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Report of the Conference of the Parties on its tenth meeting

… 13 F. Parties that have not yet had the opportunity to contribute financially or in-kind … Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, European Union, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, … intersessional consultations on the draft amendment, adding that the Conference should be informed by the Bureau …

Report of the Compliance Committee on compliance by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – Part I

… VI/8 of the Meeting of the Parties (ECE/MP.PP/2017/2/Add.1) and in accordance with the Committee’s mandate set … … (d) Establish a clear, transparent and consistent framework to implement article 9 (4) of the Convention. 4. … for variation of costs caps provide a clear and consistent framework that guarantees that costs will be fair, equitable …

La réforme des chemins de fer dans la région de la CEE

… réforme des chemins de fer tenu en novembre 2017 dans le cadre de la soixante et onzième session du Groupe de travail … trois grands domaines : séparation entre la gestion de l’infrastructure et l’exploitation des services ; ouverture du … relatives à la séparation entre gestion de l’infrastructure et exploitation des services au niveau de …

Guía práctica para la elaboración de acuerdos o de otros arreglos relativos a la cooperación en materia de aguas transfronterizas

… 2021 © Naciones Unidas 2021 Todos los derechos reservados Las peticiones para reproducir extractos o hacer … fronteras. Esta publicación se publica en inglés, árabe, francés, ruso y español. Créditos de fotos: Depositphotos, … sustainable renewable energy investment and deployment: Trade-offs and opportunities with water resources and the …

ADN catalogue of questions 2023 General

ADN catalogue of questions 2023 General English ADN … B To avoid polymerization of certain goods, a substance is added. What is the substance? A A base B An inhibitor C A … Au moins en anglais B En néerlandais, anglais, allemand et français C Dans la langue des pays touchés par le bateau …

Status of the Agreement, of the annexed Regulations and of the amendments thereto - List and status of relevant official documents and dates of entry into force of amendments to UN Regulations - Revision 1

… to UN Regulations - Revision 1 ECE/TRANS/WP.29/343/Rev.29/Add.2/Rev.1 English 3 ECE/TRANS/WP.29/343/Rev.29/Add.2/Rev.1 … 04 series 20.10.81 61 63, paras. 31-41 and Annex 1 … France Add.14/Rev.3/Corr.1 (E only) Corr.1 to Rev.3 62 73, para. 30 and Annex 3 France Add.14/Rev.3/Amend.1 Suppl.1 to 04 01.06.84 67 93, …

Report of the Meeting of the Parties on its sixth session

… 2023–2025 and the decision on general issues of compliance, adopted at the session, are reproduced in separate addendums … Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, … and water resources. The Protocol had been a key governance framework to support recovery processes towards a more …

Annotated provisional agenda for the twelfth meeting

… Geneva, 13–15 June 2023 Item 1 of the provisional agenda Adoption of the agenda Annotated provisional agenda for the … of the Convention by all its Parties; (c) Belgium, France, Georgia, Greece, Ireland and the United Kingdom of … of the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR Convention); and the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine …

Programme Plan for 2023

… 2017, the seventy-second session of the General Assembly adopted resolution A/72/266 “Shifting the management … networks; (b) administer the international regulatory framework for inland transport, which includes 59 United … to maintain the database of international regulatory frameworks for inland transport, (h) promote …

Draft note on a rapid response mechanism to deal with cases related to article 3 (8) of the Aarhus Convention

… the Meeting of the Parties for consideration and possible adoption. Based on the comments received, the present … (ii) having in place appropriate legislative and policy frameworks so that such defenders can exercise their rights … such initiatives; 2. Calls on Parties to review their legal frameworks and practical arrangements in line with the …

Decision VII/8p (Spain) - Final progress report from the Party concerned 30.09.2024 - Annex 5: Law no. 21/2013

… de 9 de diciembre, de evaluación ambiental. Jefatura del Estado «BOE» núm. 296, de 11 de diciembre de 2013 Referencia: … . . . . . . . 49 Artículo 54. Sujetos responsables de las infracciones.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Artículo 55. Infracciones en materia de evaluación de impacto ambiental. . …

UN Regulation No. 152 Amend. 7

… UN Regulation No. 152 Amend. 7 E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.3/Add.151/Amend.7 English E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.3/Add.151/Amend.7 E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.3/Add.151/Amend.7 E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.3/Add.151/Amend.7 11 …

Conference Room paper no. 3 - "Third High-Level Meeting on Transport, Health, and Environment- Elements for a Draft Declaration

… processes of UNECE and WHO into one streamlined and jointly administered processes had been a positive step, 4. … coordination of industrial development and transport infrastructure investments to reverse the trend, 14. NOTING … ACKNOWLEDGING the joint activities of Member States in the framework of THE PEP, including the six country study on …

Provisional Agenda

… March 2007 – either by fax (+41 22 917 0107) or by e-mail (fra[email protected]). On their way to the meeting, delegates should obtain an identification badge at the Pass and Identification Unit of the UNOG … 2006, the Committee’s Bureau proposed the election of Mr. François André, Attaché, Federal Public Service, Health, …

Lessons learned from censuses of the 2020 round (Poland)

… the necessary precautions. Preparatory work for the census had been underway since 2017, with the aim of introducing … économique et social Distr. générale 12 juillet 2023 Français Original : anglais ECE/CES/GE.41/2023/4 2 … apportés pour faciliter la participation des personnes souffrant de différents types de handicap 29. Plusieurs …

Training module on water-related disease surveillance and outbreak management

… and functioning WHO (2017): IHR Core Capacity Monitoring Framework Questionnaire for Monitoring Progress in the … for all • Target 6.2: By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all (…), … building blocks of surveillance •The epidemic intelligence framework and different types of surveillance •Surveillance …

Geneva Declaration on Environmental Democracy for Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient Development

… Inclusive and Resilient Development ECE/MP.PP/2021/16/Add.1−ECE/MP.PRTR/2021/2/Add.1 English GE.22-01534(E) … 6. We note that spatial planning and large-scale infrastructure projects, including those initiated as … Aarhus Convention and its Protocol as tools for improving infrastructure development and spatial planning 7. We note …

2022 Population and Housing Census in the Republic of Serbia – Innovations and Challenges (Serbia)

… of Serbia will be conducted in October 2022 in the traditional way using door-to-door interviews. However, for … way, using paper questionnaires. 2. The national legal framework concerning the conduct of the 2022 Population and … architecture needed to be reconstructed and the network infrastructure upgraded. 27. The CAPI application for data …

Report of the Compliance Committee on compliance by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – Part II

… VI/8 of the Meeting of the Parties (ECE/MP.PP/2017/2/Add.1) and in accordance with the Committee’s mandate set … if the risk of an accident is very small. Relevant legal framework 37. The Party concerned reports that the relevant … 12” (PAN 12), which applies to all Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIP), including NPPs.1 PAN 12, …

Item 7 (b): Draft decision VII/8f concerning compliance by the European Union with its obligations under the Convention

… in Environmental Matters to review any developments that had taken place regarding the implementation of decision V/9g … V/9g: (a) The Party concerned has put in place a regulatory framework that meets the requirements of article 6 (3) of … demonstrated that it has adopted either a proper regulatory framework or clear instructions to ensure that the other …