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Solutions and investments in the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus: A synthesis of experiences in transboundary basins

… авторских прав, следует направлять по следующему адресу: United Nations Publications, 405 East 42nd Street, … environmental-policy/events/6th-meeting-task-force-water- food-energy-ecosystems-nexus. … где существует возможность — среди 90 International Centre for Environment Management (ICEM), MRC Strategic …

European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR 2015)

… Adopted on 30 September 1957 in Geneva under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the ADR entered into force on 29 January …

Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS, Rev.5)

… by types of hazard and proposes harmonized hazard communication elements, including labels and safety data sheets. It aims at ensuring that information on physical hazards and toxicity from chemicals be …

European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR 2013)

… Adopted on 30 September 1957 in Geneva under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the ADR entered into force on 29 January …

Европейское соглашение о международной перевозке опасных грузов по внутренним водным путям (ВОПОГ 2017)

… by Inland Waterways (ADN) done at Geneva on 26 May 2000 under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Central Commission for Navigation …

Европейское соглашение о международной перевозке опасных грузов по внутренним водным путям (ВОПОГ 2017)

… by Inland Waterways (ADN) done at Geneva on 26 May 2000 under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Central Commission for Navigation …

Recommandations relatives au transport des marchandises dangereuses - Règlement type

… 09.VIII.2 ISBN 978-92-1-139136-7 Price: US$ 155; US$ 77.50 for developing countries and economies in transition; US$ 38.75 for least …

Яйцо и яйцепродукты

… 01 2010 PDF   DOC PDF DOC  --- Hen egg products for use in the food industry 02 2010 PDF   DOC PDF   DOC … 42 1976/1994 PDF   DOC PDF   WPD  --- Eggs-in-shell for processing 43 1976/1994 PDF   DOC PDF   WPD  --- Chilled … 45 1976/1994 PDF   DOC PDF   WPD  --- Hens egg products for use in the food industry 63 1986/1994 PDF   DOC PDF   …

Mr. Vladislav Cojuhari, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Mr. Pavel Apostol, General Police Inspectorate, Road safety situation in Moldova

… English Analiza situației accidentare pentru perioada 10 luni 2021 în Republica Moldova ` Potrivit datelor din Sistemul informațional automatizat ”Registrul accidentelor rutiere”, pe parcursul a zece luni ale anului 2021, s-au înregistrat 2067 accidente în …

Международная стратегия по обучению и наращиванию потенциала по мониторингу радиоактивного металлолома и процедурам реагирования

… International Training and Capacity Building Strategy for Monitoring and Response Procedures for Radioactive Scrap Metal  Prepared by: UNITAR and UNECE (2007) PDF … Международная стратегия по обучению и …

Recommandations relatives au transport de marchandises dangereuses - Manuel d’épreuves et de critères

… Price: US$ 125 Languages: E, F, S (A, C, R forthcoming) How to order this publication? This publication … new test for the classification of cartridges, small arms (UN No. 0012) (Appendix 9); and Updating of miscellaneous …

Russian Federation: Pilot reporting 2017/2018

… or a co m bi na tio n of b ot h. D ep en di ng on t he co un q si tu at io n, it w i}i no t al w ay s be ne ce ss ar y … to fo ur p ad : na tio na } (s ec tio n l ); by t ra ns bo un da ry b as in , riv er , }a ke or a qu ife r (s ec tio n lI) ; lis t of t ra ns bo un da ry w at er s an d in fo nn at io n fo r ca lc ul at io …

Европейское соглашение о международной перевозке опасных грузов по внутренним водным путям (ВОПОГ 2015)

… by Inland Waterways (ADN) done at Geneva on 26 May 2000 under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Central Commission for Navigation …


… 01 2010 PDF   DOC PDF DOC  --- Hen egg products for use in the food industry 02 2010 PDF   DOC PDF   DOC … 42 1976/1994 PDF   DOC PDF   WPD  --- Eggs-in-shell for processing 43 1976/1994 PDF   DOC PDF   WPD  --- Chilled … 45 1976/1994 PDF   DOC PDF   WPD  --- Hens egg products for use in the food industry 63 1986/1994 PDF   DOC PDF   …

Drina Nexus Assessment - Summary Serbian (2022)

… (ADA) i implementiran od strane GWP-Med u partnerstvu sa UNECE. Njen glavni cilj je da produbi analizu dva ključna … regulacije toka basena, razmatranje svih vrsta upotrebe i funkcija vode, kao i napredak ka formalizaciji nekih od ovih aspekata. U NASTAVKU SU …

Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS, Rev.5)

… by types of hazard and proposes harmonized hazard communication elements, including labels and safety data sheets. It aims at ensuring that information on physical hazards and toxicity from chemicals be …

(Russian) Background Template Good Practice_Air Pollution Abatement

… (Russian) Background Template Good Practice_Air Pollution Abatement Russian … информацию по электронному адресу до 9 апреля 2021 г. 3. Делегациям предлагается … с 2013 г. доступен на веб-сайте Конвенции: 4. …


UNLOCODE_2020-2_TXT English 2020-2 SubdivisionCodes.txt AD … M Mendoza Province 
 AR N Misiones Province 
 AR P Formosa Province 
 AR Q Neuquén Province 
 AR R Río … Valparaíso Region 
 CM AD Adamaoua Region 
 CM CE Centre Region 
 CM EN Far North Region 
 CM ES East …

Policy Guidance Note on the Benefits of Transboundary Water Cooperation: Identification, Assessment and Communication

… Transboundary water cooperation is necessary to manage shared … It has the potential to generate many significant benefits for cooperating countries, such as accelerated economic growth, improved human …

Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Manual of Tests and Criteria, Amendment 1

… contains criteria, test methods and procedures to be used for classification of dangerous goods according to the provisions of Parts 2 and 3 of the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous …