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3rd Environmental Performance Review of the Republic of Moldova

… Series No. 39 NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. … Ms. Inga Balica Ircon, Czech Republic Mr. Libor Novák xiii Page CONTENTS Foreword …

Annotated provisional agenda for the eighty-third Committee session

… Management Eighty-third session Geneva, 4-5 April 2022 (Part I); and San Marino, 3-6 October 2022 (Part II) Item 1 of the provisional agenda Opening of the …

Белая книга по развитию, достижениям и будущему устойчивого внутреннего водного транспорта

… нанимают для них экипаж. 2 Bureau Voorlichting Binnenvaart, Types of Vessels, assets/files/Scheepstypen%20Engels.pdf. 2 Белая … Wasserstrassen/Projekte/01_Zweite_Moselschleusen/projekt_ 1_node.html. 14 Белая книга по развитию, достижениям и …


… … Карс Эрзурум Трабзон Sanliurfa Elazig Дьярбакир Батман Ван Ar Raqqah Al Hasakah Al Qamishli Mosul Arbil Urmia Табриз Ардебиль Rasht Zanjan Qazvin Karaj Актау …

Reconciling resource uses: Assessment of the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus in the North Western Sahara Aquifer System, Part A - "Nexus Challenges and Solutions" & Part B "Technical assessment of resources and sectors"

… water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus in the North Western Sahara Aquifer System Part B: Technical assessment of resources and sectors 2020 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The project partnership would like to thank the member institutions of …

Desk Study in Environmental Flows and Flow Regulation in the Drina River Basin (2019, version revised 2021)

… FLOW REGULATION IN THE DRINA RIVER BASIN RAFAEL SANCHEZ NAVARRO1 DECEMBER 2019 (revised in OCTOBER 2021)2 Developed for … Land and Sea 1 The views expressed in the draft report are those of the author and can therefore in no way be taken … of “eflow methods” are broadly compared in Table 1 (next page). This range of techniques, from simple to complex, can …

Окружающая среда Европы Седьмая общеевропейская экологическая оценка

… отредактированная версия, URL: ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ ОКРУЖАЮЩАЯ СРЕДА ЕВРОПЫОКРУЖАЮЩАЯ … Observatory, “SDG Indicator 11.6.2 Concentration of fine particulate matter (PM 2.5 )”. URL: … fine-particulate-matter-(pm2-5) (дата обращения: 7 мая 2021 года); …

Digitalization in Energy: Case Study on "Grid Edge Management Reference Architecture and Policy Recommendations for Interoperability and Resilience"

… in Energy Case study Grid Edge Management Reference Architecture and Policy Recommendations for Interoperability … in Energy Case study “Grid Edge Management Reference Architecture and Policy Recommendations for Interoperability … of Critical Infrastructure Protection,Volume 25,2019,Pages 36-49,ISSN 1874-5482, …

Как ускорить мобилизацию финансирования трансграничного водного сотрудничества и развития бассейнов? Возможности и вызовы

… и развития бассейнов (Funding and financing transboundary water cooperation and basin development) (UNECE 2021), … 0and%20basin%20development_Sept%202021_2110185_E_pdf_web.pdf#page=43 … 0and%20basin%20development_Sept%202021_2110185_E_pdf_web.pdf#page=43 … 0and%20basin%20development_Sept%202021_2110185_E_pdf_web.pdf#page=43 …

Un enfoque del nexo para la cooperación transfronteriza: La experiencia del Convenio del Agua

… 2 Un enfoque del nexo para la cooperación transfronteriza La experiencia del … United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Puede encontrar más información acerca de la evaluación del nexo en el … ¿Por qué utilizar un enfoque del nexo agua-energía-alimentos-ecosistemas …

3rd Environmental Performance Review of Kazakhstan

… of environmental policies, as well as efforts in the area of greening the economy. Furthermore, it addresses air protection, biodiversity and protected areas, as well as water, waste and chemicals management. It … Prevention (CDC) Central Asia Ms. Daphne B. Moffett xviii Page CONTENTS Foreword …

Report of the Working Group on Water and Health on its thirteenth meeting

… Organization Regional Office for Europe Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on Water and Health to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes Working Group on … to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention) …

Пересмотр формуляра-образца ЕЭК: семантическая информация и коды в международном обмене торговыми данными (ECE/TRADE/473)

… and codes in international trade data exchange v Содержание Pages … ой торговле M/cefact/cf_plenary/plenary09/ cf_09_24R.pdf Коды для видов груза, упаковки и …

Protecting the Air We Breathe

… Clean Air YEARS Pr ot ec ti ng th e A ir W e Br ea th e Protecting the Air We Breathe 40 years of cooperation under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMMISSION FOR …

Annotated provisional agenda for the eighty-third session, Rev. 1

… Management Eighty-third session Geneva, 4-5 April 2022 (Part I); and San Marino, 3-6 October 2022 (Part II) Item 1 of the provisional agenda Opening of the …

Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire - 2019 - National Reply - Kyrgyzstan

… (НЕОБРАБОТАННЫХ ЛЕСОМАТЕРИАЛОВ) Recovered wood used in particle board 0 0 missing data Solid wood equivalent 1 КРУГЛЫЙ ЛЕС … ЛЕС 1000 м3бк 1.2 ДЕЛОВОЙ КРУГЛЫЙ ЛЕС 1000 м3бк 0 0 particle board production (incl OSB) missing data missing …

A students research on the curriculums on hydrology in some universities of Ukraine

… A students research on the curriculums on hydrology in some universities of … № Назва закладу вищої освіти Кількість публікацій % 1 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv 162 18.6 2 V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University 118 13.6 3 National …

Benin: 2nd reporting 2020/2021

… rapports Contenu du modèle Le modèle est divisé en quatre parties :  Partie I - Calcul de l'indicateur 6.5.2 des ODD  Partie II - Informations concernant chaque bassin ou groupe …

Innovation Performance Review of Belarus

… Commission for Europe INNOVATION PERFORMANCE REVIEW OF BELARUS UNITED NATIONS New York and Geneva, 2011 NOTE The … not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of …

Environmental Monitoring and Reporting

… and Geneva, 2003 NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. … not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the … Schmögnerova Executive Secretary v TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Preface …