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Displaying Results 53121 - 53140 of 53566

ADR: Road map for accession and implementation

… United Nations Publications 405 East 42nd Street, S-09FW001 New York, NY 10017 United States of America Email: … . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Trade and border-crossing facilitation . . . . . . . . . . . …

United Nations Framework Classification for Resources Update 2019 (Unofficial translation)

… határozható meg. Mivel a kódszámok mindig ugyanabban a sorrendben követik egymást (E, F, G), a betűk … számokat használva a numerikus kód minden nyelven ugyanazt az osztályt jelenti. 1. ábra: UNFC kategóriák és … olyan mértékig, ami feltétlenül szükséges a megfelelő összhang eléréséhez az UNFC rendszerben becsült mennyiségének …

action plans SEA

… the draft Environmental Code. It is unknown when the new SEA legislation will be developed and adopted. As the … and programmes. The Protocol on SEA applies to proposed new plans and programmes prepared by public authorities at … key priority action, followed by: • Developing and adopting new legislation; • Preparing awareness raising materials; • …

Entity classes, high-level class diagram, requirements list, TIR glossary and current TIR Carnet data elements records

… 2 Terms of reference of the newly established Group approved by the Inland Transport … that the Group should focus its work on preparing a new version of the eTIR specifications, pending the formal … ; Art. 1 j) Groupe d’experts 28 et 29 juin 2004 2. Ayant un caractère permanent et étant, de ce fait, …

Updated Handbook for the 1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution and its Protocols

… on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution and its Protocols New York and Geneva, 2015 UPDATED HANDBOOK FOR THE 1979 … or a disguised restriction on international competition and trade, Taking into consideration existing scientific and …

Представление данных о наносимом лесам ущербе и факторах негативного воздействия на леса в регионе ЕЭК ООН (ECE/TIM/SP/57)

… Nations Publications 405 East 42nd Street, S-09FW001, New York, NY 10017, United States of America. Электронная … Institute. Joensuu, Finland. Johnson, E.A., Morin, H., Miyanishi, K., Gagnon, R., and Greene, D.F. (2003): A process … Birdsey, R.A.; Dugan, A.J.; Healey, S.P.; Dante-Wood, K.; Zhang, F.; Mo, G.; Chen, J.M.; Hernandez, A.J.; Raymond, …

Preparing the 2025 Population and Housing Count in Mexico (Mexico)

… valuable lessons that are being taken into account in this new statistical project. Working paper 4 Distr.: General 10 …

2022 Inland Transport Statistics for Europe and North America - Volume LXI

… Nations Publications, 405 East 42nd Street, S-09FW001, New York, NY 10017, United States of America. Email: … - unloaded - - - 10 336 9 943 9 594 - - - 3.4 - Cross trade transport - - - 978 1 204 1 165 - - - 3.5 - Road … railway vehicle with motor constructed for the conveyance of passengers or goods by rail. The definition of the …

Compendium of Good Practices in Promoting Knowledge-Based Development

… IN PROMOTING KNOWLEDGE-BASED DEVELOPMENT UNITED NATIONS New York and Geneva, 2008 NOTE The designations employed and … WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization WTO World Trade Organization Compendium of Good Practices ix …

Survey on costs for registration and transfer of real estate and mortgages for the ECE region

… of adapting the current physical and legal situation to new uses; • financial cost: the cost of the capital required … the Cadastre (Federal Office for Metrology and Surveyance): Our standard charges will be remunerated … Market value Value of a property in free economic trade. Mortgage/hypothec A debt instrument that is secured …

Findings and recommendations with regard to communication ACCC/C/2014/118 concerning compliance by Ukraine

… Yuzivska became the sole investor in the Yuzivska PSA. A new tender was carried out to attract a new investor, which … l’évaluation), des scientifiques et des spécialistes ayant participé à la rédaction du contrat8. 23. En … confirmé le jugement de la juridiction inférieure en s’appuyant sur les mêmes motifs. 56 Ibid., par. 37. 57 …

Report of the Regional Forum 2017

… Programme (UNEP), United Nations Headquarters in New York, the United Nations Industrial Development … in the session: the Asia -Europe Foundation, the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank, the Council of Europe, the …

Draft guide for designating national cycling network

… 9 Table 8 Basic cycle route Main cycle route Cycle highway New infrastructure Well rideable Perfectly rideable … cyclables, il est recommandé de la déterminer en s’appuyant sur les prévisions relatives au volume du trafic … ; aux planches à roulettes Asphalte ou béton lisse ayant une faible résistance au roulement Facilement …

Annotated provisional agenda for the ninth joint session

… the Working Group on Effects is expected to elect a new Vice-Chair at its upcoming session. Following rule 20 … actualisées sur les contrats en vigueur en 2023 ayant trait aux centres relevant de la Convention ainsi que …

Report of the Compliance Committee on compliance by the Netherlands

… a subsequent update, the Party concerned reports that the newly proposed section 11a of the Nuclear Facilities Decree … sur le premier rapport d’étape de la Partie concernée. 6. Ayant pris en compte les informations reçues, le Comité a … des commentaires sur le projet de rapport du Comité. 21. Ayant pris en compte les informations reçues, le Comité a …

Report of the Working Group on Strategies and Review on its fifty-ninth session

… need to update existing guidance documents or to develop new ones (question 6.4 in annex I to the preparatory …

Рабочие места в сфере экологически чистого и благоприятного для здоровья транспорта: переход к «зеленой» экономике

… for all (Geneva). • —. 2015b. Social dimensions of free trade agreements, Studies on Growth with Equity (Geneva). • … (Geneva). • —. 2016. Assessment of labour provisions in trade and investment arrangements, Studies on Growth with … DC, World Resources institute). • Ma, J.; Stringer, D.; Zhang, Y.; Kim, S. 2018. “The swift rise of a Chinese …