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… United Nations, Geneva – 1737000 (R) – April 2018 – 9 – ECE/TRANS/261 Palais des Nations CH - 1211 Geneva 10, … или их властей, или относительно делимитации их границ. ECE/TRANS/261 Авторские права © Организация Объединенных Наций, …


… enhancing climate change adaptation and mitigation and transition to a green and blue economy. STRATEGIC PRIORITY … and gender equality. Outcome C1 By 2026, governance is more transparent and accountable, enabling people to enjoy … and outcomes represent a nexus of inter-connected and transformational changes. These aim for a more inclusive …

Руководство по подготовке национальных генеральных планов в области грузовых перевозок и логистики

… обложки) и Adobe Stock (остальные фотографии). ECE/TRANS/297 ИЗДАНИЕ ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ ОБЪЕДИНЕННЫХ НАЦИЙ eISBN … intermodal-transport/imoilounece-code-practice-packing-cargo-transport-units-ctu-code …

Более эффективное развитие за счет перехода к новым, экологически чистым, безопасным, благоприятным для здоровья и инклюзивным мобильности и транспорту

… в направлении устойчивого транспорта и мобильности. Road transport facts and figures [Автомобильный транспорт: факты … Nations, Geneva – 1922152 (R) – August 2020 – 316 – ECE/TRANS/298 В 2002 году государства-члены Европейского региона …

世界车辆法规协调论坛 (WP.29) 如何运作- 如何加入 - 第四版

… 本出版物以阿拉伯文、中文、英文、法文、俄文和西班牙文发行。 联合国欧洲经济委员会发布的联合国出版物。 ECE/TRANS/289/REV.1 联合国出版物 eISBN: 978-92-1-001217-1 iii 前  言 前  … 世界论坛的工作完全透明。以下网址包含世界论坛的议程、工作文件、报告和非正式文件: transport/vehicle-regulations。 世界论坛管理的三项协定: 《1958 …

Findings and recommendations on compliance by Serbia with its obligations under the Protocol in respect of the Energy Sector Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia for the Period up to 2025

… to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context serving as the Meeting of the Parties …

Item 5 (f): United Nations Regional Commissions joint approach to trade facilitation

… UN emblem from their edition and create a new cover design. Translations must bear the following disclaimer: “The present work is an unofficial translation for which the publisher accepts full …

Report of the Team of Specialists on Innovation and Competitiveness Policies on its fourteenth session

… in the sustainability of entire societies: In short, transformative innovation. The main obstacle to this is not … Substantive segment: Policy dialogue on “Digital and green transformations: Innovation for a sustainable future” … 2021, ECE member States designated “Digital and green transformations for sustainable development in the ECE …

Presentation, Alessandro Albano (Eurostat)

… Alessandro Albano (Eurostat) -- A.01/PRES Impact of social transfers on poverty – evidence from EU-SILC data, Alessandro Albano, Eurostat English Impact of social transfers on poverty – evidence from EU-SILC data Alessandro … people with an equivalised disposable income (after social transfer) below the at-risk-of-poverty threshold, which is …

(EMBSIG) Introduction of electrical transmission braking systems

… (EMBSIG) Introduction of electrical transmission braking systems GRVA-19-25 English Introduction of Electrical Transmission Braking Systems Workshop hosted by the Special … TEAMs Meeting May 2nd , 01:00 PM CEST – 04:00 PM CEST Transmitted by the Chair of the SIG on EMB (for reference …

Folleto “El Convenio del Agua: una respuesta a los desafíos mundiales del agua”

… sobre la Protección y Utilización de los Cursos de Agua Transfronterizos y de los Lagos Internacionales CEPE … sobre la Protección y Utilización de los Cursos de Agua Transfronterizos y de los Lagos Internacionales Nueva York y … sobre la Protección y Utilización de los Cursos de Agua Transfronterizos y de los Lagos Internacionales (Convenio …

Les chemins de fer au centre de la reprise post-pandémique: Mesures destinées à soutenir les transporteurs ferroviaires internationaux

… du secteur et encourager les voyageurs à reprendre les transports de manière plus durable. Les chemins de fer au … notamment le Comité d’experts du transport des marchandises dangereuses et du Système général harmonisé de …

Manuel pour l'élaboration de plans directeurs nationaux sur le transport de marchandises et la logistique

… pour l’élaboration de plans directeurs nationaux sur le transport de marchandises et la logistique M an ue l p ou r … (CTI) et du Comité d’experts du transport des marchandises dangereuses et du Système général harmonisé de …


… Working Group on Effects of the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, Oslo. xx+50pp. 1 RIVM, … of the Executive Body of the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP). The EMEP Steering Body … report summarises current scientific knowledge on transboundary air pollution issues within the UNECE region …

Guidance on Institutional Arrangements for Integrated Policy and Decision-making on Transport, Health and Environment

… Arrangements for Integrated Policy and Decision-making on Transport, Health and Environment ECE/AC.21/2006/7 - … Regional Office for Europe HIGH-LEVEL MEETING ON TRANSPORT, ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH THE PEP Steering Committee … supportive institutional conditions for the integration of transport, environment and health issues in policy-making, …

2020 Inland Transport Statistics for Europe and North America (Volume LX)

… изданной Европейской экономической комиссией ООН. ECE/TRANS/296 ИЗДАНИЕ СОЮЗОВ НАЦИЙ eISBN: 978-92-1-005505-5 iii … и запросы просим направлять по адресу: Sustainable Transport Division UNECE Palais des Nations CH-1211 Geneva …

OEuvrer pour la santé dans les transports urbains et la mobilité dans le contexte de la COVID-19

… Œuvrer pour la santé dans les transports urbains et la mobilité dans le contexte de la COVID-19 Œuvrer pour la santé dans les transports urbains et la mobilité dans le contexte de la …

Findings and recommendations on compliance by Serbia with its obligations under the Protocol in respect of the Energy Sector Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia for the Period up to 2025 with Projections up to 2030

… to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context serving as the Meeting of the Parties …

#Housing2030: Effective policies for affordable housing in the UNECE Region

… settlements. A commitment to housing for all is also a transformative force that can contribute to the world … Ash Charlton, Jean-marie McAdams Editors Anna Sokol Russian translator Kiyoun Kim Visual designer Kyla Marie Partridge, … Reháková Head, Department of Housing Policy, Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development, Slovak …

Annex 1: Tismana 1 Ministerial Order n. 135/2010 form ROM

… si valorificat. Schimburile de ulei pentru mijloacele de transport se vor realiza in locuri special amenajate, de … cu ambientul vor fi precolectate in recipiente etanse si transportate periodic in spatii special ame- najate, iar … → carucioare de distributie; → utilaje de depozit; → transportoare cu banda. Emisiile atmosferice specifice …