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Displaying Results 206801 - 206820 of 207346

Report of 20th meeting

Report of 20th meeting English 1 Report 20th Meeting of the Generations and Gender Programme … are encouraged to inform colleagues, PhD students, or postdocs about these opportunities and to reach out via email …

(IIR) - Results of the meeting of the IIR sub-commission on refrigerated transport

… (IIR) - Results of the meeting of the IIR sub-commission on refrigerated transport INF.2 English Results of the meeting …

Session 1 : Water Convention Institutional Framework, Diane Guerrier

… Session 1 : Water Convention Institutional Framework, Diane Guerrier English National workshop related to 1992 …

Agenda with speakers

… Agenda with speakers English TFWFEEN/2023/1 1 Convention of the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes Task Force …


… Agenda English TFWFEEN/2023/1 1 Convention of the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes Task Force on the …

Cross-cutting themes

… Cross-cutting themes Cross-cutting themes SNA / BPM Joint Virtual Outreach Seminar English IMF | Statistics 1 Cross-cutting …

Report of the Expert Meeting on Modernizing Statistical Legislation

Report of the Expert Meeting on Modernizing Statistical Legislation ECE/CES/2023/14/Add.11 …

UNRMS Sub-group update: Objectives, Activities, and Achievements - Teresa Ponce de Leão, Chair, EGRM UNRMS Sub-group

… UNRMS Sub-group update: Objectives, Activities, and Achievements - Teresa Ponce de Leão, Chair, EGRM UNRMS Sub-group English UNRMS SubGroup update Teresa …

Erika INGVALD, Geological Survey of Sweden et al. UNFC – Case studies of EU resources

… Erika INGVALD, Geological Survey of Sweden et al. UNFC – Case studies of EU resources English RAW MATERIALS WEEK 2022 Accelerating …

Agenda - Regional Forum – Meeting of the Heads of Emergency Authorities of Central Asian Countries

… Agenda - Regional Forum – Meeting of the Heads of Emergency Authorities of Central Asian Countries English REGIONAL FORUM – …

Batumi Initiative on Green Economy: Commitments by the Republic of Moldova (Nicosia update)

… Batumi Initiative on Green Economy: Commitments by the Republic of Moldova (Nicosia update) English Republic of Moldova Templatei for submitting voluntary …

Presentations from UNECE Webinar on SMEs and sustainable trade, innovation and a circular economy in SPECA region

… Presentations from UNECE Webinar on SMEs and sustainable trade, innovation and a circular economy in SPECA region …

On changing the mandate and organization of activities of the Coal Mine Methane Expert Group of the UNECE Committee on Sustainable Energy, by Mr. Sergey Shumkov, Vice-Chair of the UNECE Coal Mine Methane Expert Group

… On changing the mandate and organization of activities of the Coal Mine Methane Expert Group of the UNECE Committee on Sustainable Energy, by Mr. …

Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Water Pillar - Kazuhiro Yoshida, Senior Water Resources Specialist, ADB

… Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Water Pillar - Kazuhiro Yoshida, Senior Water Resources …

- Presentation

… - Presentation English Lessons learned from censuses of the 2020 round Group of Experts on Population and Housing Censuses …

Decisions of the 16th session of the SPECA Governing Council

… Decisions of the 16th session of the SPECA Governing Council English UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe ESCAP United Nations Economic and Social Commission for

Effects of air pollution on materials

… Effects of air pollution on materials ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2021/13−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2021/6 English GE.21-10764(E) Economic Commission for

Informal Paper on Remote Driving - (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

… Informal Paper on Remote Driving - (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern …

3.9_Bosnia_Herzegovina_4th UNDA webinar on Water

… 3.9_Bosnia_Herzegovina_4th UNDA webinar on Water English Freshwater Management indicators and policies …

Draft decision VIII/4 on the general issues of compliance with the Convention

… Draft decision VIII/4 on the general issues of compliance with the Convention English … Nations ECE/MP.EIA/2020/10 Economic and Social Council Distr.: General 24 September 2020 Original: English Economic …