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Displaying Results 40501 - 40520 of 42355

Policy Dialogue Agenda

… annually between 2011 and 2021. Nevertheless, critical structural challenges remain, including weak productivity, … enabling registration of agricultural workers, and economic units enabling access to social protection and formalization … Advisor 15:40 – 15:55 Break 15:55 – 16:35 Session 3: Does social protection respond to needs of workers in …

Projects implemented by JSW SA in cooperation with ICE - CMM Poland, by Mr. Artur Badylak, ICE-CMM Poland

… INSEMEX (Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvolare Pentru Securitate Minierasi Protectie Antiexploziva Insemex … ventilation air and atmosphere, • Concept, design and construction of methane drainage installation with reduced … – € 962 309 The project will involve a consortium of 22 units (including 2 from Poland): • INSTITUTO TECNOLOGICO DE …

Quality Framework for Statistical Algorithms (QF4SA). Wesley Yung (Statistics Canada)

… process • We define algorithm as • A process or set of rules to be followed in calculation, derived from an assumed model and a predetermined set of optimisation rules, for estimation or prediction. • Statistical … model is estimated by the average prediction error over all units in the test set • Note that this prediction error is …

Measurement of gender inequalities in the French labour market using efficiency measures

… opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, … men in many dimensions, including the labour market. This structural problem has emerged due to the historical social … men. However, when isolating these factors, the wage gap does not disappear, even though in certain cases women …

ACCC/C/2019/162 (Denmark) - Reply to Committee's questions of 20.02.2024 from the Party concerned 12.04.2024 - Annex 10: Case no. 20/04066

… efter miljøvurderingsloven til vindmølleprojekt ved Tolstrup i Viborg Kommune 20/04066 Miljø- og Fødevareklagenævnet har tru�et afgørelse efter miljøvurderingslovens § 50, stk. 1, … klage over Viborg Kommunes afgørelse af 11. februar 2020 om § 25-tilladelse til vindmølleprojektet ved …

Implementing the mandate and terms of reference - UNECE

… the mandate and terms of reference 2 October 2021February 2021 October 2022 The Bureau of the CES approved the … and approval of the new mandate and ToR (2024-2028) February 2023 The CES Bureau will be invited to approve the new … Statistical Offices (NSOs) and Ministries of Environment (MoEs) for improving environmental statistics/indicators to …

(Secretariat) Virtual meeting participation guidelines and information

… the 9th GRVA session This session is conducted as per the rules and recommendations of EXCOM. A silence procedure … procedure. Informal document GRVA-09-02 9th GRVA, 1-5 February 2021 Agenda item 1 Note by the secretariat Requests … Make sure that any submission to the secretariat does not represent a copyright breach. Please allow the …

Statement by Belarus on decision IX/4f (item 3 (b) (i))

… Statement by Belarus on decision IX/4f (item 3 (b) (i)) English Statement of the Republic of Belarus regarding the draft decision IX/4f on compliance by … measures to implement this treaty to be unfounded. Belarus does not agree with this Decision, but in the spirit of …

Strategies and policies reporting status 2022

… 2016, 2018 Armenia Austria 2022 2014 none Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium none none none Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria … none Norway 2019 none none Poland 2015, 2 Portugal none Republic of Moldova none none Romania none none Russian … no recent report 2015: the questionnaire submitted in 2015 does not provide information on exact measures undertaken …

Strategies and policies reporting status 2022

… development, ppt Austria 2022 2014 none 2014, 2019 2014: public awareness on residential heating, POPs, PM, both … and energy sectors in particular, both template and ppt Belarus Last reported in 2013 as part of EECCA session on … none none 2015: the questionnaire submitted in 2015 does not provide information on exact measures undertaken …

(GRBP) Proposal for a new 05 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 41 (Noise emissions of motorcycles)

… English ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/3 ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/3 United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/3 Economic and Social … Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations 183rd session … containing all symbols used in this Regulation: Symbol Units Explanation Reference AA' – virtual line on the test …

(GRSG) Proposal for the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 116 (Anti-theft and alarm systems)

… English ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/99 ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/99 United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/99 Economic and Social … Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations 185th session … for 2021 (A/75/6 (part V sect. 20) para 20.51), the World Forum will develop, harmonize and update UN Regulations in …

Case studies on automation and digitalization in intermodal freight transport and logistics

… also provided. 2. The case studies are provided in annex. United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.24/2024/6 Economic and Social … as the EntKuRo project. In addition, effects on the forerun and on-carriage processes in the transport chain are … According to the technology, 95 per cent of import cargoes are cleared in the VTT mode through the port of VMTP. 50 …


… new type of MRI scanners for air transport. The packing instructions for UN 2857 and UN 3538 also differ from each other in the Model Regulations , as follows (the instructions for portable tanks and bulk containers are … in an internal compartment, and air conditioning units. Refrigerating machines and refrigerating machine …

(Secretariat) Draft list of main decisions

… should cover both incorporated and independent projection units. 30 12 GRE agreed that the provisional agenda for the next session should be restructured in major blocks as follows: 1. Adoption of the … Technical Regulations: Development. 3. 1997 Agreement – Rules: Development. 4. Simplification of lighting and …

Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire - 2018 - National Reply - Ireland

… the variables it considers most important for its publications - please fill those in as a priority. When you … before sending in your data. Fill in real zeroes '0' in the worksheets if there is no production or … also includes glue-laminated timber (glulam), which is a structural timber product obtained by gluing together a number …

Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire - 2018 - National Reply - Ireland

… the variables it considers most important for its publications - please fill those in as a priority. When you … before sending in your data. Fill in real zeroes '0' in the worksheets if there is no production or … also includes glue-laminated timber (glulam), which is a structural timber product obtained by gluing together a number …

Amendments to the Police Regulations for the Navigation of the Rhine and to the Police Regulations for the Navigation of the Moselle

… in Inland Navigation Fifty-eighth session Geneva, 17–19 February 2021 Item 5 (a) of the provisional agenda … Mosel Commission at its plenary session in November 2020. United Nations ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2021/6 Economic and … as far as possible the optimal functioning of the infrastructure, in particular to allow lock staff access to the …

Comments on ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2022/23: Filling ratio and degree of filling (Spain)

… mass for a specific gas; and therefore, kg is the correct unit. Nevertheless, “degree of filling” was therefore not … 9.6 Degree of filling Filling ratio 14. Amend packing instruction P203, under (5) as proposed in this informal … de remplissage=... » 26. The present text of does express correctly the same meaning as “degré de …

Report of the Technical Implementation Body on its fifth session

… 26–27 6 United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/TIB/10 Economic and … Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands (Kingdom of the), Russian Federation, Serbia, Türkiye and Uzbekistan. … contains a mandatory Address and LoadingLocation does not contain an Address class? 25. TIB decided to …