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RFSD2021_side event_flyer_StaTact

… RFSD2021_side event_flyer_StaTact English VIRTUAL SIDE EVENT Monday, March 15, 2021 … … RFSD2021_side event_flyer_StaTact …

Workshop on Statistical Metadata: Implementing the GSBPM and Combining Metadata Standards

…         WP.4  Implementing DDI in the National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico     PPTX PPT 03 Oct.11   … GSBPM in development of Integrated Business Survey Program (Statistics Canada)   PDF 29 Sept.11 PPTX PPT 03 Oct.11           WP.9 How do end users of statistics want metadata? (Statistics Denmark)   PDF 27 …

UNECE member States’ ambassadors reaffirm commitment to road safety by signing “We drive by the rules” poster

… participants to the Commission session as well as UNECE staff were also invited to sign the poster and commit to … This initiative will find an echo amongst UNECE member States in Belgrade, Serbia, on 27 April 2011 with the … Ref: ECE/TRANS/11/P06 … UNECE member States’ ambassadors reaffirm commitment to road safety by …


… Janusz Dygaszewicz Director ICT Systems, Geostatistics and Census Department Anna Długosz Deputy Director ICT Systems, Geostatistics and Census Department Implementat ion of the Sta

FA workshop S_3_1_2

… a n c ia l Ac c o u n t s Burcu TUNÇ Data Governance and Sta tistics Departm ent Mone tary and Financia l Data … ion t o In t e rn a t ion a l Orga n iza t ion s 6  Eurosta t - Annua l Transm ission • Table 710 - Stocks, …

Item 7: The Energy Security Scenarios, Entering a world of competitive transition, by Mr. Peter Wood, Shell

… rty interest. This presenta tion conta ins forwa rd-looking sta tements (within the mea ning of the U.S. Priva te … results of opera tions a nd businesses of Shell. All sta tements other tha n sta tements of historica l fa ct a re , or ma y be deemed to …

PP: WGP-27 PPDM-Ms. Maja Markovska, Aarhus Center Skopje, North Macedonia

… Aa rhus Center North Ma cedonia History a nd geogra phy ✘ Esta blished 20 18 in Skopje a s pa rt of the EU funded … Aa rhus center is pa rt of MKM CSO ✘ The Aa rhus center esta blished a n Aa rhus network of CSO s in NMK ✘ Esta

FA workshop S_3_2_1

… a n c ia l Ac c o u n t s Burcu TUNÇ Data Governance and Sta tistics Departm ent Mone tary and Financia l Data … u t in g Re sp on s ib ilit ie s Com p ila t ion 6 Where To Sta rt ? - Financia l / Regula tory Data - Other Adm inistra …

UN/CEFACT standards advance sustainable use of maritime resources

… FAO reports that 34.2% of all maritime stock is fished unsustainably, posing a threat to global marine ecosystems. The FAO Agreement on Port State Measures (PSMA) is the first binding international … , including the European Union representing its 27 Member States. At the third meeting of the Parties, which took …


… MWW2022_Presentation_IMF_Marini.pdf English IMF | Statistics 1 GSBPM Implementation: Experience from the IMF JUNE 27, 2022 ModernStats World Workshop 2022 Marco Marini IMF Statistics …

United Kingdom: Education for Sustainable Development Guidance Executive Summary

… United Kingdom: Education for Sustainable Development Guidance Executive Summary English Education for Sustainable Development Guidance Executive Summary March 2021 …

Data stewardship and the role of national statistical offices in the new data ecosystem - summary

… Data stewardship and the role of national statistical offices in the new data ecosystem - summary For … 1 ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE CONFERENCE OF EUROPEAN STATISTICIANS 10 April 2023 Seventy-first plenary session …

Guidelines on Statistical Business Registers

… Many of us might not be familiar with the term statistical business register (SBR), however, a large amount … information we digest daily relies on it. This includes statistics about establishments and enterprises and their activities, business …

Carbon-neutral and energy-efficient housing: activities of the Committee on Urban Development, Housing and Land Management - Gulnara Roll, UNECE

… me nt Ene rgy Efficie ncy in Build ings The Committe e on Susta ina b le Ene rgy a nd the Committe e on Housing a nd La nd Ma na ge me nt e sta b lishe d the Jo int Ta sk Force on Ene rgy Efficie ncy …

Capacity building presentation 2021

… W 0 rking Pa rty on Re g u la to ry Coop e ra tion & Sta nd a rd iza tion Po lic ie s (W P.6 ), UNECE 1 STANDARDS FOR SDGS PROJECT OBJECTIVES •Raising awareness …

Multi-Disciplinary Crash Investigation (MDCI) - (Sweden)

… it is, however, of utmost importance not only to rely on statistical figures and analyses or investigations to … safety measures. There is a need to also seek a deeper understanding of the underlying and contributing factors of the …

Multi-Disciplinary Crash Investigation (MDCI) - submitted by Sweden

… it is, however, of utmost importance not only to rely on statistical figures and analyses or investigations to … safety measures. There is a need to also seek a deeper understanding of the underlying and contributing factors of the …


… In its email response of 18 September 2007, the Council stated that the charge was calculated on the basis of seven hours sta� time (�ve hours by a Senior Executive Engineer and two …

Active metadata for the data collection system

… the data collection system English CONFERENCE OF EUROPEAN STATISTICIANS Expert Meeting on Statistical Data Collection 27-30 September 2021, Online A …

Item 8 - Sustainable Energy Division, UNECE

… Item 8 - Sustainable Energy Division, UNECE English UNFC a n d UNRMS: … w Ma ter ia ls Critical raw materials are necessary for sustainable development and climate change mitigation in … social, environmental, and economic factors A global standard for all resource types U N I T E D N AT I O N S F R …