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Annotated provisional agenda for the thirty-sixth session

… Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee Working Party on Transport Trends and Economics Thirty-sixth session … session*, ** to be held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva starting at 10 a.m. on Monday, 4 September 2023, Room VIII, … Impacts and Adaptation for Inland Transport; * Delegates are requested to bring copies of all relevant documents to …

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe WP.6 31st session annotated agenda

… for Europe Steering Committee on Trade Capacity and Standards Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies (WP.6) Thirty-first session Geneva, …

Provisional agenda

… on Innovation, Competitiveness and Public-Private Partnerships Fourteenth session Geneva (hybrid), 2-4 June … a hybrid meeting with possibility of in-person or remote participation at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, starting on 2 June 2021 at 10:00 in room TPS 2*,** I. …

Reply to question 4: Annex 10: Annotated table of comments from public on draft SvWOL - ACCC/C/2015/133 (Netherlands)

… 52 G. Verdeling lasten en lusten 55 H. Draagvlak en participatie 57 I. Natuur 63 J. Landschap en leefomgeving 66 … en de grote wateren, met uitzondering van de Noordzee en Caribisch Nederland. De Structuurvisie Windenergie op land is … in de Structuurvisie Infrastructuur en Ruimte die in maart 2012 is vastgesteld. Doel is, om in 2020 een …

(GRSG) Guidance on Event Data Recorder (EDR) Performance Elements Appropriate for Adoption in 1958 and 1998 Agreement Resolutions or Regulations

… Economic and Social Council Distr.: General 12 January 2021 Original: English Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations 183rd session Geneva, 9-11 March 2021 Item 6.2. of the provisional agenda Elements of …

Matlab gearshift calculation tool for UN GTR 15

… Matlab gearshift calculation tool for UN GTR 15 English … tab_engine = read_tab( 'engine.txt' );
 fprintf( '- gearbox.txt\n' );
 tab_gearbox = read_tab( 'gearbox.txt' );
 fprintf( '- …


… загрязнения воздуха (RAINS). См.: intro.html. 11 Модель для описания … ВОЗ значений (в особенности, сред- 13 См.: 14 Подробная информация содержится по следующему …

Reply to question 4: Annex 11: Final SvWOL as adopted 31.03.2014 - ACCC/C/2015/133 (Netherlands)

… Windenergie op land Inhoud 1. Inleiding 5 1.1 Waarover gaat deze structuurvisie? 5 1.2 Aanleiding en … 8 1.4 Concrete aanzetten voor beleid 10 1.5 Van ontwerp naar definitief 11 2. Beleid 13 2.1 Beleidsvisie Windenergie … 2014 8 Regeerakkoord VVD-PvdA ‘Bruggen slaan’, 2012, pag. 10 Structuurvisie Windenergie op land | 7 betekenis te …

Report of the 44th session of the Joint UNECE and FAO Working Party on Forest Statistics, Economics and Management

… of the 44th session of the Joint UNECE and FAO Working Party on Forest Statistics, Economics and Management ITEM 11: … and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Working Party on Forest Statistics, Economics and Management I. … Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Working Party on Forest Statistics, Economics and Management …

Presentation, Abduvali Nabizoda, (Agency on Statistics under President of the Republic of Tajikistan)

… in Tajikistan Background Estimated population as of 1 January 2024 10.28 million people Annual population growth rate in the past 32 years - average of 2.0% to 2.1% Population has nearly doubled 41.4% of the population (boys 42.1%, girls …

Using the national population census to improve official statistics on stateless persons in the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan)

… on stateless persons in the Kyrgyz Republic Gulhumar Abdullayeva, Head of the Demographic Statistics Department National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz … 872 under working age 8 945 42 372 6 466 21 1 019 537 72 12 404 working age 122 459 15 754 13 502 42 334 285 36 418 6 …

MTC Rev.7/Corr.2

… MTC Rev.7/Corr.2 (ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.7 Arabic ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.7/Corr.2 Arabic Original: English, French and Spanish GE.22-11643 (A) … dans lequel le contenu total de lithium de l’ensemble des anodes à l’état complètement chargé n’est pas supérieur à 500 …

Terms of Reference - Working Party on Intermodal Transport and Logistics (WP.24)

… Terms of Reference - Working Party on Intermodal Transport and Logistics (WP.24) English … 5 Annex II Revised Terms of Reference of the Working Party on Intermodal Transport and Logistics2 (As amended by WP.24 at its sixty-fourth session) 1. The Working Party on Intermodal Transport and Logistics (WP.24) acts …

Decision VII/8b on compliance Austria

… English Economic Commission for Europe Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in … to the report of the seventh session of the Meeting of the Parties (ECE/MP.PP/2021/2/Add.1)* Decision VII/8b concerning …

Decision VII/8q on compliance Turkmenistan

… English Economic Commission for Europe Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in … to the report of the seventh session of the Meeting of the Parties (ECE/MP.PP/2021/2/Add.1)* Decision VII/8q concerning …

Agenda of the National Stakeholder Consultation Workshop

… Uzbekistan Frankfort Hotel, Nemat St., 4, Tashkent 31 January 2023, 9:00-11:00 (Tashkent time) The United Nations … the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) are implementing jointly the UNDA project “Strengthening … with Special Needs to build back better from COVID-19” (January 2022-June 2025) for eight beneficiary countries. UNECE …

PP: Aarhus Convention MoP7 decision VII/7 on reporting requirements

… PP: Aarhus Convention MoP7 decision VII/7 on reporting … English 1 Economic Commission for Europe Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in …

History of the Standard for Seed Potatoes

… History of the Standard for Seed Potatoes ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.6/2023/4 English … for Europe Steering Committee on Trade Capacity and Standards Working Party on Agricultural Quality Standards Specialized Section …

Information on Zarafshon joint venture

… Information on Zarafshon joint venture English Information on the activities of JV "Zarafshon" LLC In accordance with the Tajik SSR gold mining … plant for the extraction and processing of ore from the Taror deposit. Due to the lack of confirmation of the Taror …

Note on the election MOP9

… MOP9 English Economic Commission for Europe Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes Meeting of the Parties Ninth session Geneva, 29 September–1 October 2021 …