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Displaying Results 56701 - 56720 of 57541

(PMP) IWG on PMP status report

… (PMP) IWG on PMP status report GRPE-82-35 English 82nd UNECE GRPE session PMP IWG Progress Report G. Martini, T. Grigoratos Webconf, 12th -14th January 2021 UNITED NATIONS Informal document GRPE-82-35 82nd GRPE, 12-15 … 15 nm since generation of particles < 15 nm challenging, uncertainties high Polydisperse validation of VPR a …

58th session of the Working Party on the Standardization of Technical and Safety Requirements in Inland Navigation on its session (SC.3/WP.3): Decisions for silence procedure

… session Geneva, 17–19 February 2021 Items for decision under silence procedure Decisions submitted to silence … No. Document No (link) Decision 1 1 (para. 6)1 es/default/files/202 0-12/ECE- TRANS-SC.3- … document SC.3/WP.3 No. 1 (2021) so as to take into account Informal documents SC.3/WP.3 Nos. 2 to 9. 2 (para. 7) In …

Comparison of multilateral index extension methods: Application on seasonal items. Antonio G. Chessa, Statistics Netherlands

… in accordance with the o�cial term GTIN for barcode (Global Trade Item Number).1 Tasks like classi�cation, that is, the … in particular to capture price changes of items that undergo a so-called �relaunch�. Product strata cannot be …

Tajikistan SEA needs assessment and action plan

… expert to OSCE), Elena Santer and Ekaterina Molodtsova (UNECE), Christian Melis (OSCE), and Maia … for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) This project was funded by the German Federal …

Action Plan for Tajikistan

… expert to OSCE), Elena Santer and Ekaterina Molodtsova (UNECE), Christian Melis (OSCE), and Maia … for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) This project was funded by the German Federal …


… VII/8a are provided in a separate advice (forthcoming), under the case reference ACCC/A/2023/4 … (Armenia).[footnoteRef:2] [2: Available at:] 4. On 10 March … in paragraph 9 (a) of Annex I to the Convention. 9. (b) Trading ports, piers for loading and unloading connected to …

Guidelines on the Strategic Environmental Assessment of Urban Planning Documentation (Urkaine)

… Documentation (Urkaine) The Guidelines were prepared under the “European Union for Environment” (EU4Environment – Green Economy) … was prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine in 2017. It is recommended to determine the …

Third Report on Implementation of the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (2020–2023)

… of the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (2020–2023) English UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE PROGRESS ON …

Annex 5: Barnet Draft Local Plan (Reg. 18), January 2020 - PRE/ACCC/C/2021/185 (United Kingdom)

… Local Plan (Reg. 18), January 2020 - PRE/ACCC/C/2021/185 (United Kingdom) English Preferred Approach 1 Barnet Draft … can help contribute to vitality and viability by increasing trade for business and enhancing natural surveillance and … from other sources including government funds, local traders and community fundraising initiatives. Through this …

Ageing Policy in Europe, North America and Central Asia in 2017-2022

… in Europe, North America and Central Asia in 2017-2022 UNECE UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Ageing … of older persons’ organisations, veteran organisations or trade unions, and their active engagement in various … account the following activities: attending a meeting of a trade union, political party or political action group, …

Ageing Policy in Europe, North America and Central Asia in 2017-2022 - Synthesis Report

… in Europe, North America and Central Asia in 2017-2022 UNECE UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Ageing … of older persons’ organisations, veteran organisations or trade unions, and their active engagement in various … account the following activities: attending a meeting of a trade union, political party or political action group, …

Ageing Policy in Europe, North America and Central Asia in 2017-2022 – Synthesis report on the implementation of the Madrid International Plan on Action on Ageing in the ECE region between 2017 and 2022

… in Europe, North America and Central Asia in 2017-2022 UNECE UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Ageing … of older persons’ organisations, veteran organisations or trade unions, and their active engagement in various … account the following activities: attending a meeting of a trade union, political party or political action group, …


… CARROLL Appellant and reclaimer; against SCOTTISH BORDERS COUNCIL Respondents: and THE FIRM OF SR FINDLAY Interested … a decision of a Local Review Body of Scottish Borders Council dated 21 March 2013 Appellant and reclaimer: Poole QC, …

Sharing economy or just utilization of new business models? - Norway

… the P2P and B2C plattforms. We find that although the underlying business model of the sharing economy keeps … models are relatively similar to those of traditional traders. Contact through well- established web sites such as … Retrieved from xmlui/handle/11250/2602833 Ranzini, G. E. (2017 - II). …

Questionnaire for the report of the EUROPEAN UNION on the implementation of the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context in the period 2019–2021

… Questionnaire for the report of the EUROPEAN UNION on the implementation of the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context in the period 2019–2021 English Questionnaire … pipelines for the transport of oil, gas or chemicals. 9. Trading ports and also inland waterways and ports for …

Sharing economy or just utilization of new business models? - Norway

… the P2P and B2C plattforms. We find that although the underlying business model of the sharing economy keeps … models are relatively similar to those of traditional traders. Contact through well- established web sites such as … Retrieved from xmlui/handle/11250/2602833 Ranzini, G. E. (2017 - II). …

ACCC/C/2023/203 (Germany) - Statement from the observer Green Legal Impact 02.05.2024 (dated 01.05.2024) - Annexes 11-16

… 02.05.2024 (dated 01.05.2024) - Annexes 11-16 German Stellungnahmefristen zu Gesetzesentwürfen Ihre Hauses [#286353] Von: Philipp Schönberger An: "Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat" Datum: 17. … werden, erreichen nicht immer das Auswärtige Amt. Damit uns Zuschriften sicher erreichen, empfehlen wir Ihnen, diese …

Ukraine: 2nd reporting 2020/2021

… Республика Крым и г. Севастополь (please take note UN General Assembly Resolutions A/RES/68/262 «Territorial … Республика Крым и г. Севастополь (please take note UN General Assembly Resolutions A/RES/68/262 «Territorial …

Nuclear Power - Technology Brief in Russian

… для ряда технологий Источник: АЯЭ ОЭСР, 2020 г., Unlocking Reductions in the Construction Costs of Nuclear: A … источников энергии) Источник: АЯЭ ОЭСР, 2020 г., Unlocking Reductions in the Construction Costs of Nuclear: A … Costs of Generating Electricity 2020 edition Kirsten Hund et al., 2020, Minerals for Climate Action: The Mineral …

Draft programme of work 2023-2025

… to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes Sixth session … Prepared by the Bureau with the support of the secretariat United Nations …