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Displaying Results 56441 - 56460 of 57528

M3_EU_draft advice for comment

… advice for comment English ACCC/M/2017/3 (European Union) Draft advice for comment Draft advice by the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee to the European Union concerning the implementation of request ACCC/M/2017/3 … on draft decision VI/8f concerning the European Union to the next ordinary session of the Meeting of the …

The use of a multi-mode data collection system and of a web management system for the Italian Population Census: lessons learnt and future challenges - Novella Cecconi and Donatella Zindato (Istat, Italy)

… the information required to address the households’ list under coverage) required a web IT system constantly updated, … enumerators only to non-responding households and potential under coverage addresses. Thanks to the use of …

(Recommended ADN Classification Societies) - Correction of terminology – Pump room

… ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/2023/19 ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/2023/19 United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/2023/19 Economic and Social Council Distr.: General 8 May 2023 Original: English Economic … by the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine under the symbol CCNR-ZKR/ADN/WP.15/AC.2/2023/19] [3: ** …

120 EXCOM meeting, 26 January 2022, Agenda item 4 (b): Decisions relating to the Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry

… to the Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry Background 1. The Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry held … Commission of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) agreed to: (a) Extend the mandates of … sustainable forest; (iv) Team of specialists on forest communication (Forest Communicators’ Network). (b) Approve the … – addition of “MEMU” in the Model for report on occurrences during the carriage of dangerous goods (Sweden)

… believe the model should complemented with “MEMU” on page 3 under the heading “6. Dangerous goods involved”, where … in a serious accident or incident takes place are listed under “footnote” (3). Proposal In the third page of … the end to read: “17 MEMU”. ∗ A/75/6 (Sect.20), para 20.51. United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2021/1 Economic and Social …

Toolbox: How to Mainstream Gender in Environmental Policy - Serbian

… ЗАХВАЛНОСТИ Економска комисија Уједињених нација за Европу (UNECE) улаже значајне напоре како би земљама у региону (има … родну равноправност. У складу са овлашћењима која поседује, UNECE ради на унапређењу положаја жена и мушкараца у …

Kory Eguino presentation

… DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS PAN AMERICAN STANDARDS COMMISSION 2023 UNECE disclaimer • The author and the speaker of this … the author / speaker holds the necessary copyright. • The UNECE will remove any material from its events and supporting websites if there is unlawful use of copyrighted material. • The author / speaker …

Informal document 01 Concept note for THE PEP seminar

… the COVID-19 crisis Prepared by THE PEP Secretariat Background The extraordinary meeting of the Transport, Health and … the important role of THE PEP as a platform to support countries in recovering the mobility systems. At the same … the urgent need for a guidance that will support countries through the transition phase to limit exposure to …


… relating to the Committee on Sustainable Energy Background 1. The Committee on Sustainable Energy held its … Efficiency and the Task Force on Digitalization in Energy under the Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency, for the … Efficiency and the Task Force on Digitalization in Energy under the Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency, as …

-- Presentation

… is at the heart of the Global development agenda Voluntary national reviews Statistical Annex Poverty Monitoring How do NBS count the poor in the country? First: identify indicator (expenditure). Second: set …

Background information technical document on techniques to reduce methane emissions in Europe from landfill gases, the natural gas supply system and biogas facilities

… Background information technical document on techniques to reduce … gas supply system and biogas facilities English 1 Background informal technical document on techniques to reduce … gas supply system and biogas facilities TFTEI background informal technical document December 2020 Prepared by …

Consolidated version of amendments and proposed modifications to CEVNI 5*

… LNG or natural gas, such as engines, fuel tanks and bunkering piping. 21. The term “bunkering area” means the area situated within a 20 m radius …

Annexes to the possible technical solution for the interconnection of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union with the eTIR international system

… technical solution for the interconnection of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union with the eTIR international system …

Slovakia: 2nd reporting 2020/2021

… indicator 6.5.2  Section II - Information on each transboundary basin or group of basins  Section III - General information on transboundary water management at the national level  Section IV - …

Russia: 5th reporting cycle

… of Health of the Russian Federation is forwarding the Country Report on implementation of the Protocol on Water and … of the Russian Federation; the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation; the Federal Service for the …

Guide to Compliance Committee PRTR Protocol

… session (Geneva, 20-22 April 2010) and also taking into account the experience of preparing a similar guide by the … I. Triggering review of compliance II. Preparing a communication – useful information Annex 1 – Format for communication Annex 2 – Format for submissions (to be prepared …

Draft Guide to the Compliance Committee of the Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers

… session (Geneva, 20-22 April 2010) and also taking into account the experience of preparing a similar guide by the … I. Triggering review of compliance II. Preparing a communication – useful information Annex 1 – Format for communication Annex 2 – Format for submissions (to be prepared …

Examples of implementing data stewardship in countries

… Examples of implementing data stewardship in countries English Examples of implementing data stewardship in … of household spending compared to the long-standing Retail Trade Survey with coverage of about 30 per cent, and o …

Malta:5th reporting cycle

… progress achieved in implementing the Protocol in your country during the reporting period. Please provide a short … 1. Were targets and target dates established in your country in accordance with article 6 of the Protocol? Please … to provide for the treatment and disposal or otherwise of trade effluent; • to promote the proper disposal of waste …


… priorities of the pursued public policy for the entire Council of Ministers. The objective of the social policy for … of representatives of: non-governmental organisations, trade unions, public entities and the academic community. …