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Search results for ru node env water

Displaying Results 83841 - 83860 of 83982

Руководство по подготовке национальных генеральных планов в области грузовых перевозок и логистики

… РУКОВОДСТВО … … … / …


… Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management Contact name Contact name Johannes Hangler … which data, from which account tables?). Do you use SBS (Structural business statistics)? Please select YES or NO If … provide details (e.g. for which data?). Do you use other environmental accounts? Please select YES or NO If yes, …

Examen des performances environnementales du Maroc

… Maroc Examen des performances environnementales COMMISSION ECONOMIQUE DES NATIONS UNIES … une mission préparatoire. Au cours de cette mission, la structure du rapport d'examen a été discutée ainsi que le … sur les ressources en eau au Maroc. Novembre 2004. Ed. UN Water-Africa. Le changement climatique s'installe …

Развитие международных пассажирских железнодорожных перевозок

… tps:// 5 URL: 0 50 100 150 200 250 … tps:// …

UN Regulation No. 79 Revision 5

… 5 3. Application for approval 10 4. Approval 11 5. Constructions provisions 12 6. Test provisions 33 7. Conformity … ESF shall be equipped with means to monitor the driving environment (e.g. lane markings, road edge, other road … conditions e.g. climatic, temperature, dust ingress, water ingress, ice packing. 4. Verification and test 4.1. …

Instructions relatives aux Règles types pour l’identification permanente du matériel roulant ferroviaire

… Id en ti fic at io n of R ai lw ay R ol lin g St oc k In st ru ct io ns re la ti ve s a ux R èg le s t yp es p ou r l … (E) – July 2024 – 58 – ECE/TRANS/NONE/2024/1 The Model Rules on the Permanent Identification of Railway Rolling … cost for those wishing to invest in the railways. The Model Rules lay down the methods and responsibilities for the …

Glossaire des statistiques de transport - 5ème édition

… coédité par l’Union européenne, les Nations Unies et le Forum international des transports de l’OCDE. La reproduction … De nouveaux chapitres sur l’incidence des transports sur l’environnement et la mobilité des voyageurs ont été élaborés … FORUM INTERNATIONAL DES TRANSPORTS Mario Barreto 2 rue André Pascal F-75016 Paris Courriel: …

Revision of chapter 4.2 to include classification and hazard communication for greenhouse gasses listed in the annexes of the Montreal Protocol (Austria, Finland, Germany, UK, USA and the European Union)

… and a new hazard statement (“Harms public health and the environment by contributing to global warming”) to ensure … A3.1.3 et A3.2.5 et section 3 (tableaux des conseils de prudence)), comme indiqué dans l’annexe du présent document. … du présent document ont envisagé d’ajouter le conseil de prudence P273, « Éviter le rejet dans l’environnement », pour …

Revue annuelle du marché des produits forestiers 2022-2023

… produits à valeur ajoutée, produits utilisés dans la construction de logements et bois-énergie. Les différents … régionale et sous-régionale de ces évolutions pour envisager l’avenir des ressources forestières et ligneuses …

Мониторинг окружающей среды предприятиями и их экологическая отчетность

… по вопросам, касающимся окружающей среды (, где содержатся рекомендации, … по кадастрам атмосферных выбросов ( ЕМЕП/КОРИНЭЙР. В случае их …

Руководство и передовой опыт для микро-, малых и средних предприятий по поставке энергоэффективной продукции и производству оборудования для возобновляемой энергетики

… решения. Через Структурные фонды ЕС (EU Structural Funds) в бюджетный период ЕС на 2014–2020 годы … для представления Латвии в финале конкурса InnoEnergy PowerUp challenge. Это инновационное решение помогает решить … институт инноваций и технологий и конкурс InnoEnergy PowerUp! Конкурс InnoEnergy PowerUp! от Европейского института …

(TF on ADAS) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/2 - Revision 2

… in English by the Task Force on ADAS. the French and Russian versions of the document were not produced by the UN … for vehicle control and shall permanently monitor the environment and vehicle/system performance. 2. This UN … conditions e.g. climatic, temperature, dust ingress, water ingress, ice packing. Where this UN Regulation …

Final Report of the Activities of the Group of Experts on the Permanent Identification of Railway Rolling Stock

… Experts at its eighty-second session, held from 25 to 28 February 2020. Its primary goal was to develop a system to fix … identifier and its marker as well as the development of rules that underpin the permanent marking of rolling stock. … et de sa marque, les experts, à la première session, ont envisagé un certain nombre de possibilités. Ils ont rempli …

Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be Used for Such Carriage (ATP)

… to ATP are Albania, Andorra, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, … tools to improve people's everyday lives in the areas of environment, transport, trade, statistics, energy, forestry, … of national and international road, rail, inland water and intermodal transport, including the transport of …

Different scenarios of estimating the consumption of FC for the government sector with possible impact on GNI, Croatia

… data, using preliminary GFCF data since 1953 for infrastructure and non-residential buildings in the government … Economic and Social Council Distr.: General 12 February 2024 Original: English ECE/CES/GE.20/2024/3 2 I. … Paper, OECD, Paris R Core Team (2023): R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing, R Foundation for …

Different scenarios of estimating the consumption of fixed capital for the government sector with possible impact on gross national income, Croatia

… data, using preliminary GFCF data since 1953 for infrastructure and non-residential buildings in the government … Economic and Social Council Distr.: General 12 February 2024 Original: English ECE/CES/GE.20/2024/3 2 I. … Paper, OECD, Paris R Core Team (2023): R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing, R Foundation for …


… a broad public consultation on this topic. A report, structured around 175 proposals, was produced following this … entitled "How to take care of our elderly"; regional forums aimed at bringing up ideas and good practices; … capacity by supporting the development of age-friendly environments and housing To enable older people to live at …

Riding towards green economy Cycling and green jobs

… green economy cycling and green jobs A joint report by UN Environment-WHO-UNECE Copyright © United Nations Environment … (Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management); − France (Ministry of the Environment, … 4 The figures for the job intensity of cycling infrastructure are similar to those for the United Kingdom (Wu, …

(GRVA) - Proposal for a new UN Regulation on uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to Driver Control Assistance Systems (DCAS)

… Economic and Social Council Distr.: General 6 February 2024 English Original: English, French and Russian … for vehicle control and shall permanently monitor the environment and vehicle/system performance. 2. This UN … conditions e.g. climatic, temperature, dust ingress, water ingress, ice packing. Where this UN Regulation …

Forum mondial de l’harmonisation des Règlements concernant les véhicules (WP.29) Comment il fonctionne − Comment y adhérer

… Nations Unies à Genève – 1822487 (F) – – – ECE/TRANS/289 Forum mondial de l’harmonisation des Règlements concernant les … dispositions en lien avec la sécurité et les performances environnementales des véhicules et de leurs systèmes, pièces … motocyclettes, de voitures et de camions circulant dans les rues et sur les routes devrait augmenter au cours des …