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Displaying Results 53341 - 53360 of 54186

PRTR Decision I/5 on Reporting on Implementation of the Protocol

… the report and to prepare and submit to the secretariat new information and, where available, a consolidated …

Report of the second session of the Group of Experts on Permanent Identification of Railway Rolling Stock

… System for (URVIS) is developed and applied to new railway rolling stock purchased at the expense of credit … dans un délai de soixante-douze heures par les délégations ayant participé à la session. Cette procédure d’approbation …

Draft programme of work of the International Water Assessment Centre for 2025–2027

… expected that IWAC will attract funding through ongoing and new programmes related to water management and environmental … et la santé, le Centre fournira un appui aux activités ayant pour objet d’actualiser les objectifs au Kazakhstan et …

Strategies for Monitoring and Assessment of Transboundary Rivers, Lakes and Groundwaters (2006 version)

… TRANSBOUNDARY RIVERS, LAKES AND GROUNDWATERS UNITED NATIONS New York and Geneva, 2006 E C O N O M I C C O M M I S S I O … personnes reliées à des réseaux de distribution d’eau et ayant accès à un système d’égout, une fosse septique ou tout …

Item 6 (a): Draft updated recommendations on the more effective use of electronic information tools

… provide financial and technological support for, new schemes for the transfer of technology and expertise; … appropriate print and online local, regional or nationwide newspapers and television media: (a) Electronic official … de la Terre et les autres systèmes pertinents − en s’appuyant sur les meilleures normes internationales existantes …

Report of the Conference of the Parties on its tenth meeting

… major achievements made during the biennium, namely: (a) Renewed interest by Parties in the work under the Convention; … 12 E. Donateurs ayant récemment apporté des contributions en nature, ou qui … 13 F. Parties n’ayant pas encore eu l’occasion de fournir des contributions …

Report of the eighth and the fourth sessions of the Meetings of the Parties to the Convention and the Protocol

… the Committee’s consideration of numerous pending and new compliance issues. Moreover, pending the development of … materials into national languages; (h) Ms. Mari Koyano (Hokkaido University, Japan) described some of the … materials into national languages; (h) Ms. Mari Koyano (Hokkaido University, Japan) described some of the …

(CEMA) Proposal for a draft amendment to the 03 series of amendments of UN Regulation No. 86

… of amendments of the Regulation are marked in bold for new or strikethrough for deleted characters. I. Proposal … les deux. S’il est optique, il doit être constitué par un voyant clignotant de couleur verte qui s’éteint, reste allumé … les deux. S’il est optique, il doit être constitué par un voyant clignotant de couleur verte qui s’éteint, reste allumé …

Findings and recommendations with regard to communication ACCC/C/2015/130 concerning compliance by Italy

… An additional fee at the same level is due for each new argument added 2 ECE/MP.PP/C.1/2020/7, para. 31. 3 This … à l’environnement sont généralement considérées comme ayant une valeur « indéterminée » ou « indéterminée … et controinteressato (le promoteur ou une autre partie ayant des intérêts opposés), ci-après dénommés collectivement …

Report of the Compliance Committee on compliance by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – Part I

… should continue to apply at the appeals stage or whether a new order should be made.41 57. The observers emphasize that … ces conditions, on peut citer l’action de l’intervenant ayant conduit à une augmentation des dépenses des parties et … le Comité avait accueilli favorablement la proposition prévoyant la reconduction automatique de l’ordonnance de …

Financial requirements for the implementation of the Convention

… The Executive Body amended decision 2002/1 by adopting a new scale of contributions, based on the 2018 United Nations … European Union. Trust fund E196 was closed in 2019 and a new trust fund E315 was established to accommodate … du premier semestre ; f) Demander instamment aux Parties ayant des arriérés de les acquitter intégralement auprès du …

Domestic Driving Permits and International Driving Permits - (ISO)

… driving permit with international best practice. New text is presented in bold, and deleted text in … de conduire » et le nom et/ou le signe distinctif du pays ayant délivré le permis. Le drapeau national et/ou les …

Model Regulations Rev.22 (Volume I)

… Volume I Twenty-second revised edition UNITED NATIONS New York and Geneva, 2021 Copyright © United Nations, 2021. … time, the advantages will become increasingly evident as trade in goods categorized as “dangerous” steadily grows. … to retain the radioactive material during transport; Conveyance means (a) For transport by road or rail: any vehicle; …

Item 9 (d): Draft decision VII/6 on financial arrangements under the Convention

… activities of the respective programme of work; [(g)] New para added: To keep administrative costs related to fund … volontaires ; un plan qui repose sur des contributions ayant valeur de recommandations ; et un plan de contributions … L’option A correspond à un plan de financement prévoyant des contributions volontaires. L’option B correspond à …

Prices of TIR Carnets

… as long as it would remain transparent and the new methodology included in Annex. B. Scope and methodology … para. 40), the secretariat circulated a new survey on TIR Carnet prices for the year 2019 (as … contained in TIRExB Informal document No. 23 (2018)). The new survey clearly requests issuing associations to report …

(GRPE) - Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 154 (WLTP)

… regard to the emissions of light-duty vehicles based on the new World harmonized Light vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) … their performance shall be supplied. 0 GENERAL 0.1. Make (trade name of manufacturer): … 0.2. Type: … 0.2.1. … through equalization of the static charge. Buoyancy correction The sample and reference filter weights …

Report on the execution of the extension of 2018–2019 mandate by the Group of Experts towards Unified Railway Law

… appears desirable, SC.2 should consider establishing a new expert group. 18. ECE/TRANS/SC.2/GEURL/2020/6 is … ; Tâche d) Débattre d’autres questions pertinentes ayant trait au transport ferroviaire international de …

Draft decision on targets for a more sustainable and predictable funding of the work under the Convention

… 4 opportunities for networking, establishment of new partnerships, donor relations and, potentially, … est en transition, les pays en développement ou ceux ayant une faible population, dont les contributions sont … Por consiguiente, es importante que las Partes contribuyan regularmente, cada año (véanse las excepciones en el …