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Search results for trade news yan zhang

Displaying Results 53041 - 53060 of 53566

Prices of TIR Carnets

… para. 40), the secretariat circulated a new questionnaire on TIR Carnet prices for the year 2020. … possible de collationner des données pour tous les pays ayant communiqué leurs prix de vente. À sa soixante-troisième … Suisse, Tadjikistan, Turquie et Turkménistan. En soustrayant les prix de vente pratiqués par l’IRU, on obtient les …

Guidelines for developing national biodiversity monitoring systems

… United Nations Publications 405 East 42nd Street, S-09FW001 New York, NY 10017 United States of America Email: … document for publicity or advertising is not permitted. Trademark names and symbols are used in an editorial fashion …

Ходьба пешком и езда на велосипеде: последние данные в поддержку формирования политики и практики

… после отмены режима строгой изоляции. План под названием «strade aperte» («открытые улицы») направлен на … Res Rec. 2587(1):61–67. doi:10.3141%2F2587-08. Guerra E, Zhang H, Hassall L, Wang J, Cheyette A (2020). Who cycles to … 2247(1):81–90. doi:10.3141/2247-10. Zhao Y, Hu F, Feng Y, Yang X, Li Y, Guo C et al. (2021). Association of Cycling …

Guiding Principles for Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in Land Administration

… Task Force for the preparation of the study: Mr. Hayk Sahakyan (Armenia); Mr. Peter Creuzer (Germany), the Chairman of … access to and use of information technology, which created new opportunities for business and offered the citizen new … Internal Obstacles 47. As a matter of principle, most trade unions will be suspicious of any initiative that might …

Application of UNFC Case Studies 2019 (ECE ENERGY SERIES No. 58)

… management, population, sustainable energy, statistics, trade and transport, UNECE’s work on this nexus will unleash … Bygdevoll, Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, Norway; Clyde Yancey, Victor Fernández, Uranium Energy Corporation (UEC), … Reserves (NAEN Code) Available at http://www .crirsco .com/news_items/naen_code .pdf . [6] United Nations Economic …

General overview of 2021 register-based census in Spain (Spain)

… the use of administrative records, the reception of the new census methodology by users was not entirely positive, … pays ont dû retarder l’opération et seuls 15 des 130 pays ayant répondu à l’enquête, dont l’Espagne, ont déclaré que la … des données historiques sont disponibles sur les diplômés ayant obtenu leur diplôme entre 2010-2011 et l’année …


… opportunities. 18. The Committee also decided to send a new letter to non-governmental organizations worldwide to … En devenant Partie à la Convention sur l’eau et en s’appuyant sur la plateforme institutionnelle qu’elle offre, les …

PRTR Decision I/1 on Rules of Procedure

… to in rule 20 shall preside until the Meeting has elected a new Chair. Rule 22 1. A bureau shall be established … qui possède des compétences dans des domaines ayant un rapport avec le Protocole est autorisée, sous … tout signataire ou toute organisation non gouvernementale ayant des compétences ou un intérêt dans les domaines visés …

Bases for the conformation of a statistical registry of migrant population (Colombia)

… elements for training and prediction are available, the new variables generated from the “name” variable are …

Report of the Compliance Committee on compliance by Czechia (ECE/MP.PP/2021/50)

… requirement for public authorities to publish notices in newspapers or other media would appear to run directly … Partie concernée. Aucun autre commentaire n’a été reçu. 7. Ayant pris en compte les informations reçues de la Partie …

Draft decision on promoting effective access to justice (final document; and accompanying document showing latest revisions in track changes)

… Parties: access to justice Accompanying document This is a new draft decision prepared by the Bureau for consultations: … 2021)a. Le Bureau a établi le présent document en s’appuyant sur : les textes pertinents issus de la vingt-quatrième … en œuvre intégrale du troisième pilier de la Convention, Ayant examiné les rapports de l’Équipe spéciale de l’accès à …

Draft programme of work of the housing and land management component of the Housing, Land Management and Population subprogramme for 2025

… the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) New Urban Agenda 72/226 Implementation of the outcome of the …

Укрепление потенциала стран Центральной Азии для разработки политики устойчивой городской мобильности в отношении инициатив по каршерингу и карпулингу

… services expand». 27  November  2017. Automotive News. См. на … 23% Delimobil 11% Anytime 22% Yandex.Drive 9% YouDrive 5% TimCar 20% BelkaCar 4% Другие 1% … возможность взимания платы за дорожные заторы86. 83 Ma Y., Zhang H. (2019) Development of the Sharing Economy in China: …

SDG Snapshot Report 2019

… related to representation. The opportunities created by trade and migration can contribute to reduce these …

Policy Brief: Global Tracking Framework Regional Report 2022

… of how such a pivot will affect energy balances and energy trade. Energy security and energy resilience now are top of …

Railways at the centre of a post-pandemic recovery: Measures to support international rail carriers

… Nations Publications, 405 East 42nd Street, S–09FW001, New York, NY 10017, United States of America. Email: … everyday lives in the areas of environment, transport, trade, statistics, energy, forestry, housing, and land … of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) 670 Agreed Loan Ryanair (Ireland) 670 Agreed Loan Condor (Germany) 550 Agreed …

Kyrgyzstan SEA action plan

… Law may serve as a basis for this. It is unknown when the new EA legislation will be developed and adopted. As the …

Action Plan for Kyrgyzstan

… Law may serve as a basis for this. It is unknown when the new EA legislation will be developed and adopted. As the …