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Displaying Results 17661 - 17677 of 17677

TIR Handbook - Tenth Revised Edition

… Geneva, 2013 ECE/TRANS/TIR/6/REV.10 NOTE Only the text which is kept in custody by the Secretary General of the United … transport operators. This edition of the TIR Handbook, which replaces the previous edition published in 2010, contains … on UNECE’s Border Crossing Facilitation web site ( The UNECE and TIR …

Report of the Regional Forum 2017

… General 18 August 2017 Russian Original: English, French, Russian ECE/AC.25/2017/2 2 I. Участники 1. Первое … на веб-сайте регионального форума по следующей ссылке: rfsd2017.html. II. Открытие сессии и … of the regional forum was held on 25 April 2017 and was chaired by Laurence Monnoyer-Smith, Commissioner General for …

Report of the Regional Forum 2017

… l’Europe (CEE) suivants: Albanie, Allemagne, Arménie, Autriche, Azerbaïdjan, Bélarus, Belgique, Bosnie -Herzégovine, … Hongrie, Israël, Kazakhstan, Kirghizistan, Lettonie, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malte, Monaco, Monténégro, Norvège, … est disponible sur le site internet du forum régional ( ECE/AC.25/2017/2 3 II. …

(China, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, UK, CLEPA, OICA) Report on the fitness of WP.29 Regulations and Global Technical Regulations for their application to automated vehicles

… (China, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, UK, CLEPA, OICA) … Report on the fitness of WP.29 Regulations and Global Technical Regulations for their application to automated … ADS Report on the fitness of WP.29 Regulations and Global Technical Regulations for their application to automated …

Report of the Inland Transport Committee on its eighty-fifth session - Addendum

… transport sector to join the global fight against climate change" 2 II. Report of High-level side event on the ITC … 14 IV. Report of the side event on "Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure" 17 V. Statements delivered during … connectivity and the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda – Challenges and opportunities for global economic …

Синяя книга

… СМВП c поправками приведен в документе ECE/TRANS/120/Rev.3 ( … также в базе данных в режиме он-лайн, расположенной на main/sc3/bluebook_database.html. Эта … районе Лобита НАП + 10,10 м. 15. Глубина фарватера ниже Gleichwertiger Wasserstand (ГЛВ) 2002 (между Эммерихом и …

(GRSP) - Proposal as a new UN Regulation Concerning the Approval of Child Restraint Systems for Safer Transport of Children in Buses

… Proposal as a new UN Regulation Concerning the Approval of Child Restraint Systems for Safer Transport of Children in Buses ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2023/135 English … Proposal as a new UN Regulation Concerning the Approval of Child Restraint Systems for Safer Transport of Children in …

Streamlined CQ Road Transport VKM theme

… Streamlined CQ Road Transport VKM theme English changes Eurostat/ITF/UNECE Common Questionnaire for inland … ANDORRA 2022 Reference year we are in favour of this change we are not in favour of this change FREE TEXT COMMENT AND Country AD Columns F and G: …

Livre Bleu

… des Nations Unies se composent de lettres majuscules et de chiffres. La simple mention d'une cote dans un texte … que modifié, figure dans le document ECE/TRANS/120/Rev.3 ( … également disponibles dans une base de données en ligne ( bluebook_database.html). Cette …

Справочник МДП - одиннадцатое пересмотренное издание

… ТАМОЖЕННОГО ТРАНЗИТА TIR secretariat Palais des Nations, CH-1210 Geneva (Switzerland); Тел. + 41-22-917-1531; Факс + … IRU - Union Internationale des Transports Routiers 14 vouchers 1. Valable pour prise en charge par le bureau de douane de départ jusqu'au 01.07.2003 …

Справочник МДП - десятое пересмотренное издание

… МДП: TIR secretariat Office 401-3, Palais des Nations, CH-1210 Geneva (Switzerland); Тел. + 41-22-917-1531; Факс + … utilisés pour les transports TIR dans le cadre d’une chaîne de garantie régionale peuvent être imprimés dans … 3. Validité: Le carnet TlR demeure valable jusqu’à l’achèvement du transport TlR au bureau de douane de …

Manuel TIR - Onzième édition révisée

… DOUANIÈRE RELATIVE AU TRANSPORT INTERNATIONAL DE MARCHANDISES SOUS LE COUVERT DE CARNETS TIR (CONVENTION TIR DE … principales. La première partie décrit le système TIR, son champ d'application géographique, sa structure … les transports de la CEE-ONU, comme indiqué à propos de chaque commentaire. La troisième partie fournit des …

Manuel TIR - Dixième édition révisée

… DOUANIÈRE RELATIVE AU TRANSPORT INTERNATIONAL DE MARCHANDISES SOUS LE COUVERT DE CARNETS TIR (CONVENTION TIR DE … La première partie décrit le système de transit TIR, son champ d'application, ses objectifs et son fonctionnement et … les transports de la CEE-ONU, comme indiqué à propos de chaque commentaire. La troisième partie fournit des …

TIR Handbook - Eleventh Revised Edition

… Geneva, 2018 ECE/TRANS/TIR/6/REV.11 NOTE Only the text which is kept in custody by the Secretary General of the United … transport operators. This edition of the TIR Handbook, which replaces the previous edition published in 2013, contains … been placed with the provisions in the Convention to which they relate (with the exception of the sketches contained …

TIR手冊 - 第十一修訂版

… 执理会和 TIR 秘书处的联系地址如下: TIR secretariat Palais des Nations CH-1210 Geneva, Switzerland 电子邮件:[email protected] … either in the country of departure or in the country in which the holder is established or resident. 2. Language: The …

Землеустройство в Европе: Тенденции развития и основные принципы

… книги (например, немецкая поземельная книга – Grundbuch) или испанские реестры земель. Обычно за поземельные … времени или морального старения. Анализ затрат (cost approach) – оценка недвижимости, основанная на расчете затрат. … Service, Canberra, ISBN 0-644-43110-5. EULIS : see European Parliament. Directive 1999/93/EC of …

10 years of EPR

… ЕЭК О О Н Printed at United Nations, Geneva GE.03-31981–March 2004–325 ECE/CEP/119 United Nations publication Sales No. … íàñåëåíèÿ ðåãèîíà. La Secrétaire exécutive, Brigita Schmögnerova 3 Ð Å ÇÞ Ì Å 1ÐÅÇÞÌÅÂâåäåíèå  íà÷àëå 90-õ ãîäîâ … () /PDFXOutputCondition () /PDFXRegistryName ( /PDFXTrapped /Unknown /Description << /FRA …