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Displaying Results 40801 - 40820 of 42341

Single Window Domain Meeting: Planning for the Next Project and Charting the Way Forward by Neelima Pamulapati

… Way Forward by Neelima Pamulapati English 40th UN/CEFACT Forum Planning for the Next Project and Charting the Way … design principles, intuitive navigation, and clear instructions to facilitate the submission of information and … Information Portal (i.e. awareness programmes, training, publicity • and outreach) both initially and on an ongoing …

Moldova 2022

… on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Country: Republic of Moldova Pollutant(s): The inventory is done for 25 … mainly involves: 1. Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure 2. Ministry of Finance 3. Ministry of Education, … The availability of the amounts in question does not imply any additional efforts on the part of the …

eTIR concepts - Version 4.3 (formerly e-Business requirements)

… Committee during its eighty-second session (23–28 February 2020) approved (ECE/TRANS/294, para. 841) the … 2020/Item_4_ECE_EX_2020_L.2_ITC_Sub_bodies_E.pdf United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.30/GE.1/2021/14/Rev.1 Economic … While the introduction of the eTIR procedure (Annex 11) does not remove the possibility for transport operators to …

(FRAV) Guidelines for Regulatory Requirements and Verifiable Criteria for ADS Safety Validation

… speed limits, road designs (surface, geometry, infrastructure, etc.), weather conditions, and traffic densities. … is in an operational state under which it may be driven on public roads regardless of the operational state of the ADS. … stop” defines the behaviour competency. However, the rule doesn’t mention for how long the vehicle should be stopped, …

Experiments on Federated Data Synthesis, University of Manchester

… quality of synthetic microdata, synthetic datasets, English UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE CONFERENCE OF … allowing multiple organizations to contribute to the construction of combined synthetic datasets (possibly for wider … clients data. A central server controls the process but does not access any of the client data. NN based methods are …

(TF on ADAS) Report of the TF on ADAS for the 16th GRVA session

… after the 15th GRVA session Three online meetings (22 February 2023, 13 April 2023, 15 May 2023) Six online meetings … set up at the 11th ADAS TF session The SDG participants: RUS, EC-JRC, NL, UK, AVERE, OICA, CLEPA, AAPC, ETSC The SDG: … a vehicle system. Nevertheless, the DCAS draft Regulation does include requirements on the manufacturer to provide …

(ADAS) Report of the TF on ADAS for the 14th GRVA session

… set up at the 11th ADAS TF session The SDG participants: RUS, EC/JRC, NL, UK, AVERE, OICA, CLEPA, AAPC The SDG: … the SDG) Started the consideration and revision and restructuring of the Master Document (starting point ADAS-13-02) … Driver operation of the system (what the driver does with the system) DCAS modes of operation (off …

Enhancing and broadening the SNA framework for household well being and sustainability, OECD

… every 5 years ‒ Extend SUTs with estimates in physical units and monetary terms, broken down by various types of … produced natural resources Dwellings Other buildings and structures Machinery and equipment Transport equipment ICT …

List of meetings of the Inland Transport Committee and its subsidiary bodies in 2024 and from January–March 2025: Revision

… English ECE/TRANS/2024/15/Rev.1 ECE/TRANS/2024/15/Rev.1 United Nations ECE/TRANS/2024/15/Rev.1 Economic and Social Council Distr.: General 12 February 2024 Original: English Economic Commission for Europe … Transport Committee Eighty-sixth session Geneva, 20-23 February 2024 Item 8 (d) of the provisional agenda Programmatic …

(Special Interest Group (SIG)) Proposal for a new series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 (Installation of Lighting and Light-Signalling Devices)

… ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2023/2 ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2023/2 United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2023/2 Economic and Social Council Distr.: General 6 February 2023 Original: English Economic Commission for Europe … 5.11.1., amend to read: "5.11.1. This requirement does not apply while one or more of the following conditions …

(SAE) Proposal for amendment to UN Regulation No. 155

… is currently not fully deployed; OSNMA is currently in public testing and the service phase of OSNMA, i.e. … reliable positioning. It also means that any service interruption to Galileo would cause all devices conformant to … currently available implementation clarification material does not provide an unambiguous resolution to the question of …


… LCA Logic Tree (‘21 -‘22)  Logic tree : Foundational structure to evaluate the life cycle emissions of greenhouse … and updating the results, as well as communicating and publicizing the data with research community, government …

Active Ageing Index: application to Spanish geographical scales, Vicente Rodríguez, Spanish National Research Council

… catalogues to explore…. • Concepts • Methodology • Structure • Geographical settings • General-purpose handbooks for constructing social measurements (i.e) • Cecchini, S. (2005). … factors correlating the regional AAIs (+) • Evaluation of public, national and regional policies, which will be able …

Armenia (Project)

… increase the renewable energy production capacity of the Republic of Armenia and allow the structuring of projects around the French technologies ’ … and opportunities of Armenian territory for FPV Grid infrastructures Accessibility Natural constraints Definition of an …

Nikolaieva Irina - Summary of Tailing storage Facilities Reserach

… ▪ pipelines failure, etc. ▪ Substances in waste ▪ ! structures’ state (dams, flanks, bottom insulation) ▪ … preparedness level of TSF-operators THE SAFETY LEVEL DOES NOT MEET THE MINIMUM MODERN STANDARDS OF ENVIRONMENTAL … soda" Donetsk region 4. SMA “Inkor and Co” LLC 5. Public Company “Dzerzhynska Processing Plant” 6. PrJSC …

UN Regulation No. 0 - Rev.3 - 03 series

… Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Harmonized Technical United Nations Regulations for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment … [3: As defined in the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3.), document … 2.2. " IWVTA class " means a group of vehicles which does not differ in such essential respects as those specified …

(EC) Proposal for a new supplement to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No.154

… budget for 2021 (A/75/6 (Sect.20), para 20.51), the World Forum will develop, harmonize and update UN Regulations in … Ki Ki offsets, the rounding shall be based on the physical unit of the emission standard value." Annex B6a, paragraph … budget for 2021 (A/75/6 (Sect.20), para 20.51), the World Forum will develop, harmonize and update UN Regulations in …

Information on Zarafshon joint venture

… deposit at the Gold Recovery Factory (GRF) under construction by flotation. At the end of 1992, the first line of … per year. Parallel to the work of Phase I, the construction of Phase II of the GRF was envisaged to increase the … built and put into operation. 2. Crushing and marshalling unit with a capacity of 10,000 tonnes/day built and put into …

D6.8 - Policy Recommendations to Facilitate the Adoption of CAD Vehicles in Europe

… Paweł Budziszewski RCT Aleksandra Rodak ITS Mikołaj Kruszewski ITS Michał Zmitrowicz SAS Konstantinos Risvas UPAT … driven from the consortium experience. Trustonomy does not neglect the essential role of human factors. Human … Intervene TICS Transport Information and Control Systems UN United Nations VR Virtual Reality … This document was …

Presentation by Michal Musil, international SEA consultant, UNECE: SEA and Regional and Spatial Planning

… must conform without compromising its standards (e.g. public consultations) • Often extensive environmental … mix of sectoral policy-oriented measures and “big” (infrastructural) projects • Transport infrastructure corridors – comparison of alternatives • Regionally …