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Displaying Results 53301 - 53320 of 53566

Progress on Transboundary Water Cooperation: global status of SDG indicator 6.5.2 and acceleration needs, 2021

… country focal points and UN agencies to collaborate in new ways. Together we learned valuable lessons on how to … в реальную возможность поступать правильно в будущем» (UN News, 2020). Существует также риск того, что в отсутствие …

Проблемы воды и адаптации к изменению климата в трансграничных бассейнах: Извлеченные уроки и передовая практика

… по адресу: United Nations Publications, 300 East 42nd St, New York, NY 10017, United States of America. Электронная … +33 (0)1 40 08 01 45 Факс: +41 22 917 0107 Электронная почта: [email protected] … обновляются их оценки уязвимости. Источник: Vahagn Tonoyan, “Collection of lessons learned and good practices on …

Findings and recommendations with regard to communication ACCC/C/2014/119 concerning compliance by Poland

… 2016, inter alia, asserting that the communicant had raised new allegations at a late stage, and asking the Committee … de défense de l’environnement comme des entités ayant un intérêt juridique suffisant pour contester les … concerne le traitement des observations et des suggestions ayant trait à un document qui requiert la participation du …

Safety guidelines and good practices for the management and retention of firefighting water

… адресу: United Nations Publications, 300 East 42nd St, New York, NY 10017, United States of America. Электронная … (на немецком языке). Доступно по адресу …

Развитие международных пассажирских железнодорожных перевозок

… United Nations Publications 405 East 42nd Street S-09FW001 New York, NY 10017 United States of America Email: … 1 … 2 РАЗВИТИЕ МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫХ ПАССАЖИРСКИХ …

3rd Environmental Performance Review of Kazakhstan

… Economics, 2017). См. =382&usg=AOvVaw0TrJaI1LHmZXUBebUAMx7D. … 59. pp. 97–104. Karnauskas, K. B., Lundquist, J. K., and Zhang, L. (2018). Southward shift of the global wind energy … states World Wildlife Fund (2012). Altai-Sayan Ecoregional Conservation Strategy. ________ (2015). …

(Austria and Germany) - Lists of control according to of ADN

… German version also contains some unnecessary text. 4. The new version of the checklist is included in the annex … du certificat d’agrément ADN et autorité de délivrance l’ayant délivré : Ausstellungsdatum: Date of issuance: дата … Motorboote im Bereich der Ladung? / No power-driven conveyances such as passenger cars and motor boats in the cargo …

Addendum 18: United Nations Global Technical Regulation No. 18 - Amendment 1

… system following an engine stall may be considered a new driving cycle or a continuation of the existing driving … de la CEE sous la cote ECE/TRANS/WP.29/AC.3/36. Ce mandat ayant pris fin en janvier 2016, le groupe informel a présenté … pendant toute la durée de vie du véhicule. Les véhicules ayant parcouru une distance supérieure à celle indiquée dans …

(IWG on on EDR/DSSAD) Proposal for Amending Guidance on Event Data Recorder (EDR) Performance Elements Appropriate for Adoption in 1958 and 1998 Agreement Resolutions or Regulations

… text of the guidance document are marked in bold for new or strikethrough for deleted characters. For additional … 7 8 Le témoin d’avertissement du coussin gonflable est le voyant, spécifié dans les prescriptions nationales relatives … de la route vulnérables peut disposer de son propre voyant. 10 Indiquer cet élément n fois, c’est-à-dire une fois …

Trans-European Railway High-Speed – Master Plan – Phase 2

… the analysis explains operational requirements and the trade-off between speed and capacity on mixed use lines and … . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77 Figure II–21 Facteurs ayant une incidence sur les performances de l’infrastructure … 1st investment makes China’s words into practice, “Xinhua News Agency”, n.d. …

План действий по восстановлению после COVID-19 для неформальных поселений в регионе ЕЭК

… United Nations Publications 405 East 42nd Street S-09FW001 New York, NY 10017 United States of America. Электронная … public transport to create awareness on COVID-19 – a Kenyan invention. TUMI, 27 July. URL: …

Implementation Guidelines for the CES Set of Core Climate Change-Related Indicators and Statistics Using SEEA

… providing documentation of the proxy indicators and/or newly developed indicators is important (e.g. in the form of … to linking statistics across domains o Consider developing new statistics o Develop longer and more consistent time … 37. The stakeholder platform could be, for example, a newly established inter-agency working group or an already …

Workplan and resource requirements for the Convention for 2023–2024

… which will include the following deliverables: 1.1 Newsletters, press releases, leaflets, postcards, website … Convention adopte tous les deux ans un plan de travail prévoyant des activités destinées à faciliter l’application de la … à adhérer à la Convention. Des activités comme celles ayant trait à la gestion des risques d’accidents NaTech ou …

UNFC Social and Environmental Guidelines: Principles of resource classification

… sub-national, or indigenous organizations, own non-renewable resources and would collect royalties, taxes, lease … Neumann Thomas Schneider Slavko Solar Claudio Virues Yang Hua. French GE.20-01910 (F) 040320 060320  … et des classifications des ressources. Ces derniers n’ayant pas tous les mêmes objectifs, l’évaluation et la …

Report of the Compliance Committee on general issues of compliance (ECE/MP.PP/2021/45)

… to article 6 of the Convention due to the publication of new Best Available Techniques (BAT) conclusions or … de pouvoirs législatifs » a un sens assez précis, renvoyant aux actes d’un organe qui légifère effectivement, … fait d’écrire individuellement à chaque membre du public ayant soumis des observations peut constituer une bonne …

Review of the Georgian Legal and Institutional Water Framework (draft)

… and Natural Resources of Georgia (since March 2011 a new name is Ministry of Environmental Protection) and other … aspects. The best way for the reform is to built up the new system on internationally accapted critearia, principles … a market economy, and the loss of markets with traditional trading partners, contributed to a significant reduction of …

Frequently Asked Questions on the 1992 Water Convention

… Nations Publications, 405 East 42nd Street, S-09FW001, New York, NY 10017, United States of America. Email: … in areas beyond the water sector, resulting in increased trade, investment, economic integration and access to …

Avances en la cooperación en materia de aguas transfronterizas Situación Mundial del Indicador 6.5.2 de los ODS y Necesidades de Aceleración, 2021

… country focal points and UN agencies to collaborate in new ways. Together we learned valuable lessons on how to … importantes beneficios, como el hecho de que los países hayan conseguido entender mejor sus carencias y necesidades de … for all inhabitants of Mother Earth, 22 de abril. en/story/2020/04/1062322”. Consultado el 5 de …

Self-Made Cities: In search of sustainable solutions for informal settlements in the UNECE region

… Economic Commission for Europe Region UNITED NATIONS New York and Geneva, 2009 NOTE Symbols of United Nations … real estate market. Housing and land in these locations is traded without the involvement of real estate agencies, …