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Amendments to the eTIR conceptual, functional and technical documentation

… of the itinerary of the means of transport WCO Id 81A Rule R001 ChangeLog 0.1 New Rule R001 Status R Sequence number 1 .. 1 WCO Description … de données de l’Organisation mondiale des douanes (OMD) et envisagé d’ajouter la classe « …

Состояние лесов Кавказа и Центральной Азии

… Дурикова и Н. Атамурадова, Тбилиси, 2018 год. Источник: Zoï Environment Network. 2015. Доступно по ссылке … Zhezkazgan Barnaul Semnan Aktau Mary Mashhad Konduz Urumqi Osh Aktobe Almaty Pavlodar Oral Taraz Kyzyl Orda … Annual Market Review 2017–2018 ECE/TIM/SP/46 Forests and Water ECE/TIM/SP/44 Wood Energy in the ECE Region …

UN Regulation No. 157 Amend.4

… These measures are without prejudice to driver behaviour rules on how to use these systems in the Contracting Parties … by the system up to which the system operates under current environmental and sensor conditions. It is the maximum … conditions e.g. climatic, temperature, dust ingress, water ingress, ice packing. 3.5. Safety management system …

Road Map for Accession to and Implementation of the United Nations 1998 Agreement

… 1998 AGREEMENT ON UN GLOBAL TECHNICAL REGULATIONS C.1: Construction of Safer and more Environmentally Friendly Vehicles C.2: The 1998 Agreement … of national and international road, rail, inland water and intermodal transport, as well as the transport of …

Protéger votre environnement vous en avez le pouvoir - Un Guide Rapide de la Convention d’Aarhus

… — September 2014 — 2,500 — ECE/MP.PP/9 Protéger votre environnement vous en avez le pouvoir Pour un complément … existants, et de nouveaux ports et aéroports se construisent, en même temps que sont créées de nouvelles … Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention) …

Making Data Meaningful Part 2

… suggestions, guidelines and examples - but not strict rules or rigid templates. An effective data release uses a … data? Could they use the analysis to make sound economic, environmental and social judgments and policies? You won't … common conventions where possible (e.g. blue to represent water on a map).  Size, duration and complexity: Is your …

TIR Convention in Turkmen

… wegümrük edaralaryna hem, gatnaýanlar (daşaýjylar) üçin zerur bolan başga maglumaty saklamalydyr. - HÝoG Konwensiýasy … milli kepillendirme birleşikleriň arasynda gol çekilen rugsatnamalaryň we ylalaşyklaryň mysallaryny öz içine alýar. … ................................ 255 I Bölüm Birleşmek üçin rugsatnama HÝoG-nyň kitapçasyny bermeli we kepillendiriji …

eTIR conceptual, functional and technical documentation version 4.3: Introduction

… General 2 September 2021 Original: English, French and Russian 2 Content a. Background … two alternative options: on the one hand, the Expert Group envisaged that the advanced cargo information could be … diagram that shows the configuration of run-time processing nodes and the components, processes, and objects that live …

Mali: 2nd reporting 2020/2021

… ; a Disponible sur le site d’ONU-Eau à l’adresse : … (« bassins transfrontières ») sont disponibles, envisagez de les joindre au présent rapport. Dans l’idéal, … des cours d’eau, lacs ou bassins aquifères Gestion d’infrastructures partagées Établissement d’infrastructures partagées …

La Convention sur l'eau : 30 ans d'effets positifs et de réalisations sur le terrain

… appréhender les répercussions sociales, économiques et environnementales de cet instrument, ainsi que ses contributions à la paix et à la … partout dans le monde. La C on ve nt io n su r l ’e au  : 30 ans d’impacts …

(GRBP) Proposal for Supplement 7 to 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 51 (Noise of M and N categories of vehicles)

… Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations 187th session … The meteorological instrumentation used to monitor the environmental conditions during the test shall include the … applies especially, but is not limited to - the cooling water (if applicable); - oil temperature (if applicable). …

Revue annuelle du marché des produits forestiers 2019-2020

… à valeur ajoutée, aux produits utilisés dans la construction de logements et au bois-énergie. Les différents … Belgique Henric Endoff, AB Global, Suède Elliot Freshwater, Université de Colombie-Britannique, Vancouver, Canada … du tourisme, Autriche Aline Knoblauch, Office fédéral de l’environnement (OFEV), Division Forêts, Suisse Jaroslav …

Report on the work of the High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics

… ECE/CES/2024/10 describes the plans for 2024. At the February 2024 meeting, the CES Bureau reviewed and approved … Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics work structure 2. HLG-MOS was established by the Conference of … and human- centric perspectives in the rapidly evolving AI environment. Deliverables3 include a guidance document with …

Glossaire des transports par voie navigable

… of material sourced from IHO shall not be construed as constituting an endorsement by IHO of this product. … standards and conventions developed at ECE in the areas of environment, transport, trade, statistics, energy, forestry, … located by two or more coordinate pairs (or two connected nodes) and optional interpolation parameters. [23], [28] Arc …

Руководство по устойчивой городской мобильности и территориальному планированию

… WHO European Region established the Transport, Health and Environment Pan European Programme (THE PEP) in 2002. By … 124 Рис. 4.8 The Healthy Vision Green Structure, Утрехт, 2030 (март 2018) … Policymakers in Developing Cities. Module 2C Division of Water, Energy and Transport. Руководство по устойчивой …

Report of the Technical Implementation Body on its fourth session

… holders ..................................... 26–29 6 (e) Structure of the eTIR specifications … attended by representatives of the following countries: Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Greece, Hungary, Iran … 35 7 i) Inclusion de l’expéditeur au niveau « Envoi » ............................ 36 7 2. Nouvelles …

Rules of Procedure of the ADN Safety Committee

Rules of Procedure of the ADN Safety Committee English Rules … the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN Safety Committee)1 (WP.15/AC.2) Chapter I. … d’une question, un(e) représentant(e) peut demander le renvoi du débat. Cette motion a priorité. Outre son auteur, …


… for Enterprise Statistics, Community and non-EU trade and environmental and forestry statistics. All these statistical … which data, from which account tables?). Do you use SBS (Structural business statistics)? NO If yes, please provide … as roundwood with data held by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests (MMAP), which reports to the FRA database. …

Report of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations on its 189th session. Administrative Committee of the 1958 Agreement on its eighty-third session. Executive Committee of the 1998 Agreement on its sixty-sixth session. Administrative Commi

… Report of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations on its 189th … on in-vehicle battery durability (Electric vehicles and the environment); (agenda item 17.6) 27 G. Draft UN GTR on Quiet … current requirements in the UN GTR on Vibration Profile and Water Immersion and agreed that there was not enough …

L’Outil d’évaluation concernant l’équité en matière d’accès: Un appui aux processus d’élaboration des politiques favorisant la réalisation du droit fondamental à l’eau et à l’assainissement

… à des chiffres. L’utilisation d’un tel symbole indique un renvoi à un document des Nations Unies. ECE/MP.WH/8 iii … homme, femme ou enfant, qu’elle vive en zone urbaine ou rurale, qu’elle dispose ou non d’un logement, qu’elle soit … l’Europe centrale et orientale (GWP CEE) Hélène Boussard, WaterLex Madoka Saji, Bureau du Haut-Commissariat aux droits …