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Displaying Results 56981 - 57000 of 57528

3rd Environmental Performance Review of Bulgaria

… Bulgaria Environmental Performance Reviews ECE/CEP/181 UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATION Sales No.: E.17.II.E.9 ISBN: … Bakalov Ecobatery Mr. Alexander Yavliysky Eurosteall trade Ms. Silvana Todorova Ecokolekt Ms. Julian Daskalov …

Supporting Innovative High-Growth Enterprises in the SPECA sub-region, UNECE Policy Handbook

UNECE supports closer cooperation among its 56 member States … (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda. Its Economic Cooperation and Trade Division (ECTD) assists member States with economic …

Creating a Conducive Environment for Higher Competitiveness and Effective National Innovation Systems

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Creating a … Institute of Technology MOIT Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labour MOST Ministry of Science and Technology MNC …

Reporting on Forests and Sustainable Forest Management in the Caucasus and Central Asia – Focus on Criteria and Indicators

… GENEVA TIMBER AND FOREST STUDY PAPER 53 Developed under the project “Accountability Systems for Sustainable … 5). Such a tool would describe potential synergies and trade-offs between the different and sometimes contradictory …

EPR Calendar for 2019

… Nuruu National Park EPR Expert Group, 2014 Mining in Zaamar UNECE Environmental Performance Reviews Since 1996, the … In 2016, it acceded to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). …

Sub-regional Innovation Policy Outlook 2020: Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus

… Policy Outlook 2020: Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Geneva, 2021 … which can be expensive and involve substantial, unintended trade-offs, assessing these elements is important to ensure …

Smart Sustainable Cities Profile - Voznesensk, Ukraine

… ab le C it ie s Pr ofi le Vo zn es en sk , U kr ai ne The UNECE Committee on Urban Development, Housing and Land … and an increase of private businesses, especially in trade and services. City authorities are actively …

Policy Options and Instruments for Financing Innovation

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe PPoolliiccyy … GGuuiiddee ttoo EEaarrllyy--SSttaaggee FFiinnaanncciinngg UNITED NATIONS New York and Geneva, 2009 NOTE The … 53 E. Factors affecting trade sales … take to generate cash, bootstrapping techniques such as trade credit and customer advances – which are very …

3rd Environmental Performance Review of Serbia

… Performance Reviews Third Review Serbia ECE/CEP/174 UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE ENVIRONMENTAL … Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade in 2009. Since 2007, Serbia has joined the remaining …

Annex 10: Laois-Kilkenny Reinforcement Project - Application for Planning Approval - Planning Report, January 2013-ACCC/C/2015/132 (Ireland)

… by: Brendan Allen Title: Senior Planner Spatial Planning Unit APPROVED: B.Dee TITLE: Team Leader Spatial Planning Unit DATE: January 2013 Latest Revision Summary: COPYRIGHT © … of Justice Equality and Law  Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment  Department of Community, Rural and …

Compendia of Policy Recommendations and Good Practices 2008-2012

… s G oo d Pr ac tic es a nd Po lic y Re co m m en da tio ns UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE This … services perform better than other areas such as trade, transports or finance. Tax credits and other …

Railways at the centre of a post-pandemic recovery: Measures to support international rail carriers

… recovery Measures to support international rail carriers UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE United Nations … everyday lives in the areas of environment, transport, trade, statistics, energy, forestry, housing, and land …

Questionnaire for the report of the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY on the implementation of the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context in the period 2019–2021

… Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context in the period 2019–2021 English Questionnaire … Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context in the period 2019–2021 Information on the … 130, 10117 Berlin Phone: +49 30 18305 6437 Email: [email protected] Information on the point of contact for the …

Questionnaire for the report of ESTONIA on the implementation of the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context in the period 2019–2021

… Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context in the period 2019–2021 English Questionnaire … Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context in the period 2019– 2021 Information on the … on the person responsible for preparing the report 3. Country: Estonia 4. Surname: Persidski 5. Forename: Rainer 6. …


… (er)zählen......................... 6 3.2 Statistics counts ................................. 10 3.3 Mobility and … of storytelling and digital publishing has sometimes had unintended outcomes. Despite their digital format, certain … user progresses through the material, the visual narrative unfolds dy- namically, enriching the narrative experience. …

Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be Used for Such Carriage (ATP) 2024

… to be Used for such Carriage ATP as amended on 22 June 2024 ATP 2024 U N E C E U N ITED N ATIO N S Copyright © … everyday lives in the areas of environment, transport, trade, statistics, energy, forestry, housing, and land … the relevant expertise and experience in the international trade and transport of dangerous goods and chemicals. Its …

Agenda item 2 : Review and revision of Empirical Critical Loads

… of the German Environment Agency Imprint Publisher Umweltbundesamt Wörlitzer Platz 1 06844 Dessau-Roßlau Tel: +49 … 340-2103-2285 [email protected] Internet: / /umweltbundesamt Report … play a role (Bolsinger and Flückiger, 1989; Huber, 1980; McClure, 1980; Nordin et al., 2005; Nybakken et al., 2018). A …

Smart Sustainable Cities Profile: Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan

… SUSTAINABLE CITIES PROFILE NUR-SULTAN, KAZAKHSTAN © 2020 United Nations All rights reserved worldwide Requests to … – an overview The key economic activities for the city are trade, transport, communications and construction. The city …

Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be Used for Such Carriage (ATP) 2022

… Equipment to be Used for such Carriage ATP as amended on 1 June 2022 ATP 2022 U N E C E U N ITED N ATIO N S Copyright © … everyday lives in the areas of environment, transport, trade, statistics, energy, forestry, housing, and land … the relevant expertise and experience in the international trade and transport of dangerous goods and chemicals. Its …

Towards Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in the UNECE Region

… Towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in the UNECE region A statistical portrait of progress and … certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade 3. Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic … Convention was therefore negotiated to combat this ‘toxic trade’. All UNECE countries except for San Marino and the …