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Displaying Results 14181 - 14200 of 17758

Questionnaire for the report of the Republic of Belarus on the implementation of the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context in the period 2019–2021

… of regulation of impact on atmospheric air, climate change and expertise Kollektornaya street, 10, Minsk 220004, … 9. Telephone number: +375 17 200 27 67 10. Date on which report was completed: 29 April 2022 2 Part one Current … by economic or any other activity, the outcomes of which lead to change of environment. I.1.2. Is the definition …

Questionnaire for the report of AZERBAİJAN on the implementation of the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context in the period 2019–2021

… 9. Telephone number: (+994 12) 538 85 31 10. Date on which report was completed: 18.04.2022 … “ecological risks” and “ecological hazards”, “EIA” which explains definition of “impact” indirectly. In whole … packet of legislation, those definitions are consistent which are compatible with the respective purpose of Convention …

Annex 6: Section 70 of Act no. 114/1992 Coll. on nature and landscape protection ENG/CZE

… on nature and landscape protection, effective in March 2016 Section 70 The Participation of Citizens (1) The … or its organizational unit, the main mission of which according to its statutes is nature and landscape … notified it of the commencement of proceedings; in such a case, it has the status of a participant in the …

Provisional Agenda

… 3. Promotion and capacity-building: (a) Coordination mechanisms and synergies; (b) Subregional and national … ECE/MP.PRTR/2021/5 2 4. Reporting and compliance mechanisms: (a) Reporting mechanism; (b) Compliance mechanism. 5. Development of the …

Conference of European Statisticians Recommendations for the 2020 Censuses of Population and Housing

… (David Тhorogood) (Евростат), Эрик Шульте Нордхолд (Eric Schulte Nordhold) (Нидерландия), Гарнет Комптон (Garnett … асосий тамойиллари” (Э/1992/32, Э/ ЭCE/1266) ( … лар Ташкилоти нашри, №E.07.II.E.11 остида сотилади. ( 7 Principles and …

Analysis of the impact of agricultural quality standards on the trade of fruit and vegetables - Results of the study

… Results of the study: Impacts of OECD Fruit and Vegetables Scheme and UNECE Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Standards on … Fruit and Vegetable Schemes Brochure.” Available at … (OECD). 2021. “Our Global Reach.” Available at Peterson, E.B. and …

Uzbekistan SEA needs assessment report

… (SEA) IN CENTRAL ASIA, INCLUDING AS A RESPONSE TO CLIMATE CHANGE UZBEKISTAN: NEEDS ASSESSMENT REPORT 6 May 2021 … https://w 7  Step 5: … in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention). …

Report of the Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods held its sixty-second session

… Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of … 25-26 8 2. Amendment of definition "explosive or pyrotechnic effect" 27-28 8 3. Consideration of amendments to chapter 2.17 (Desensitized explosives) of the Globally …

Annex 7: Sections 3 and 4 of Act No. 100/2001 Coll., on environmental impact assessment ENG&CZE

… impact assessment ENG&CZE English As in force in March 2016 CZ version: § 3 Základní pojmy Pro účely tohoto zákona se rozumí a) záměrem stavby, činnosti a technologie uvedené v příloze č. 1 k tomuto zákonu, b) … orgánem veřejné správy a následně orgánem veřejné správy schvalované nebo ke schválení předkládané, c) dotčeným územím …

Supreme Administrative Court judgment, no. 7 As 90/ 2011-144 of 27.10. 2011_CZE

… Court judgment, no. 7 As 90/ 2011-144 of 27.10. 2011_CZE Czech č. j. 7 As 90/2011 - 144 ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA R O Z S U D E K … své právo jako dotčené veřejnosti neodvozuje od žádných základních č. j. 7 As 90/2011 - 145 hmotných práv a povinností, …

Draft Declaration on Environmental Democracy for Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient Development

… Development[footnoteRef:2]* [2: * This document was scheduled for publication after the standard publication date … providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits. See] [17: See target … transfers across the globe. [18: See, for example,] 32. We …

ECE_MP.PP_WG.1_2021_18_E_Decl_ECO Forum

… the two Meetings of the Parties under the leadership of the Chairs of the Bureaux. The draft declaration constitutes a … providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits. See based-solutions. 15 See target … and to facilitate accession. 16 See, for example, … …

Comments on draft Declaration by WHO

… the two Meetings of the Parties under the leadership of the Chairs of the Bureaux. The draft declaration constitutes a … providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits. See based-solutions. 14 See target … and to facilitate accession. 15 See, for example, … Comments …

Decarbonizing transport with natural gas - draft policy recommendations

… a serious alternative to petrol and diesel because of its technical and economic viability in any mode of transport: on-road, maritime, or rail. Switching to compressed (CNG) or liquefied natural gas (LNG) is … recommendations on removing regulatory, legal, economic, technical and public perception barriers to the use of gas in …

Supreme Administrative Court judgment, no. 10 As 59/2015-42, 15.10.2015_CZE

… Court judgment, no. 10 As 59/2015-42, 15.10.2015_CZE Czech ROZSUDEK Nejvyššího správního soudu ze dne 15. 10. 2015 … Výborného v právní věci žalobců: a) Calla- Sdružení pro záchranu prostředí, o. s., se sídlem Fráni Šrámka 1168/35, … 1240/6, České Budějovice, c) OIŽP-Občanská iniciativa pro ochranu životního prostředí, o. s., se sídlem Kubatova …

Annex 5: Atomic Act (2016), No. 263/2016 Coll. ENG/CZE

… The Parliament has adopted the following Act of the Czech Republic: PART ONE INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS Title I … and the European Union4), and governs 1 Directive of 5 March 1962 on freedom to take skilled employment in the field … as a result of exposure from a) mineral water, which originates from a natural medicinal source or a source of …

Atomic Act no. 263/2016, 14.07.2016_ENG/CZE

… The Parliament has adopted the following Act of the Czech Republic: PART ONE INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS Title I … and the European Union4), and governs 1 Directive of 5 March 1962 on freedom to take skilled employment in the field … as a result of exposure from a) mineral water, which originates from a natural medicinal source or a source of …

Annex Q: VA0015 - RTS Substation Action Group, Objection to Proposed Super Substation, 19.03.2013-ACCC/C/2015/132 (Ireland)

… Pleamila~ 64 .Marlborough Str·eet, . Dublin 1 Date: 19th March 2013 3' RTS Action Group Eamon Brennan. The Secretary~ … this EIS. We further request that an oral hearing be held such that the public voice of concern is at least heard and … application "In addition OPW indicative flood risk maps and www.floodmaps.le were ! reviewed. 1 The site lies within the …

Report of the 3rd High-level Meeting

… 14 5 II. TRANSPORT, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT CHALLENGES FOR THE PAN-EUROPEAN … to the secretariat can be found on THE PEP website ( B. Organization of work 7. … Paolo Garonna, Deputy Executive Secretary, UNECE. ECE/AC.21/2009/2 …

Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) Gap Analysis - Afghanistan

… Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) Gap Analysis - Afghanistan English Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) Gap Analysis of Afghanistan … - وسساتم UNICEF. (2016). Retrieved 2020 from NISA. (2020). …