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Search results for ru node pau icpd

Displaying Results 361 - 380 of 9876

Election of members of the Protocol on PRTRs Compliance Committee

… of compliance, in conjunction with decision I/1 on the rules of procedure (for both decisions, see ECE/MP.PRTR/2010/2/Add.1,  En ,  Fr ,  Ru ): Ms. Rodica Iordanov (Republic of Moldova) and Ms. Tina …

ACCC/C/2011/59 Kazakhstan

… on admissibility At CC-32 01.06.2011   Communication Ru En Communication ACCC/C/2011/59 01.06.2011   Annex I Ru En   01.06.2011   Annex II Ru En   01.06.2011   Letter to …

Third Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety pre-event, Stockholm, 18 Feb. 2020

… application of emerging automotive technologies" 18 February 2020, Stockholm Registration Form English Provisional … Geneva.jpg Graph_Statistics.JPG HLPF_web_July_2018.jpg ICPD_25_conference_carousel.jpg …

Environmental Performance Reviews of Tajikistan

… Committee on Environmental Policy . . Brochure  ( EN  /  RU ) 3 rd EPR  2017 2 nd EPR  2012 1 st EPR  2004 … …

UNECE Online Workshop 21 April - Concept Note - RU

… UNECE Online Workshop 21 April - Concept Note - RU Russian Концептуальная записка - онлайн рабочее совещание …


… datastore/fileadmin/DAM/thepep/ru/documents … … … … datastore/fileadmin/DAM/thepep/ru/documents …


… datastore/fileadmin/DAM/thepep/ru/documents … … … … datastore/fileadmin/DAM/thepep/ru/documents …

Turkmenistan Decision III/6e

… the Convention (ECE/MP.PP/2008/2/Add.13) ( ENG ) ( FRE ) ( RUS ) Adopted at the 3rd meeting of the Parties 26.09.2008 … concerning the implementation of decision III/6e ( ENG ) ( RUS ) Letter received by the secretariat 28.03.2009 Letter …

17th session

… Change Impacts and Adaptation for Transport Networks and Nodes Seventeenth session (Geneva) Registration form or … Русский ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.3/2019/3 - Adaptation des infrastructures, systèmes et services de transport français au …

European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN) 2023

… Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR) entered into force on 28 February 2008. The Regulations annexed to the Agreement became … the entry into force of the Agreement, namely on 28 February 2009. At the time of the preparation of the present …

European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN) 2021

… publication on paper. View or download ADN 2021 (EN/FR/RU) This publication can be obtained from  distributors of …

Countries in the UNECE region must build on progress to achieve goals of sustainable societies for all ages, argues review of policies on ageing

… implementation can been viewed at:     … Countries in the UNECE …

13th Joint Task Force on Environment Statistics and Indicators

…     Document Title Documents Presentations ENG   RUS     Provisional agenda annotated PDF   PDF     … PDF EN   Progress on implementation of indicator D1 in the Russian Federation (Federal State Service of the Russian …

13th Joint Task Force on Environment Statistics and Indicators

…   Document Title Documents Presentations ENG   RUS     Provisional agenda annotated PDF   PDF     … PDF EN   Progress on implementation of indicator D1 in the Russian Federation (Federal State Service of the Russian …

ICPD30 member States Briefing

ICPD30 member States Briefing English ICPD3 0 Re g ion a l Re vie w a n d Con fe re n c e Pop ula … niza t ions . In te rp re ta t ion Eng lis h , Fre nc h , Rus s ia n . Objectives …

Team members

… ,   [email protected] cc: , Mr. Andrei Pilipchuk Deputy Head - Department Regulation … Protection 10 Kollektornaya St. 220048 Minsk, Belarus +375 17200 4757, Fax: +375 17200 4757 …

ADN 2021 (files)

… publication on paper.   View or download ADN 2021 (EN/FR/RU)   This publication can be obtained from  distributors of …

Emissions Projections data RU

… Emissions Projections data RU Russian Руководящие принципы представления данных о выбросах …

6.1_Pan-European Assessment(ru)

… 6.1_Pan-European Assessment(ru) Russian Рабочая группа по мониторингу и оценке окружающей … Number 9 Slide Number 10 … 6.1_Pan-European Assessment(ru) …

11th session

… Change Impacts and Adaptation for Transport Networks and Nodes Eleventh session (Geneva) Agenda …