,995 1,977 2,210 2,130 648 825 825 48 43 40 1,043 1,200 1,260 3,716 4,278 4,255 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 71,400 71,400 70,400 39,300 37,800 36,000 31,800 33,300 34,100 300 300 300 5,400 5,400 5,400 76,800 76,800 75,800 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 3,003 3,088 3,163 2,450 2,550 2,610 550 535 550 3 3 3 1,980 2,030 2,100 4,983 5,118 5,263 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 8,716 7,660 8,410 6,354 5,360 6,060 1,898 1,900 1,900 463 400 450 2,184 2,180 2,180 10,899 9,840 10,590 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 324,781 314,800 314,626 191,753 182,010 177,943 129,382 129,314 133,244 3,646 3,476 3,439 77,596 77,234 77,297 402,369 392,027 391,915 Total Europe
Canada Canada 138,131 135,303 135,303 120,741 117,995 117,995 15,239 15,040 15,040 2,152 2,268 2,268 1,472 1,567 1,567 139,603 136,869 136,869 Canada
United States United States 382,956 386,045 384,500 183,473 184,966 184,219 185,734 187,318 186,526 13,749 13,762 13,755 71,111 71,127 71,119 454,066 457,172 455,619 Etats-Unis
Total North America 521,087 521,348 519,803 304,213 302,961 302,214 200,973 202,358 201,566 15,901 16,030 16,023 72,582 72,693 72,685 593,669 594,041 592,488 Total Amérique du Nord
a Pulpwood, round and split, as well as chips and particles produced directly a Bois de trituration, rondins et quartiers, ainse que plaquettes et particules fabriquées
therefrom and used as pulpwood directement à partir des rondins et quartiers et utilisées comme bois de trituration
b Pitprops, poles, piling, posts etc. b Bois de mine, poteaux, pilotis, piquets etc.
c Including chips and particles produced from wood in the rough and c Y compris plaquettes et particules fabriquées à partir du bois brut et utilisées
used for energy purposes à des fins energétiques

Table 9a

1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
Country Industrial wood - Bois industriels Wood fuel c Bois de chauffage c Pays
Total Logs Pulpwood a Other b Total
Grumes Bois de trituration a Autre b
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 12,671 12,947 12,700 10,139 10,315 10,000 2,531 2,632 2,700 0 0 0 2,993 3,158 3,200 15,663 16,105 15,900 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 2,228 ... ... 1,178 ... ... 1,019 ... ... 31 ... ... 608 ... ... 2,836 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus ... ... ... 2 2 2 ... ... ... 0 0 0 6 6 7 ... ... ... Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 24,251 20,470 19,943 17,301 15,480 14,210 6,841 4,880 5,621 109 110 112 4,463 4,365 3,965 28,714 24,835 23,908 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 4,447 4,330 4,330 3,268 3,200 3,200 1,152 1,100 1,100 27 30 30 1,431 1,400 1,400 5,878 5,730 5,730 Estonie
Finland Finland 48,840 46,602 48,616 25,247 23,457 23,590 23,593 23,145 25,026 0 0 0 4,279 4,279 4,279 53,119 50,881 52,895 Finlande
Germany Germany 55,270 53,354 50,415 44,611 41,447 39,283 10,505 11,757 10,982 153 150 150 9,265 9,600 9,800 64,534 62,954 60,215 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 8,661 8,350 8,250 5,975 5,600 5,500 2,036 2,100 2,100 650 650 650 315 350 400 8,976 8,700 8,650 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 156 169 143 27 51 122 35 32 6 94 86 15 24 30 11 180 199 154 Luxembourg
Netherlands Netherlands 452 449 449 154 154 154 263 260 260 35 35 35 451 450 450 903 899 899 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 31,131 32,500 33,350 15,698 16,370 16,900 14,861 15,570 15,900 572 560 550 2,189 2,150 2,100 33,320 34,650 35,450 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 3,352 3,440 3,455 1,851 1,900 1,970 1,370 1,400 1,350 131 140 135 445 480 450 3,797 3,920 3,905 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 319 315 335 202 210 220 76 70 75 41 35 40 129 150 160 448 465 495 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 3,678 3,815 3,830 2,724 2,735 2,750 928 1,050 1,050 26 30 30 223 250 285 3,901 4,065 4,115 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 1,790 1,978 1,888 1,510 1,680 1,600 262 285 275 18 13 13 106 150 160 1,896 2,128 2,048 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 64,850 64,650 63,450 39,100 37,600 35,800 25,600 26,900 27,500 150 150 150 2,700 2,700 2,700 67,550 67,350 66,150 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 2,602 2,652 2,712 2,224 2,300 2,350 376 350 360 2 2 2 834 880 900 3,436 3,532 3,612 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 8,608 7,550 8,300 6,298 5,300 6,000 1,895 1,900 1,900 415 350 400 1,571 1,570 1,570 10,179 9,120 9,870 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 273,305 263,571 262,166 177,509 167,801 163,651 93,345 93,431 96,205 2,454 2,341 2,312 32,032 31,968 31,837 305,330 295,533 293,995 Total Europe
Canada Canada 113,236 110,975 110,975 108,690 106,633 106,633 4,232 3,975 3,975 314 367 367 659 724 724 113,895 111,700 111,700 Canada
United States United States 306,264 307,884 307,074 150,702 151,554 151,128 143,462 144,219 143,840 12,100 12,111 12,106 33,760 33,770 33,765 340,023 341,654 340,839 Etats-Unis
Total North America 419,499 418,859 418,049 259,392 258,187 257,761 147,694 148,194 147,816 12,414 12,478 12,472 34,419 34,495 34,489 453,918 453,354 452,538 Total Amérique du Nord
a Pulpwood, round and split, as well as chips and particles produced directly a Bois de trituration, rondins et quartiers, ainse que plaquettes et particules fabriquées
therefrom and used as pulpwood directement à partir des rondins et quartiers et utilisées comme bois de trituration
b Pitprops, poles, piling, posts etc. b Bois de mine, poteaux, pilotis, piquets etc.
c Including chips and particles produced from wood in the rough and c Y compris plaquettes et particules fabriquées à partir du bois brut et utilisées
used for energy purposes à des fins energétiques

Table 9b

1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
Country Industrial wood - Bois industriels Wood fuel c Bois de chauffage c Pays
Total Logs Pulpwood a Other b Total
Grumes Bois de trituration a Autre b
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 850 926 950 280 292 300 570 634 650 0 0 0 1,907 2,105 2,200 2,757 3,031 3,150 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 944 ... ... 346 ... ... 587 ... ... 11 ... ... 1,749 ... ... 2,693 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 0 0 1 1 1 ... ... ... Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 895 652 633 438 378 362 453 269 266 4 5 5 647 568 571 1,542 1,220 1,204 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 2,073 1,987 1,987 877 860 860 1,171 1,100 1,100 25 27 27 2,717 2,700 2,700 4,789 4,687 4,687 Estonie
Finland Finland 9,196 9,245 9,924 1,045 1,161 1,123 8,151 8,084 8,801 0 0 0 4,589 4,589 4,589 13,785 13,834 14,513 Finlande
Germany Germany 3,918 3,824 3,855 2,792 2,809 2,802 1,119 1,008 1,045 8 8 8 13,959 14,300 14,300 17,877 18,124 18,155 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 4,342 4,300 4,300 1,852 1,800 1,800 1,950 2,000 2,000 540 500 500 2,625 2,800 2,800 6,967 7,100 7,100 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 61 163 54 12 35 22 49 128 32 0 0 0 22 43 34 83 206 89 Luxembourg
Netherlands Netherlands 196 204 204 57 60 60 131 135 135 9 9 9 1,912 1,900 1,900 2,108 2,104 2,104 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 7,456 7,800 8,180 2,810 2,930 3,050 4,610 4,840 5,100 36 30 30 2,330 2,300 2,250 9,787 10,100 10,430 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 8,784 8,800 8,700 296 290 250 8,289 8,300 8,250 200 210 200 1,318 1,350 1,330 10,102 10,150 10,030 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 1,327 1,271 1,295 974 956 965 231 210 220 122 105 110 6,122 6,800 6,850 7,449 8,071 8,145 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 3,492 3,660 3,760 1,519 1,600 1,650 1,965 2,050 2,100 8 10 10 272 300 325 3,764 3,960 4,085 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 883 1,100 1,107 467 530 530 386 540 550 30 30 27 937 1,050 1,100 1,820 2,150 2,207 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 6,550 6,750 6,950 200 200 200 6,200 6,400 6,600 150 150 150 2,700 2,700 2,700 9,250 9,450 9,650 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 401 436 451 226 250 260 174 185 190 1 1 1 1,146 1,150 1,200 1,547 1,586 1,651 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 108 110 110 56 60 60 3 0 0 48 50 50 613 610 610 720 720 720 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 51,476 51,228 52,460 14,247 14,211 14,294 36,038 35,883 37,039 1,191 1,135 1,127 45,564 45,266 45,460 97,039 96,493 97,919 Total Europe
Canada Canada 24,896 24,328 24,328 12,051 11,361 11,361 11,007 11,065 11,065 1,838 1,901 1,901 812 842 842 25,708 25,170 25,170 Canada
United States United States 76,692 78,161 77,427 32,771 33,412 33,091 42,272 43,099 42,685 1,649 1,651 1,650 37,351 37,356 37,354 114,043 115,517 114,780 Etats-Unis
Total North America 101,588 102,489 101,754 44,822 44,773 44,453 53,279 54,164 53,750 3,487 3,552 3,551 38,163 38,199 38,196 139,751 140,687 139,950 Total Amérique du Nord
a Pulpwood, round and split, as well as chips and particles produced directly a Bois de trituration, rondins et quartiers, ainse que plaquettes et particules fabriquées
therefrom and used as pulpwood directement à partir des rondins et quartiers et utilisées comme bois de trituration
b Pitprops, poles, piling, posts etc. b Bois de mine, poteaux, pilotis, piquets etc.
c Including chips and particles produced from wood in the rough and c Y compris plaquettes et particules fabriquées à partir du bois brut et utilisées
used for energy purposes à des fins energétiques

Table 10

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption a Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 17,589 16,095 16,500 10,139 10,315 10,000 8,044 6,660 7,000 594 880 500 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 1,173 ... ... 1,178 ... ... 0 ... ... 5 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 8,801 8,617 7,916 17,301 15,480 14,210 750 663 660 9,250 7,526 6,954 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 3,640 3,730 3,730 3,268 3,200 3,200 455 600 600 83 70 70 Estonie
Finland Finland 25,080 23,224 23,365 25,247 23,457 23,590 165 78 86 332 311 311 Finlande
Germany Germany 39,795 39,077 38,613 44,611 41,447 39,283 3,190 3,300 3,600 8,006 5,670 4,270 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 6,786 6,350 6,100 5,975 5,600 5,500 1,088 1,100 900 277 350 300 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 393 90 161 27 51 122 609 164 164 243 125 125 Luxembourg
Netherlands Netherlands 176 169 169 154 154 154 87 80 80 65 65 65 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 14,868 15,470 16,000 15,698 16,370 16,900 1,090 1,150 1,200 1,920 2,050 2,100 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 1,971 1,990 2,075 1,851 1,900 1,970 150 130 140 30 40 35 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 226 220 233 202 210 220 28 12 15 4 2 2 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 3,057 3,235 3,250 2,724 2,735 2,750 1,049 900 900 716 400 400 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 1,511 1,740 1,620 1,510 1,680 1,600 287 320 300 286 260 280 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 39,240 37,680 35,880 39,100 37,600 35,800 880 1,010 1,010 740 930 930 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 1,935 2,045 2,105 2,224 2,300 2,350 52 55 55 341 310 300 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 6,515 5,510 6,200 6,298 5,300 6,000 359 360 360 142 150 160 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 172,758 165,244 163,919 177,509 167,801 163,651 18,283 16,582 17,070 23,033 19,139 16,802 Total Europe
Canada Canada 104,025 102,730 102,894 108,690 106,633 106,633 2,221 1,489 1,245 6,887 5,392 4,984 Canada
United States United States 142,644 143,443 143,043 150,702 151,554 151,128 278 280 279 8,336 8,391 8,364 Etats-Unis
Total North America 246,668 246,173 245,937 259,392 258,187 257,761 2,500 1,769 1,524 15,223 13,784 13,348 Total Amérique du Nord
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Table 11

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption a Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 Country Consumption Production Imports Exports Country
Austria Austria 398 362 370 280 292 300 162 140 120 45 70 50 Autriche ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Bulgaria Bulgaria 346 ... ... 346 ... ... 0 ... ... 0 ... ... Bulgarie ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Czech Republic Czech Republic 305 239 218 438 378 362 132 135 138 265 274 282 République tchèque ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Estonia Estonia 901 885 885 877 860 860 48 45 45 23 20 20 Estonie ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Finland Finland 1,218 1,193 1,123 1,045 1,161 1,123 173 32 0 0 0 0 Finlande ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Germany Germany 2,174 2,346 2,348 2,792 2,809 2,802 110 111 120 727 574 574 Allemagne ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Latvia Latvia 1,570 1,470 1,520 1,852 1,800 1,800 27 60 50 309 390 330 Lettonie ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Luxembourg Luxembourg 199 139 126 12 35 22 209 111 111 22 7 7 Luxembourg ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Netherlands Netherlands 62 70 70 57 60 60 65 70 70 59 60 60 Pays-Bas ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Poland Poland 2,740 2,860 3,050 2,810 2,930 3,050 80 80 ... 150 150 ... Pologne ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Portugal Portugal 406 380 350 296 290 250 140 120 130 30 30 30 Portugal ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Serbia Serbia 954 951 955 974 956 965 30 15 20 50 20 30 Serbie ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Slovakia Slovakia 1,658 1,700 1,750 1,519 1,600 1,650 562 500 500 423 400 400 Slovaquie ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Slovenia Slovenia 263 242 260 467 530 530 43 42 40 248 330 310 Slovénie ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Switzerland Switzerland 104 130 150 226 250 260 27 35 40 149 155 150 Suisse ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Total Europe 13,592 13,273 13,481 14,247 14,211 14,294 1,849 1,542 1,430 2,504 2,480 2,243 Total Europe ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Canada Canada 13,122 12,288 12,248 12,051 11,361 11,361 1,145 1,018 969 75 92 83 Canada ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
United States United States 30,814 31,416 31,115 32,771 33,412 33,091 151 154 153 2,109 2,150 2,129 Etats-Unis ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Total North America 43,935 43,704 43,363 44,822 44,773 44,453 1,297 1,173 1,122 2,183 2,241 2,212 Total Amérique du Nord ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Table 11a

HARDWOOD LOGS (temperate) GRUMES DE NON-CONIFERES (zone tempérée)
Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption a Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 280 292 300 280 292 300 ... ... ... ... ... ... Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 346 ... ... 346 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Bulgarie
Czech Republic Czech Republic 303 237 216 438 378 362 130 133 136 265 274 282 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 877 860 860 877 860 860 ... ... ... ... ... ... Estonie
Finland Finland 1,045 1,161 1,123 1,045 1,161 1,123 ... ... ... ... ... ... Finlande
Germany Germany 2,168 2,341 2,343 2,792 2,809 2,802 98 101 110 722 569 569 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 1,852 1,800 1,800 1,852 1,800 1,800 ... ... ... ... ... ... Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 191 139 22 12 35 22 201 111 ... 22 7 ... Luxembourg
Netherlands Netherlands 53 62 62 57 60 60 50 55 55 53 53 53 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 2,739 2,858 3,050 2,810 2,930 3,050 78 78 ... 150 150 ... Pologne
Portugal Portugal 382 355 325 296 290 250 110 90 100 24 25 25 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 953 950 954 974 956 965 29 14 19 50 20 30 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 1,519 1,600 1,650 1,519 1,600 1,650 ... ... ... ... ... ... Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 262 241 259 467 530 530 42 41 39 248 330 310 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 200 200 200 200 200 200 ... ... ... ... ... ... Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 226 250 260 226 250 260 ... ... ... ... ... ... Suisse
UK United Kingdom 66 80 80 56 60 60 14 20 20 4 0 0 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 13,462 13,426 13,504 14,247 14,211 14,294 753 643 479 1,538 1,428 1,269 Total Europe
Canada Canada 12,051 11,361 11,361 12,051 11,361 11,361 ... ... ... ... ... ... Canada
United States United States 30,813 31,415 31,114 32,771 33,412 33,091 150 152 151 2,108 2,149 2,128 Etats-Unis
Total North America 42,864 42,777 42,475 44,822 44,773 44,453 150 152 151 2,108 2,149 2,128 Total Amérique du Nord
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Table 11b

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Net Trade Imports Exports
Country Commerce Net Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Czech Republic Czech Republic -2 -2 -2 2 2 2 0 0 0 République tchèque
Germany Germany -7 -5 -5 11 10 10 5 5 5 Allemagne
Luxembourg Luxembourg -8 0 ... 8 0 ... 0 0 ... Luxembourg
Netherlands Netherlands -9 -8 -8 15 15 15 6 7 7 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland -1 -2 -2 2 2 2 0 0 0 Pologne
Portugal Portugal -24 -25 -25 30 30 30 6 5 5 Portugal
Serbia Serbia -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Serbie
Slovenia Slovenia -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Slovénie
UK United Kingdom -1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe -54 -44 -44 71 61 61 17 17 17 Total Europe
United States United States -1 -1 -1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Etats-Unis
Total North America -1 -1 -1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 12

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption a Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 14,154 13,876 13,900 10,568 10,416 10,450 4,953 4,650 4,500 1,367 1,190 1,050 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 1,639 ... ... 1,699 ... ... 27 ... ... 87 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 6,155 4,306 4,709 9,027 6,877 7,621 475 469 475 3,347 3,040 3,387 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 3,575 3,600 3,600 6,323 6,100 6,100 268 240 240 3,015 2,740 2,740 Estonie
Finland Finland 57,262 49,139 51,233 47,052 46,586 49,737 11,200 3,364 2,307 990 811 811 Finlande
Germany Germany 27,289 28,098 28,031 28,327 29,465 28,527 3,819 3,509 3,680 4,858 4,876 4,176 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 4,879 5,025 5,180 8,296 8,600 8,800 1,417 875 780 4,834 4,450 4,400 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 605 681 559 605 681 559 ... ... ... ... ... ... Luxembourg
Malta Malta ... ... ... ... ... ... Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 1,566 1,565 1,565 1,365 1,365 1,365 644 680 680 443 480 480 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 31,755 32,925 31,800 29,682 30,910 31,800 3,947 3,810 ... 1,874 1,795 ... Pologne
Portugal Portugal 13,642 12,870 12,780 11,483 11,620 11,500 2,833 1,815 1,850 674 565 570 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 812 840 890 800 830 875 15 12 17 3 2 2 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 3,849 4,000 4,100 4,043 4,250 4,350 1,043 1,000 1,000 1,237 1,250 1,250 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 1,129 1,019 1,345 2,008 2,275 2,325 653 674 680 1,532 1,930 1,660 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 61,355 61,618 61,918 55,300 55,800 56,100 6,858 6,774 6,774 803 956 956 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 1,773 1,773 1,793 1,340 1,345 1,370 623 613 613 190 185 190 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 5,304 5,040 5,280 5,020 4,770 5,010 384 380 380 101 110 110 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 236,743 226,375 228,683 222,939 221,890 226,489 39,158 28,865 23,976 25,354 24,380 21,782 Total Europe
Canada Canada 40,927 37,948 37,855 38,095 36,525 36,525 3,722 2,250 2,204 890 827 873 Canada
United States United States 240,634 243,316 241,975 246,219 249,015 247,617 264 268 266 5,849 5,966 5,908 Etats-Unis
Total North America 281,560 281,264 279,830 284,314 285,540 284,142 3,986 2,517 2,469 6,740 6,794 6,781 Total Amérique du Nord
Includes wood residues, chips and particles for all purposes Comprend les dechets de bois, plaquettes et particules pour toute utilisation
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Table 12a

Softwood Conifères
1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
Apparent Consumption a Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 4,145 4,212 4,300 2,531 2,632 2,700 1,973 1,850 1,800 360 270 200 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 1,000 ... ... 1,019 ... ... 15 ... ... 34 ... ... Bulgarie
Czech Republic Czech Republic 4,111 2,444 2,838 6,841 4,880 5,621 270 263 265 3,000 2,699 3,048 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 533 560 560 1,152 1,100 1,100 32 40 40 650 580 580 Estonie
Finland Finland 24,151 23,246 25,181 23,593 23,145 25,026 1,294 754 808 736 653 653 Finlande
Germany Germany 10,697 11,527 11,552 10,505 11,757 10,982 2,523 2,200 2,400 2,331 2,430 1,830 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 1,714 1,850 1,750 2,036 2,100 2,100 473 400 350 795 650 700 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 35 32 6 35 32 6 ... ... ... ... ... ... Luxembourg
Netherlands Netherlands 195 180 180 263 260 260 113 110 110 182 190 190 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 14,706 15,470 15,900 14,861 15,570 15,900 1,174 1,200 1,250 1,329 1,300 1,250 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 1,402 1,420 1,380 1,370 1,400 1,350 75 65 70 43 45 40 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 76 70 75 76 70 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 843 900 900 928 1,050 1,050 645 600 600 730 750 750 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 288 325 315 262 285 275 264 270 270 239 230 230 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 28,302 29,632 30,232 25,600 26,900 27,500 3,110 3,255 3,255 408 523 523 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 306 280 290 376 350 360 20 20 20 90 90 90 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 2,085 2,080 2,080 1,895 1,900 1,900 213 210 210 23 30 30 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 94,588 94,228 97,539 93,345 93,431 96,205 12,194 11,237 11,448 10,950 10,440 10,114 Total Europe
Canada Canada 5,139 4,236 4,204 4,232 3,975 3,975 961 297 273 54 36 45 Canada
United States United States 143,467 144,224 143,845 143,462 144,219 143,840 5 5 5 0 0 0 Etats-Unis
Total North America 148,606 148,460 148,049 147,694 148,194 147,816 966 302 278 54 36 45 Total Amérique du Nord
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Table 12b

Hardwood Non-conifères
1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
Apparent Consumption a Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 1,182 1,214 1,200 570 634 650 688 700 650 75 120 100 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 583 ... ... 587 ... ... 5 ... ... 9 ... ... Bulgarie
Czech Republic Czech Republic 365 187 190 453 269 266 2 9 8 90 91 84 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 336 370 370 1,171 1,100 1,100 139 130 130 974 860 860 Estonie
Finland Finland 12,721 9,117 9,428 8,151 8,084 8,801 4,661 1,085 679 91 52 52 Finlande
Germany Germany 1,111 1,021 1,079 1,119 1,008 1,045 261 259 280 269 246 246 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 432 375 480 1,950 2,000 2,000 166 175 180 1,684 1,800 1,700 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 49 128 32 49 128 32 ... ... ... ... ... ... Luxembourg
Netherlands Netherlands 62 65 65 131 135 135 19 20 20 89 90 90 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 5,095 5,325 5,100 4,610 4,840 5,100 560 560 ... 75 75 ... Pologne
Portugal Portugal 8,939 8,930 8,890 8,289 8,300 8,250 1,000 950 970 350 320 330 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 230 210 220 231 210 220 0 0 0 1 0 0 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 1,909 2,000 2,050 1,965 2,050 2,100 91 100 100 147 150 150 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 131 154 160 386 540 550 117 114 110 372 500 500 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 8,485 8,486 8,686 6,200 6,400 6,600 2,313 2,119 2,119 28 33 33 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 137 148 153 174 185 190 3 3 3 40 40 40 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 54 50 50 3 0 0 52 50 50 1 0 0 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 41,820 37,780 38,153 36,038 35,883 37,039 10,077 6,274 5,299 4,294 4,377 4,185 Total Europe
Canada Canada 10,804 10,827 10,819 11,007 11,065 11,065 46 47 39 249 284 285 Canada
United States United States 42,259 43,085 42,672 42,272 43,099 42,685 42 42 42 55 56 56 Etats-Unis
Total North America 53,063 53,912 53,491 53,279 54,164 53,750 88 89 81 304 340 340 Total Amérique du Nord
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Table 12c

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 8,827 8,450 8,400 7,467 7,150 7,100 2,292 2,100 2,050 931 800 750 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 56 ... ... 93 ... ... 7 ... ... 44 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 8 10 10 8 9 9 1 1 1 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 1,679 1,675 1,681 1,733 1,728 1,734 203 197 202 257 250 255 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 2,706 2,670 2,670 4,000 3,900 3,900 96 70 70 1,390 1,300 1,300 Estonie
Finland Finland 20,390 16,776 16,624 15,308 15,357 15,910 5,245 1,525 820 163 106 106 Finlande
Germany Germany 15,481 15,550 15,400 16,703 16,700 16,500 1,036 1,050 1,000 2,258 2,200 2,100 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 2,733 2,800 2,950 4,310 4,500 4,700 778 300 250 2,355 2,000 2,000 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 680 517 517 521 521 521 283 17 17 124 21 21 Luxembourg
Malta Malta 2 2 3 0 0 0 2 2 3 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 1,310 1,320 1,320 971 970 970 512 550 550 173 200 200 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 11,954 12,130 12,400 10,211 10,500 10,800 2,213 2,050 2,000 469 420 400 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 3,301 2,520 2,510 1,824 1,920 1,900 1,758 800 810 281 200 200 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 506 560 595 493 550 580 15 12 17 2 2 2 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 1,097 1,100 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,200 307 300 300 360 350 350 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 710 540 870 1,360 1,450 1,500 272 290 300 922 1,200 930 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 24,568 23,500 23,000 23,500 22,500 22,000 1,435 1,400 1,400 367 400 400 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 1,330 1,345 1,350 790 810 820 600 590 590 60 55 60 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 3,164 2,910 3,150 3,122 2,870 3,110 119 120 120 77 80 80 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 100,505 94,375 94,600 93,564 92,585 93,254 17,174 11,374 10,500 10,234 9,584 9,154 Total Europe
Canada Canada 24,984 22,884 22,832 22,856 21,485 21,485 2,716 1,906 1,891 587 507 544 Canada
United States United States 54,907 56,007 55,457 60,485 61,697 61,091 216 221 219 5,794 5,910 5,852 Etats-Unis
Total North America 79,892 78,891 78,290 83,341 83,182 82,576 2,932 2,127 2,110 6,382 6,417 6,396 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 13

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 mt
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 1,144 1,270 1,410 1,607 1,720 2,060 413 328 400 875 778 1,050 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 202 ... ... 216 ... ... 132 ... ... 146 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 4 3 3 0 0 0 4 3 3 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 126 199 201 490 503 517 39 35 37 403 339 353 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 67 70 70 1,600 1,550 1,550 26 20 20 1,559 1,500 1,500 Estonie
Finland Finland 552 479 456 365 375 380 196 110 80 9 6 4 Finlande
Germany Germany 2,932 3,200 3,400 3,353 3,600 3,800 392 450 500 813 850 900 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 221 280 100 2,138 2,200 2,000 592 380 400 2,509 2,300 2,300 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 49 63 63 63 63 63 13 4 4 28 4 4 Luxembourg
Malta Malta 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 2,449 2,457 2,457 307 315 315 2,297 2,297 2,297 155 155 155 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 1,169 1,220 1,330 1,594 1,620 1,680 269 280 300 694 680 650 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 224 270 265 731 860 800 3 10 15 510 600 550 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 497 430 485 468 420 460 84 60 80 55 50 55 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 19 145 195 310 325 350 46 45 45 337 225 200 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 111 112 150 149 162 170 166 120 150 204 170 170 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 1,771 1,985 1,985 1,900 2,100 2,100 154 235 235 282 350 350 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 350 355 360 275 285 295 75 70 65 0 0 0 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 9,430 9,450 9,450 304 320 320 9,128 9,130 9,130 2 0 0 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 21,318 21,989 22,381 15,870 16,418 16,860 14,030 13,578 13,762 8,582 8,007 8,241 Total Europe
Canada Canada 706 761 548 3,830 4,131 4,131 29 33 35 3,153 3,402 3,618 Canada
United States United States 1,122 1,136 1,129 8,449 8,557 8,503 196 198 197 7,523 7,619 7,571 Etats-Unis
Total North America 1,828 1,898 1,677 12,279 12,688 12,634 225 231 232 10,676 11,021 11,189 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 14

Europe: Summary table of market forecasts for 2022 and 2023
Europe: Tableau récapitulatif des prévisions du marché pour 2022 et 2023
Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
million m3 (pulp, paper and pellets million m.t. - pâte de bois, papiers et cartons, et granulés en millions de tonnes métriques)
Apparent Consumption
Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
actual forecasts actual forecasts actual forecasts actual forecasts
réels prévisions réels prévisions réels prévisions réels prévisions
Sawn softwood 67.77 63.34 62.12 90.27 88.25 87.84 26.30 22.94 21.87 48.80 47.85 47.59 Sciages conifères
Softwood logs a 172.76 165.24 163.92 177.51 167.80 163.65 18.28 16.58 17.07 23.03 19.14 16.80 Grumes de conifères a
Sawn hardwood 4.34 4.17 4.19 4.22 4.17 4.09 2.95 2.89 2.92 2.83 2.89 2.82 Sciages non-conifères
– temperate zone b 3.56 3.34 3.35 3.04 2.92 2.91 2.41 2.33 2.37 1.89 1.90 1.93 – zone tempérée b
– tropical zone b 0.32 0.34 0.34 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.41 0.41 0.40 0.12 0.09 0.08 – zone tropicale b
Hardwood logs a 13.59 13.27 13.48 14.25 14.21 14.29 1.85 1.54 1.43 2.50 2.48 2.24 Grumes de non-conifères a
– temperate zone b 13.46 13.43 13.50 14.25 14.21 14.29 0.75 0.64 0.48 1.54 1.43 1.27 – zone tempérée b
– tropical zone b 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.02 – zone tropicale b
Veneer sheets 0.74 0.75 0.72 0.70 0.72 0.71 0.78 0.71 0.66 0.74 0.68 0.65 Feuilles de placage
Plywood 5.94 5.84 5.86 3.41 3.37 3.35 5.87 5.67 5.63 3.35 3.21 3.12 Contreplaqués
Particle board (excluding OSB) 21.78 20.86 20.73 21.93 20.41 20.25 8.19 8.10 8.10 8.34 7.66 7.62 Pann. de particules (sauf OSB)
OSB 4.95 4.85 4.85 4.74 4.42 4.49 2.67 2.69 2.71 2.46 2.25 2.35 OSB
Fibreboard 13.90 14.17 14.10 14.72 14.71 14.71 7.39 7.13 7.04 8.20 7.67 7.66 Panneaux de fibres
– Hardboard 0.54 0.77 0.77 0.28 0.21 0.21 1.07 1.06 1.06 0.81 0.50 0.50 – Durs
– MDF 9.73 9.79 9.73 10.78 10.85 10.80 4.34 4.11 4.07 5.38 5.17 5.15 – MDF
– Other board 3.63 3.62 3.61 3.66 3.65 3.70 1.98 1.96 1.92 2.01 2.00 2.01 – Autres panneaux
Pulpwood a 236.74 226.37 228.68 222.94 221.89 226.49 39.16 28.87 23.98 25.35 24.38 21.78 Bois de trituration a
– Pulp logs 136.41 132.01 135.69 129.38 129.31 133.24 22.27 17.51 16.75 15.24 14.82 14.30 – Bois ronds de trituration
– softwood 94.59 94.23 97.54 93.34 93.43 96.20 12.19 11.24 11.45 10.95 10.44 10.11 – conifères
– hardwood 41.82 37.78 38.15 36.04 35.88 37.04 10.08 6.27 5.30 4.29 4.38 4.19 – non-conifères
– Residues, chips and particles 100.50 94.37 94.60 93.56 92.59 93.25 17.17 11.37 10.50 10.23 9.58 9.15 – Déchets, plaquettes et part.
Wood pulp 31.26 30.47 31.02 33.82 32.17 33.48 10.99 11.00 11.04 13.56 12.70 13.50 Pâte de bois
Paper and paperboard 47.70 46.94 46.97 64.68 62.48 63.49 29.98 29.24 29.29 46.96 44.78 45.81 Papiers et cartons
Wood Pellets 21.32 21.99 22.38 15.87 16.42 16.86 14.03 13.58 13.76 8.58 8.01 8.24 Granulés de bois
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fourni des données sur le commerce
b Trade figures by zone do not equal the total as some countries cannot provide data for both zones b Les chiffres du commerce par zone ne correspondent pas aux totaux
en raison du fait que certains pays ne peuvent les différencier.

Table 15

North America: Summary table of market forecasts for 2022 and 2023
Amérique du Nord: Tableau récapitulatif des prévisions du marché pour 2022 et 2023
Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
million m3 (pulp, paper and pellets million m.t. - pâte de bois, papiers et cartons, et granulés en millions de tonnes métriques)
Apparent Consumption
Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
actual forecasts actual forecasts actual forecasts actual forecasts
réels prévisions réels prévisions réels prévisions réels prévisions
Sawn softwood 108.10 107.38 113.43 119.26 116.36 115.11 27.96 27.02 27.28 39.12 36.00 28.96 Sciages conifères
Softwood logs 246.67 246.17 245.94 259.39 258.19 257.76 2.50 1.77 1.52 15.22 13.78 13.35 Grumes de conifères
Sawn hardwood 15.56 16.29 15.82 18.21 18.42 18.18 1.51 1.93 1.66 4.17 4.06 4.02 Sciages non-conifères
– temperate zone 15.36 16.05 15.61 18.21 18.42 18.18 1.27 1.64 1.38 4.11 4.01 3.96 – zone tempérée
– tropical zone 0.19 0.25 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.30 0.27 0.05 0.05 0.06 – zone tropicale
Hardwood logs 43.94 43.70 43.36 44.82 44.77 44.45 1.30 1.17 1.12 2.18 2.24 2.21 Grumes de non-conifères
– temperate zone 42.86 42.78 42.48 44.82 44.77 44.45 0.15 0.15 0.15 2.11 2.15 2.13 – zone tempérée
– tropical zone 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 – zone tropicale
Veneer sheets 2.82 2.97 2.90 2.87 2.85 2.85 0.85 0.98 0.95 0.90 0.86 0.89 Feuilles de placage
Plywood 19.52 19.58 19.65 11.40 11.54 11.44 9.51 9.31 9.53 1.39 1.26 1.32 Contreplaqués
Particle board (excluding OSB) 6.60 8.78 7.32 5.78 5.94 5.56 2.06 3.74 2.74 1.24 0.90 0.99 Pann. de particules (sauf OSB)
OSB 21.42 21.68 21.95 21.08 21.62 21.89 6.27 6.31 6.40 5.93 6.25 6.34 OSB
Fibreboard 11.22 11.48 11.34 8.91 9.09 9.06 4.02 4.08 4.01 1.71 1.68 1.73 Panneaux de fibres
– Hardboard 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.59 0.59 0.60 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.36 0.36 0.37 – Durs
– MDF 7.31 7.18 7.23 5.04 5.11 5.13 3.33 3.21 3.22 1.06 1.14 1.12 – MDF
– Other board 3.36 3.75 3.56 3.28 3.39 3.33 0.37 0.55 0.47 0.29 0.18 0.24 – Autres panneaux
Pulpwood 281.56 281.26 279.83 284.31 285.54 284.14 3.99 2.52 2.47 6.74 6.79 6.78 Bois de trituration
– Pulp logs 201.67 202.37 201.54 200.97 202.36 201.57 1.05 0.39 0.36 0.36 0.38 0.39 – Bois ronds de trituration
– softwood 148.61 148.46 148.05 147.69 148.19 147.82 0.97 0.30 0.28 0.05 0.04 0.04 – conifères
– hardwood 53.06 53.91 53.49 53.28 54.16 53.75 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.30 0.34 0.34 – non-conifères
– Residues, chips and particles 79.89 78.89 78.29 83.34 83.18 82.58 2.93 2.13 2.11 6.38 6.42 6.40 – Déchets, plaquettes et part.
Wood pulp 55.37 54.37 54.34 64.57 63.72 63.24 7.13 6.99 7.22 16.34 16.33 16.12 Pâte de bois
Paper and paperboard 70.56 73.06 71.87 76.26 78.63 77.27 10.65 11.12 10.93 16.35 16.69 16.32 Papiers et cartons
Wood pellets 1.83 1.90 1.68 12.28 12.69 12.63 0.23 0.23 0.23 10.68 11.02 11.19 Granulés de bois
printed on 16/12

Mr. Steven Borncamp, Project Director, SMARTER Finance for Families

Languages and translations

Can it be fast?

Can it be perfect?

Can it be affordable?

Green Mortgage Banking Partners


EPC "B" Green Homes

98,000 105,000

83,300 89,250 632 665 183 57 815 722

In the case of a fixed rate for the first 5 years, over a 25 years amortisation period: 2,27 monthly mortgage payments covered by the energy savings resulted from comparing a Green Homes certified home versus a Class B home



31.437 Green Homes certified or in progress

8.560.000.000 EUR of project value

Aviatiei Park

by 379 unites in two phases

Green terraces & roof


Steven Borncamp Green Homes & Green Mortgages

[email protected]

This initiative has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Coordination &

Support program under grant agreement no 847141

Mr. Steven Borncamp, Project Director, SMARTER Finance for Families

Languages and translations

Can it be fast?

Can it be perfect?

Can it be affordable?

Green Mortgage Banking Partners


EPC "B" Green Homes

98,000 105,000

83,300 89,250 632 665 183 57 815 722

In the case of a fixed rate for the first 5 years, over a 25 years amortisation period: 2,27 monthly mortgage payments covered by the energy savings resulted from comparing a Green Homes certified home versus a Class B home



31.437 Green Homes certified or in progress

8.560.000.000 EUR of project value

Aviatiei Park

by 379 unites in two phases

Green terraces & roof


Steven Borncamp Green Homes & Green Mortgages

[email protected]

This initiative has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Coordination &

Support program under grant agreement no 847141

Mr. Steven Borncamp, Project Director, SMARTER Finance for Families

Languages and translations

Can it be fast?

Can it be perfect?

Can it be affordable?

Green Mortgage Banking Partners


EPC "B" Green Homes

98,000 105,000

83,300 89,250 632 665 183 57 815 722

In the case of a fixed rate for the first 5 years, over a 25 years amortisation period: 2,27 monthly mortgage payments covered by the energy savings resulted from comparing a Green Homes certified home versus a Class B home



31.437 Green Homes certified or in progress

8.560.000.000 EUR of project value

Aviatiei Park

by 379 unites in two phases

Green terraces & roof


Steven Borncamp Green Homes & Green Mortgages

[email protected]

This initiative has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Coordination &

Support program under grant agreement no 847141