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Displaying Results 56961 - 56980 of 57519

Guidelines on tools and mechanisms to finance Smart Sustainable Cities projects. A U4SSC deliverable

United Smart Sustainable Cities 4 Empowered lives. Resilient … and regulatory frameworks to unlock private finance, trade collaborations and opportunities, and science and … assets, such as land and buildings, equipment, patents, and trademarks, as distinguished from financial investments. …

Mr. Marko Sevrovic, Senior Road Safety Engineer, EIRA, EU Directive 2019/1936 with focus on Network Wide Road Safety Assessment Methodology

… WIDE ROAD SAFETY ASSESSMENTS Methodology and Practice UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB FACULTY OF TRANSPORT AND TRAFFIC … road safety assessment, Member States may take into account the indicative elements set out in Annex III. 5. The … methods, as these methods can: • Offer a comprehensive understanding of the overall road network safety. • Merge …

Presentation by Gennadii Marushevskyi, SEA consultant, UNECE: SEA of urban planning documents in Ukraine

… Presentation by Gennadii Marushevskyi, SEA consultant, UNECE: SEA of urban planning documents in Ukraine English … On the General Scheme of Spatial Planning of Ukraine • On Fundamentals of Urban Development • On Architectural … Plans for Spatial Development of Territorial Communities (2020) According to the Law of Ukraine "On …

Decision VIII/2–IV/2 on adoption of the workplan - Excerpt from ECE/MP.EIA/30/Add.1-ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/13/Add.1

… Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context, stipulating that the Meeting of the Parties will consider and undertake any additional action that may be required to … Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol will consider and undertake any additional action, including action to be …

Spatial Planning: Key Instrument for Development and Effective Governance with Special Reference to Countries in Transition

… and Effective Governance with Special Reference to Countries in Transition UNITED NATIONS New York and Geneva, … possible to minimize conflicts, to make the most efficient trade-offs and to link social and economic development with … and market-based economic systems; • The liberalization of trade and international capital flows; • The growth in the …

Strategic paper "Strengthening climate resilience in the drinking water and sanitation sector through the Protocol on Water and Health"

… on Water and Health Draft Strategic paper prepared by the University of Bristol, with support of the UNECE-WHO/Europe secretariat Executive summary Climate … changes in tariffs. This will require considerations of the trade-offs and economic evaluation of these measures. On the …


… for Environmental Information Case C-470/19 European Union Cases Court Court of Justice Citation EU: Case … permission for the construction of wind turbines in County Cork (Ireland). That request was denied. The rejection … that the institution holding the court records, which under national law was the Courts Service of Ireland, did so …

3rd Environmental Performance Review of North Macedonia

… En vi ro nm en ta l P er fo rm an ce R ev ie w s Printed at United Nations, Geneva – 1914368 (E) – August 2019 – 855 – … a small, open economy, well integrated into international trade. Its gross domestic product (GDP) in 2017 was US$11.33 … context The country has been a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) since 2003, and an official …

Social Cohesion Concept and Measurement

… external shocks, and experience greater economic growth. An understanding of social cohesion helps us make sense of a … and issues such as immigration and international trade (Alesina et al., 2020; Rodrik, 2020). Autor et al …

Annex 8: Laois-Kilkenny Reinforcement Project – Phase 1 – Lead Consultant’s Report, May 2011-ACCC/C/2015/132 (Ireland)

… LOCAL ObjECtIvES 13 1.4.4 GRID25 13 1.5 EIRGRID POSItIOn On unDERGROunD CAbLES 14 1.6 GEnERAL PROjECt DESCRIPtIOn 15 1.7 tYPICAL … matches demand. • to operate the wholesale electricity trading system. It is in this capacity that EirGrid is …

3rd Environmental Performance Review of Bulgaria

… Bulgaria Environmental Performance Reviews ECE/CEP/181 UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATION Sales No.: E.17.II.E.9 ISBN: … Bakalov Ecobatery Mr. Alexander Yavliysky Eurosteall trade Ms. Silvana Todorova Ecokolekt Ms. Julian Daskalov …

Supporting Innovative High-Growth Enterprises in the SPECA sub-region, UNECE Policy Handbook

UNECE supports closer cooperation among its 56 member States … (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda. Its Economic Cooperation and Trade Division (ECTD) assists member States with economic …

Creating a Conducive Environment for Higher Competitiveness and Effective National Innovation Systems

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Creating a … Institute of Technology MOIT Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labour MOST Ministry of Science and Technology MNC …

Reporting on Forests and Sustainable Forest Management in the Caucasus and Central Asia – Focus on Criteria and Indicators

… GENEVA TIMBER AND FOREST STUDY PAPER 53 Developed under the project “Accountability Systems for Sustainable … 5). Such a tool would describe potential synergies and trade-offs between the different and sometimes contradictory …

Sub-regional Innovation Policy Outlook 2020: Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus

… Policy Outlook 2020: Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Geneva, 2021 … which can be expensive and involve substantial, unintended trade-offs, assessing these elements is important to ensure …

EPR Calendar for 2019

… Nuruu National Park EPR Expert Group, 2014 Mining in Zaamar UNECE Environmental Performance Reviews Since 1996, the … In 2016, it acceded to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). …

Policy Options and Instruments for Financing Innovation

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe PPoolliiccyy … GGuuiiddee ttoo EEaarrllyy--SSttaaggee FFiinnaanncciinngg UNITED NATIONS New York and Geneva, 2009 NOTE The … 53 E. Factors affecting trade sales … take to generate cash, bootstrapping techniques such as trade credit and customer advances – which are very …

3rd Environmental Performance Review of Serbia

… Performance Reviews Third Review Serbia ECE/CEP/174 UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE ENVIRONMENTAL … Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade in 2009. Since 2007, Serbia has joined the remaining …

Smart Sustainable Cities Profile - Voznesensk, Ukraine

… ab le C it ie s Pr ofi le Vo zn es en sk , U kr ai ne The UNECE Committee on Urban Development, Housing and Land … and an increase of private businesses, especially in trade and services. City authorities are actively …

Compendia of Policy Recommendations and Good Practices 2008-2012

… s G oo d Pr ac tic es a nd Po lic y Re co m m en da tio ns UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE This … services perform better than other areas such as trade, transports or finance. Tax credits and other …