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Ms. Ridhi Kashyap, Professor of Demography and Computational Social Science at the University of Oxford and Professorial Fellow at Nuffield College

… This may contribute to reduce depopula�on in certain rural areas of Europe, by making them more atrac�ve places … data from the Office of Na�onal Sta�s�cs, a patern which echoes the rest of the European region. Digital informa�on and … sub-groups and help streamline the targe�ng and delivery of public services and social policies. The deployment of …

Statistics Canada’s Experiences in Planning, Costing, Managing and Assessing Data Collection of Multi-Modes Social Surveys

… sample size; expected hit rate (percentage of in-scope units); number and percentage of completed interviews, by … collection, but do not always involve the collection instrument. For 1. System time refers the total time logged in … (EQ) responses, the CHS was progressing well. On February 24, observed EQ completion (26.8%) was slightly higher …

Report of the Working Party on Noise and Tyres on its Seventy-Ninth Session (6–9 February 2024)

… on Noise and Tyres on its Seventy-Ninth Session (6–9 February 2024) ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/77 English ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/77 ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/77 United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/77 Economic and Social … Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations Working Party …

(GRPE) Proposal for Amendment 4 to UN GTR No. 4 (WHDC)

… English ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/79 ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/79 United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/79 Economic and Social … Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations 184th session … a test procedure just to address the economic question does not address the mandate given when work on this …

Group of Experts on operationalization of eCMR Report Part III: proposed conceptual and functional specifications of the future eCMR system / Use Case Analysis (Group of Experts)

… 2(c)(iv) of the provisional agenda Inland Transport Instruments: Convention on the Contract for the International … contract of carriage are included in the concept (i.e. 24 United Nations ECE/TRANS/SC.1/2023/4 Economic and Social … be able to submit, validate and receive data. This option does not include registration of the customs authorities as …

Group of Experts on operationalization of eCMR Report Part III: proposed conceptual and functional specifications of the future eCMR system / Use Case Analysis (Group of Experts)

… 2(c)(iv) of the provisional agenda Inland Transport Instruments: Convention on the Contract for the International … contract of carriage are included in the concept (i.e. 24 United Nations ECE/TRANS/SC.1/2023/4 Economic and Social … be able to submit, validate and receive data. This option does not include registration of the customs authorities as …

Clarification of the role of the consignor in the expedition of tank-wagons, tank-containers and portable tanks for the carriage of refrigerated liquefied gases (loaded and empty uncleaned) (UIC)

… ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2024/26 ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2024/26 United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2024/26 Economic and … into consideration any delays which might be encountered, does not exceed the actual holding time; (g) Unless the … is therefore in the consignor's interest to give clear instructions for the different actors along the transport chain …

Agenda Item 10 (e): Status of TF-HTAP activities

… Slide from Steve Smith, PNNL Rest of World South Asia RUS/BEL/UKR Oceanic North Africa Middle East East Asia North … Minamata Convention created an Open Ended Science Group (OESG) for Effectiveness Evaluation. ▪ One task of the OESG is to prepare and implement a plan for analyses to …

Revision of the Guidelines and Criteria for Vessel Traffic Services on Inland Waterways (Resolution No. 58)

… in Inland Navigation Sixty-second session Geneva, 15–17 February 2023 Item 8(a) of the provisional agenda Promotion of … discussion and provide further guidance to the secretariat. United Nations ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2023/9 Economic and … complexity, volume of traffic or the degree of risk does not justify the establishment of an Inland VTS but that …

Amendment proposals to articles 1.10, 4.05, 4.06, 4.07 and 9.02 of the European Code for Inland Waterways

… in Inland Navigation Fifty-eighth session Geneva, 17–19 February 2021 Item 5 (a) of the provisional agenda … the revised articles into the sixth revision of CEVNI. United Nations ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2021/2 Economic and … Inland AIS device shall transmit at maximum power; this does not apply to tank vessels whose navigational status is …

Report of the Working Party on General Safety Provisions on its 124th session (11-14 October 2022)

… ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/103 English ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/103 United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/103 Economic and Social … Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations Working Party … same time, he recalled to GRSG that UN Regulation No. 100 does not apply to trailer categories O3 and O4. GRSG agreed …

Provisional agenda for the second session of the Group of Experts on Conceptual and Technical Aspects of Computerization of the TIR Procedure

… the meeting will be held in hybrid format in English only. United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.30/GE.1/3 Economic and Social … Adoption of the agenda In accordance with the Commission’s Rules of Procedure, the first item on the provisional agenda … of Eurasian Economic Commission transmitted by the Russian Federation. Documentation …

Palti-Guzman - Gas Vista

… Will Remain in Double Digits in Asia and Europe We cannot rule out a 4Q21/1Q22 Russia-driven bearish surprise in Europe 3 … China, India, Bangladesh, Moldova) ➢ Closure of fertilizer units and energy- intensive industries (e.g. China) • Lost …

Carriage of paint residues (waste) (Germany)

… – tear-proof plastic bags, – plastic and metal boxes, – drums in various sizes, – open, sheeted, closed containers, – … not mentioned there. A sizeable amount of paint residues in units of up to 30 litres needs to be disposed, so that a … are solids (ZnPT and DCOIT). They do not change their structure and, as a result, exist also in solid paint …


… company Dataprovider to obtain information on economic units that carry out activities through Internet in these … which indicators that characterize the companies are constructed, according to their use of the Internet. */ The URL …

Progress report on operationalization efforts taking place in the framework of the Economic Commission for Europe/ Economic Cooperation Organization Coordination Committee for the Trans-Caspian and Almaty-Tehran-Istanbul Corridors

… Istanbul Corridors Note by the Chair I. Background 1. The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) … session in September 2023. ITC at its annual session in February 2023 reiterated this request. The present document … rail freight wagon or truck into containerized transport units. The terminal will also offer container storage …

3.1_ Report on 22nd session Key outcomes & Implementation

… of the Working Group] (e) took note of the finalized publication “Guidelines on the Shared Environmental … to be addressed in an integrated manner and the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic should be considered. [done] … institutional and regulatory mechanisms and infrastructure at the national level  No decisions VIII. Other …

Session 4-2: Transboundary data and information exchange: Finland's experience, Anna-Stiina Heiskanen

… exchange: Finland's experience, Anna-Stiina Heiskanen Russian Анна-Стиина Хейсканен, директор отдела решений для … 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 CODMn mg/l, FI ХПКMn мгО/дм3, RUS liukuva keskiarvo (6 näytettä) Скользящая средняя (6 … Heiskanen, Director of the Marine and Freshwater Solutions Unit, Finnish Environment Institute, Finland KU VA : A D O …

Machine Learning Project of the High-Level Group on Modernisation of Statistics

… the Conference of European Statisticians for information. United Nations ECE/CES/2021/11 Economic and Social Council … statistical information and data services that can be trusted and used to make clear and effective data- driven … In the case of ML2021, it is recommended that it does so by continuing reporting to HLG-MOS through its …

Presentation on Snapshots in the Development of Environmental-Social Statistics (Ireland)

… Statistics (Ireland) English UNECE Expert Forum for Producers and Users of Climate Change-Related … that have had an energy audit conducted. 5 Period of Construction and Energy Efficiency Rating 1850-1999 2000-2009 … G rated Dwellings? • The dwelling energy audit procedure does not record any data on the occupants. • Matching the …