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Dam Safety Review_RU

… безопасности гидротехнических сооружений (2014) В … (2015) В последние годы … 46 капитального ремонта, …

Handbook on water allocation in a transboundary context (Russian)

… в том числе производных прав, следует направлять по адресу: United Nations Publications, 405 East 42nd Street, … факторы–нагрузка–состояние–воздействие–реакция» (Driving Forces–Pressures–State–impact–Responses) IFTD база данных по … 2018)� 3 International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre (IGRAC), “Transboundary aquifers of the world map”, …

Handbook on water allocation in a transboundary context (Russian)

… в том числе производных прав, следует направлять по адресу: United Nations Publications, 405 East 42nd Street, … факторы–нагрузка–состояние–воздействие–реакция» (Driving Forces–Pressures–State–impact–Responses) IFTD база данных по … 2018)� 3 International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre (IGRAC), “Transboundary aquifers of the world map”, …

Handbook on Forms of Employment

… U N ECE U N ITED N ATIO N S H andbook on Form s of Em ploym ent Handbook on Forms of Employment UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Handbook on … to classify and understand forms of employment, which is centred around two main dimensions: work relationships (as …

Statement of Ms. Tatiana Molcean at event “Achieving planetary health and energy security: the contribution of AI and digitization”

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland … through decentralization, interconnectivity and trade. We need to make energy affordable and accessible to … ii. the intensive electricity consumption of data centres (of which we need more and more), iii. increased …

Desk Study in Environmental Flows and Flow Regulation in the Drina River Basin (2019, version revised 2021)

… NAVARRO1 DECEMBER 2019 (revised in OCTOBER 2021)2 Developed for the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, With the … As long as communications about environmental flows remain centred on non-human benefits and conspicuously absent in …

Руководство по укреплению потенциала для внедрения системы сертификации семенного картофеля

… сертификации семенного картофеля © Hanna Kortemaa … Standards Unit United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Palais des Nations CH-1211, Geneva 10, …

ACCC/C/2023/203 (Germany) - Statement from the observer Green Legal Impact 02.05.2024 (dated 01.05.2024) - Annexes 11-16

… 02.05.2024 (dated 01.05.2024) - Annexes 11-16 German Stellungnahmefristen zu Gesetzesentwürfen Ihre Hauses [#286353] … Angabe des Zeitpunkts der Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung (Aufforderung zur Abgabe von Stellungnahmen) nach § 47 GGO, der … werden, erreichen nicht immer das Auswärtige Amt. Damit uns Zuschriften sicher erreichen, empfehlen wir Ihnen, diese …

The development of international passenger rail transport

… Sustainable Cities SU ST AIN AB LE A ND SMART CITIES FOR ALL AGES People-Smart Sustainable Cities SU ST AIN AB LE … including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to: United Nations Publications 405 East 42nd Street S-09FW001 … shows the results between countries and so identified the centre of the member State rather than the actual origin and …

Ukraine: 2nd reporting 2020/2021

… Республика Крым и г. Севастополь (please take note UN General Assembly Resolutions A/RES/68/262 «Territorial … e-gruppy/rabochaya-gruppa-po-voprosam-monitoringa-i-obmena-informaciej/ …

UNRSF annual report 2020

UNITED NATIONS ROAD SAFETY FUND 2020 ANNUAL REPORT BUILD BACK BETTER A NEW DECADE OF ACTION FOR ROAD SAFETY FI A Fo un d at io n The designations … and monitoring) and to embed skills as part of the Regional Centre of Excellence for Road Safety. More information about …

Circularity Concepts in Wood Construction

… CIRCULARITY CONCEPTS IN WOOD CONSTRUCTION GENEVA TIMBER AND FOREST STUDY PAPER 95 ECE/TIM/DP/95 Forestry and Timber … wood construction COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER Copyright © 2023 United Nations and the Food and Agriculture Organization of … 43 4.5 Poland - Wood Promotion Centre in Jata …

Financing Innovative Development

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Financing Innovative Development Comparative … Enterprise Ireland has also managed the Business Incubation Centre programme, designed to develop and expand incubator …

Guide de renforcement des capacités aux fins de l’application d’un système de certification pour les plants de pomme de terre

… Guide de renforcement des capacités aux fins de l’application d’un système de certification pour les plants de pomme de … plants de pomme de terre © Hanna Kortemaa …

Application of UNFC Case Studies 2019 (ECE ENERGY SERIES No. 58)

… Application of the United Nations Framework Classification for Resources Case studies A pplication of the U nited N … Alexander Shpilman, V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil, Russian …

Land Administration in the UNECE Region: Development Trends and Main Principles

… ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Geneva LAND ADMINISTRATION IN THE UNECE REGION Development trends and main principles UNITED … affect selected areas such as agricultural land or urban centres. In rural areas the programmes may be designed to …

Key Messages

… First UN Global Road Safety Week (23 - 29 April 2007) Messages … clefs pour la Première Semaine mondiale des Nations Unies pour la sécurité routière La 1 ère semaine mondiale … pas une fatalité. La sécurité routière est le résultat d’efforts délibérés de la part de nombreux individus et secteurs …

Statement by Ms. Olga Algayerova at the Opening Session of the Second Tashkent Investment Forum, Uzbekistan

… 1 Ms. Olga Algayerova Under Secretary General of the United Nations and Executive … Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Opening Session of the Second Tashkent Investment … is not enough. We need to look at investment together with trade, and with innovation. They are interconnected. …

Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context

… Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context Protocole à la Convention sur l’évaluation de … среду в трансграничном контексте ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment to … as to where it has its registered seat or an effective centre of its activities. Article 4 FIELD OF APPLICATION …