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Report of the twelfth meeting of the Working Group on Water and Health

… work of the Protocol for the period 2020–2022 (ECE/MP.WH/19/Add.1- EUPCR/1814149/1.2/2019/MOP-5/06/Add.1), adopted at … Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Israel, … and the environment and therefore providing an appropriate framework to advance the fulfilment of human rights. 19. A …

Item 7 (c): Draft decision VII/9 on a rapid response mechanism to deal with cases related to article 3 (8) of the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters

… the Meeting of the Parties for consideration and possible adoption. At its twenty-fifth meeting the Working Group … (ii) having in place appropriate legislative and policy frameworks so that such defenders can exercise their rights … such initiatives; 2. Calls on Parties to review their legal frameworks and practical arrangements in line with the …

Programme of work for 2020–2022 under the Protocol on Water and Health

… under the Protocol on Water and Health ECE/MP.WH/19/Add.1 EUPCR/1814149/1.2/2019/MOP-5/06/Add.1 English … 4 5. The Protocol offers a practical framework for planning and accountability to help countries … targets and action plans established within the Protocol framework when developing and implementing national …

Putting the Guiding Principles on Public-Private Partnerships in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals into practice

… ECE/CECI/WP/PPP/2022/7), in response to paragraph 48 of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development.2 The … is available at: 3 Decision 2022 – 4b.2 … Original: English ECE/CECI/WP/PPP/2023/5 2 …

Institutional Arrangements and Mechanisms for Integrated Policy and Decision Making

… page 2 4. At its second session, the Steering Committee had considered a proposal prepared by the secretariat1 as a … including policies and planning for land use, infrastructure, public transport systems and goods delivery … GÉNÉRALE ECE/AC.21/2005/8 EUR/05/5046203/8 31 janvier 2005 FRANÇAIS Original: ANGLAIS COMMISSION ÉCONOMIQUE POUR …

Report of the Group of Experts on Renewable Energy at its Tenth Session

… Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, … where the war has damaged more than 50% of the energy infrastructure, as an example and guidance for a distributed …

Draft decision on reporting and review of implementation of the Convention

… on reporting and review of implementation of the Convention Adoption of decisions: decisions to be taken by the Meeting … économique et social Distr. générale 29 septembre 2023 Français Original : anglais ECE/MP.EIA/2023/8 2 GE.23-18806 … économique et social Distr. générale 29 septembre 2023 Français Original : anglais Commission économique pour …

Working party evaluation report for the period 2020–2023 and up-dated biennial and long-term programme of work

… of work Note by the Chair I. Introduction 1. As per the adopted biennial and long-term programme of work of the … both the current and new activities being undertaken in the framework of WP.5. The present document also serves as a … and simplification of border-crossing formalities; infrastructure connections and interoperability standards; …


… notices Public events Consultation with community councils Additional consultation activity PAC reports Failure to … Regulations 20159 apply. “the NPF” The National Planning Framework “neighbouring land” a plot or area of land (other … (see Chapter 6 for more information) is essentially a framework for project managing a complex planning …

Rapid response mechanism to protect environmental defenders under the Aarhus Convention

… Seventh session Geneva, 18–20 October 2021 Excerpt from the addendum to the report of the seventh session of the Meeting … Excerpt from ECE/MP.PP/2021/2/Add.1 2 frameworks so that such defenders can exercise their rights … such initiatives; 2. Calls on Parties to review their legal frameworks and practical arrangements in line with the …

PP: Aarhus Convention MoP7 decision VII/9 on a rapid response mechanism to deal with cases related to article 3 (8) of the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters

… Seventh session Geneva, 18–20 October 2021 Excerpt from the addendum to the report of the seventh session of the Meeting … Excerpt from ECE/MP.PP/2021/2/Add.1 2 frameworks so that such defenders can exercise their rights … such initiatives; 2. Calls on Parties to review their legal frameworks and practical arrangements in line with the …

Decision VII/9 on a rapid response mechanism to deal with cases related to article 3 (8) of the Aarhus Convention

… to Justice in Environmental Matters Prepared by the Bureau Adopted, as amended at the meeting Summary The present … (ii) having in place appropriate legislative and policy frameworks so that such defenders can exercise their rights … such initiatives; 2. Calls on Parties to review their legal frameworks and practical arrangements in line with the …

List of documents by agenda item and annotations for the thirty-seventh session

… for the thirty-seventh session ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/75/Add.1/Rev.1 English ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/75/Add.1/Rev.1 … which a toximeter is required ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/2020/32 (France) Approval of classification societies – … of 1.15.1 and ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/2020/33 (France) Expert Specialization Certificates - Interpretation …

Draft programme of work of the housing and land management component of Housing, Land Management and Population subprogramme for 2022

… Development, Housing and Land Management is invited to adopt it and transmit to the Executive Committee for … économique et social Distr. générale 15 juillet 2021 Français Original : anglais ECE/HBP/2021/9 2 GE.21-09810 I. … du territoire, au moyen d’une plateforme virtuelle offrant des outils d’apprentissage en ligne, ainsi que de …

10 years of EPR

… /PDFXTrapped /Unknown /Description << /FRA … quality. The PDF documents can be opened with Acrobat and Reader 5.0 and later.) /JPN …

Examen des performances environnementales de la Mauritanie

… services d’édition. Ce volume est publié en anglais et en français. Crédits photographiques Photos sur la couverture … et de performance environnementales, l’amélioration des cadres financiers pour la protection de l’environnement ; de … prescriptions techniques. Disponible sur Ministère …

Reply to question 5: Annex 13: Decision RvS wind farm Noordoostpolder 08.02.2012 with NLVOW comments - ACCC/C/2015/133 (Netherlands)

… Zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie en de minister van Infrastructuur en Milieu met toepassing van artikel 3.28 van … IJsselmeer en Randmeren (hierna: SWIJR), gevestigd te Lelystad, 4. [appellant sub 4], wonend te Tollebeek, gemeente … 1 Opmerking [ak1]: In order to reply to Question 5 I have added “balloons” to the text of each decision. If the text …

Report of the Compliance Committee on general issues of compliance (ECE/MP.PP/2021/45)

… of the Parties to the Convention (see ECE/MP.PP/2017/2/Add.1, decision VI/8, para. 21) and in accordance with the … article 4 (1) cannot be achieved by “extracting” pieces or fragments of environmental information from those documents … will have more work done on it within some reasonable time frame.11 Article 4 (3) (c) – internal communications 9. …

R.E.6 Resolution - Revision 1

… of Vehicle Regulations Resolution R.E.6 on the administrative and technical provisions required for … of compliance with the prescriptions of Rules in the framework of the 1997 Agreement. I. Statement of technical … account his/ her knowledge, experience and applicable legal framework. 6.1.12. This recommendation suggests the approach …

Developing the Recommendations on Housing Topics

… The scope of the task force on housing topics includes a broad range of housing topics, including definitions and … has been extended to now have stone, concrete and steel frame as separate categories. ECE/CES/GE.41/2024/10 3 III. … the questions on building characteristics are normally framed in terms of the building in which the (sets of) …