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Programme Plan for 2022

… Transport Committee Eighty-third session Geneva, 23–26 February 2021 Item 6 (b) of the provisional agenda Programmatic … Plan for 2022 Subprogramme 2: Transport Note by the secretariat[footnoteRef:2]* [2: * This document was scheduled for publication after the standard publication date owing to circumstances beyond the …

Forms of employment RUS

… Working Paper Series on Statistics consists of studies prepared by leading experts in official statistics from the … in statistics and aims to identify emerging issues and share innovations. The studies often serve as a basis for … develop new statistics and guidelines. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the …

Railway Reform in the ECE region

… not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation …

Training Guide on Regulatory Frameworks and Market Surveillance (ECE/TRADE/441)

… Training Guide on Regulatory Frameworks and Market Surveillance Training Guide on Regulatory Frameworks and Market Surveillance New York and Geneva, 2018 U N I T E D N … E U R O P E ii TRAINING GUIDE ON REGULATORY FRAMEWORKS AND MARKET SURVEILLANCE NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents …

Inventory of Main Standards and Parameters of the E Waterway Network (Blue Book - Fourth Revised Edition)

… Blue Book Fourth Revised Edition Inventory of Main Standards and Parameters of the E Waterway Network Inventory of M … Economic Commission for Europe. Photo credits: cover page: Adobe Stock. ECE/TRANS/SC.3/144/Rev.4 UNITED NATIONS …

Annotated provisional agenda

… for Europe Steering Committee on Trade Capacity and Standards Working Party on Agricultural Quality Standards Specialized Section on Standardization of Fresh Fruit …

(GRVA) Proposal for the new 12 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 13 (Heavy vehicle braking)

… for Europe Inland Transport Committee World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations 186th session Geneva, 8-11 March 2022 Item 4.7.1 of the provisional agenda 1958 … No. 13 (Heavy vehicle braking) Submitted by the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles …

Senegal: 2nd reporting 2020/2021

… rapports Contenu du modèle Le modèle est divisé en quatre parties : • Partie I - Calcul de l'indicateur 6.5.2 des ODD • Partie II - Informations concernant chaque bassin ou groupe …

Comparison between AGTC and TEN-T railway lines and related installations – comparison of railway lines

… Comparison between AGTC and TEN-T railway lines and related installations – comparison of railway lines ECE/TRANS/WP.24/2021/6 English … Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee Working Party on Intermodal Transport and Logistics Sixty-fourth …

Draft programme of work of the International Water Assessment Centre for 2022–2024

… Economic Commission for Europe Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes Ninth session … by Kazakhstan in consultation with the Bureau and the secretariat United Nations ECE/MP.WAT/2021/10 Economic and Social …

Annotated provisional agenda for the eighth session of the Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency

… of the agenda. 2. Election of officers. 3. Opening remarks. 4. Introductory plenary session. 5. Improving energy efficiency in industry. 6. … 8. Regulatory and policy dialogue addressing barriers to improve energy efficiency. 9. Status of …

Riding towards green economy Cycling and green jobs

… Ri di ng to ward s the green economy cycling and green jobs A joint … 2017 This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part and in any form for educational or non-profit purposes … UN Environment’s carbon footprint. Photo credit: Cover and page 8: ©Martti Tulenheimo, CC BY 2.0 Riding …

Recommandations sur la mesure du pouvoir et des dynamiques décisionnelles au sein des ménages

… et des dynamiques décisionnelles au sein des ménages Préparé par l’Équipe spéciale de la mesure du pouvoir et des … ». Les éditeurs doivent envoyer le fichier de leur édition par courriel à l’adresse [email protected]. Les appellations …

Smart Sustainable Cities Profile: Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

… and Printing at United Nations, Geneva – 2118976 (E) – February 2022 – 249 – ECE/HBP/210 People-Smart Sustainable Cities SU ST AIN ABLE AND SMART CITIES FOR ALL AGES Smart Sustainable Cities Profile …

Report of the 44th session of the Joint UNECE and FAO Working Party on Forest Statistics, Economics and Management

… of the 44th session of the Joint UNECE and FAO Working Party on Forest Statistics, Economics and Management Item … and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Working Party on Forest Statistics, Economics and Management I. … Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Working Party on Forest Statistics, Economics and Management …

(GRVA) - Proposal for a Supplement 11 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 90 (Replacement braking parts)

… of amendments to UN Regulation No. 90 (Replacement braking parts) ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2023/130 English … for Europe Inland Transport Committee World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations 191st session Geneva, … of amendments to UN Regulation No. 90 (Replacement braking parts) Submitted by the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous …

(Allemagne) -, de l'ADN : Machines, renvoi à l'ES-TRIN

… Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Joint Meeting of … to the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN) (ADN … Safety Committee) Forty-third session Geneva, 22–26 January 2024 Item 5 (b) of the provisional agenda Proposed …

(GRPE) - Proposal for Supplement 17 to the 05 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 83 (Emissions of M1 and N1 vehicles)

… for Europe Inland Transport Committee World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations 190th session Geneva, … (Emissions of M1 and N1 vehicles) Submitted by the Working Party on Pollution and Energy [footnoteRef:2]* [2: * In … in proposed programme budget for 2023 (A/77/6 (Sect.20), para 20.6), the World Forum will develop, harmonize and …

(CCNR) - Inconsistency of language versions at c) and 9.3.X.40.2.5 c) of ADN regarding triggering devices

… versions at c) and 9.3.X.40.2.5 c) of ADN regarding triggering devices ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/2022/37 … transports intérieurs Groupe de travail des transports de marchandises dangereuses Réunion commune d’experts du … à l’Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises dangereuses par voies de navigation intérieures …

(GRSG) - Proposal for Supplement 10 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 43 (Safety glazings)

… for Europe Inland Transport Committee World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations 188th session Geneva, … No. 43 (Safety glazings) Submitted by the Working Party on General Safety Provisions [footnoteRef:2]* [2: * In … as outlined in proposed programme budget for 2022 (A/76/6 (part V sect. 20) para 20.76), the World Forum will develop, …