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Displaying Results 206901 - 206920 of 207334

Results of the consultation on the Classification of Statistical Activities (CSA) 2.0 and explanatory notes

Results of the consultation on the Classification of Statistical Activities (CSA) 2.0 and explanatory notes ECE/CES/2022/8/Add.1 English GE.22-09503(E) … as proposed in Section V of the document. 1 See … Results of …

Presentation on Snapshots in the Development of Environmental-Social Statistics (Ireland)

… Presentation on Snapshots in the Development of Environmental-Social Statistics (Ireland) English UNECE Expert Forum for Producers and Users …

Ageda Item 4 (c) (iii): Effects of air pollution on rivers and lakes

… Ageda Item 4 (c) (iii): Effects of air pollution on rivers and lakes English Economic Commission for Europe …

Revised Guidelines for the Application of Environmental Indicators (completed parts)

Revised Guidelines for the Application of Environmental Indicators (completed … areas; 1 As endorsed in 2013 and available at 2 See …

WCEF 2023 Presentation: Measuring What Matters

… Measuring What Matters T h e c r i t i c a l r o l e o f d a t a a n d s t a t i …

Recommendation N°.16: United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations (ECE/TRADE/459)

… Printed at United Nations, Geneva – 2011937 (E) – November 2020 – 45 – ECE/TRADE/459 Palais des Nations CH - 1211 … the Secretariat on the most appropriate action to be taken, subject to reporting to and final approval by UN/CEFACT. II. …

Представление данных о наносимом лесам ущербе и факторах негативного воздействия на леса в регионе ЕЭК ООН (ECE/TIM/SP/57)

… в Центр по проверке авторских прав на веб-сайте Все другие запросы в отношении прав и лицензий, в … preparation and coordination. Available online: … FIA …

Building Resilient Energy Systems: Actions for Achieving Greater Energy Security, Affordability and Net-zero in the UNECE Region

… Building Resilient Energy Systems: Actions for Achieving Greater Energy Security, … eISSN: 2412-0022 iv …

UNECE Annual Report 2022

… C O N N E C T I N G C O U N T R I E S R E C O V E R I N G B E T T E R D R I V I N G P R O … …

Взаимосвязанные области по природным ресурсам в регионе ЕЭК

… направлять в Центр по проверке авторских прав по адресу Все другие запросы на права и лицензии, включая … 24 См .: https://www .unece .org/fileadmin/DAM/hlm/sessions/docs2019/Info_3_2019_Land_Value_Capture .pdf . … любой системы взаимосвязей. 34 См .: http://www .unece .org/stats/ces .html . 35 См .: https://seea .un .org/ . …

Глоссарий по внутреннему водному транспорту

… developing methodologies, guidelines, and definitions on subjects such as transport planning, data collection and the … (ASM). Edition 1.1. Available at File/618/information_paper_on_ASM_edition_1_1.pdf. … Glossary of Statistical Terms. Available at Accessed on 10 June 2022. 49. World …

EPR Calendar for 2021

… UNECE Environmental Performance Reviews Selected findings on biodiversity and …

UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety

… Contact: jeantodt.r[email protected]rg SAFE …

Cross Border Management RDM

… Cross Border Management RDM English 1 Final April 2021 CEFACT UNITED NATIONS …

Item 5 (c): Standards for noting - Cross-Border Management Reference Data Model and e-business standards

… Item 5 (c): Standards for noting - Cross-Border Management Reference Data Model and e-business …

Use of non-animal testing methods for classification of health and environmental hazards: progress report (Netherlands, United Kingdom on behalf of IWG)

… Use of non-animal testing methods for classification of health and environmental hazards: progress report (Netherlands, United Kingdom on behalf …

In-depth analysis of the dynamics of demand for coal in the Republic of Tajikistan until 2050, by Mr. Ivan Khomutov, Petromarket RG

… In-depth analysis of the dynamics of demand for coal in the Republic of Tajikistan until 2050, by Mr. Ivan Khomutov, Petromarket RG English Geneva Ivan …

The census in France: impact of the 2021 census delay on outcomes (France)

… The census in France: impact of the 2021 census delay on outcomes (France) WP2 English *Prepared by Muriel Barlet and Gwennaël Solard NOTE: The …

Summary of UNECE Trade Facilitation Recommendations - 2023 Edition (ECE/TRADE/475)

… Summary of UNECE Trade Facilitation Recommendations 2023 Edition Geneva, 2024 …

Recommendation N°. 38: Trade Information Portals (ECE/TRADE/465)

… Printed at United Nations, Geneva – 2116798 (E) – November 2021 – 248 – ECE/TRADE/465 Palais des Nations CH - 1211 … require less explanation or are less likely to be subject to mistakes. 77. The simplification and …