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Statistiques des transports pour l’Europe et l’Amérique du Nord

… Volume LIX 2018 Statistiques des transports POUR L’EUROPE ET L’AMÉRIQUE DU NORD COMMISSION … mettant à profit son expérience de l’harmonisation pour faciliter l’intégration des pays d’Europe centrale et …

Глоссарий терминов по надзору за рынком (ECE/TRADE/389/Rev.1)

… UN emblem from their edition and create a new cover design. Translations must bear the following disclaimer: “The … and assemble goods in different places and to export them to many markets. Diversification of production has also … direction, as it sets out to establish common ground and facilitate regional and international efforts to cooperate …

Glossaire de Termes relatifs à la Surveillance du Marché (ECE/TRADE/389/Rev.1)

… UN emblem from their edition and create a new cover design. Translations must bear the following disclaimer: “The … and assemble goods in different places and to export them to many markets. Diversification of production has also … direction, as it sets out to establish common ground and facilitate regional and international efforts to cooperate …

Glosario revisado de términos sobre la vigilancia del mercado (ECE/TRADE/389/Rev.1)

… UN emblem from their edition and create a new cover design. Translations must bear the following disclaimer: “The … and assemble goods in different places and to export them to many markets. Diversification of production has also … direction, as it sets out to establish common ground and facilitate regional and international efforts to cooperate …

Glossary of Market Surveillance Terms (ECE/TRADE/389/Rev.1)

… UN emblem from their edition and create a new cover design. Translations must bear the following disclaimer: “The … and assemble goods in different places and to export them to many markets. Diversification of production has also … direction, as it sets out to establish common ground and facilitate regional and international efforts to cooperate …

Модельные правила по постоянной идентификации железнодорожного подвижного состава

… Nations, Geneva – 2304934 (E) – June 2023 – 208 – ECE/TRANS/337 The Model Rules facilitate the financing and … an undertaking to be bound by these Rules shall be bound by them in their entirety until such undertaking is revoked in …

Model Provisions on Transboundary Groundwaters

… sobre la Protección y Utilización de los Cursos de Agua Transfronterizos y de los Lagos Internacionales (Convenio … para la aplicación del Convenio a las aguas subterráneas y facilitan la aplicación a estas de los principios del … para la puesta en marcha del Convenio en esa área y facilitar la aplicación de los principios del Convenio a las …

Sustainable Development and Security of Property Rights in the UNECE Region: An assessment of perceived tenure security for land and housing

… land or business investment, not participate in market transactions, or spend resources on guarding property for … Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) countries would facilitate policy dialogue, policy analysis and knowledge … can improve development across multiple dimensions such as facilitating investment, improving productivity, reducing …

Разработка политики устойчивой городской мобильности в рамках инициатив по каршерингу и карпулингу - Таджикистан

… 3 (, стp. 4 (Nurmuhammad Shams, Wikipedia) ECE/TRANS/340 eISBN: 978-92-1-002865-3 iiiРазработка политики … document/755636/tajikistan-transport-sector-assessment.pdf (на английском языке). 4 …

Instructions relatives aux Règles types pour l’identification permanente du matériel roulant ferroviaire

… United Nations, Geneva – 2310743 (E) – July 2024 – 58 – ECE/TRANS/NONE/2024/1 The Model Rules on the Permanent … and figures 2, 6, 7, 12 and 17: Mr. Howard Rosen. ECE/TRANS/NONE/2024/1 eISBN: 978-92-1-358463-7 …

TIR手冊 - 第十修訂版

… TIR证 国 际 货 物 运 输 海 关 公 约 (1975年 国 际 公 路 运 输 公 约 ) ECE/TRANS/TIR/6/REV.10 欧 洲 经 济 委 员 会 TIR 手册 TIR 证国际货物运输海关公约 … 何意见。 历次《TIR 手册》订正本的文号如下: - ECE/TRANS/TIR/1 - 第一次订正本,1989; - ECE/TRANS/TIR/2 - 第二次订正本,1991; …

TIR手冊 - 第十一修訂版

… ECE/TRANS/TIR/6/REV.11 欧 洲 经 济 委 员 会 TIR 手册 TIR 证国际货物运输海关公约 … 何意见。 历次《TIR 手册》订正本的文号如下: - ECE/TRANS/TIR/1 - 第一次订正本,1989; - ECE/TRANS/TIR/2 - 第二次订正本,1991; …

Взаимосвязанные области по природным ресурсам в регионе ЕЭК

… является оценка 11 См .: https://www .unece .org/trans/trans/conventn/latest .html . 12 См .: https://www … of Food Losses and Waste in Europe and Central Asia. In: THEMEN, D. (ed.). Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture … WEST, J., GILJUM, S., DITTRICH, M., EISENMENGER, N., GESCHKE, A., LIEBER, M., WIELAND, H. P., SCHAFFARTZIK, A., …

Обзор «умного» устойчивого города: Подгорица, Черногория

… šBerkovici Trebinje Nova Varoš Raška šPec Pukë Lejthizë Shkodër Nenshat Trush Herceg- Novi Crkvice Vilusi Grahovo … (Vujošević, Radulović, and Miljanić, 36 Secreteriat for Transport, 2022. © A D O BE S TO C K 2018) за счет внедрения … Дата обращения 8 мая 2023 года. European Commission (n.d.). Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). URL: …

Модельные правила по постоянной идентификации железнодорожного подвижного состава (Пересмотр)

… Nations, Geneva – 2409892 (E) – July 2024 – 158 – ECE/TRANS/337/Rev.1 The Model Rules facilitate the financing and … an undertaking to be bound by these Rules shall be bound by them in their entirety until such undertaking is revoked in …

Разработка политики устойчивой городской мобильности в рамках инициатив по каршерингу и карпулингу - Кыргызстан

… страница, стр. 4 (Мэрии Города Бишкек) стр. 6 (UNECE). ECE/TRANS/339 eISBN: 978-92-1-002863-9 iiiРазработка политики … on-approval-of-the-bishkek-city-development-program-bishkek-2026-landscaped-and-green-capital.html. …

2020 Inland Transport Statistics for Europe and North America (Volume LX)

… 2020 Statistiques des transports POUR L’EUROPE ET L’AMÉRIQUE DU NORD 2020 … l’Europe d’après-guerre. Au fil des ans il s’est attaché à faciliter le développement durable et iv 2020 Statistiques …

Financement de la coopération dans le domaine des eaux transfrontières et de la mise en valeur des bassins

… Financement de la coopération dans le domaine des eaux transfrontières et de la mise en valeur des bassins Financem … le domaine d’activité du programme de travail relatif à la facilitation du financement de la coopération dans le … et communiquer 3Résumé analytique Méandres du Drin à Shkodra, Albanie les avantages de la coopération dans le …

Reporting on forest damages and disturbances in the UNECE region (ECE/TIM/SP/57)

… 45 7.2 A geospatial framework to facilitate regionally consistent assessment … Figure 5.6 The transnational Harz National Park in Lower Saxony and … Mr. Anssi Pekkarinen and Ms. Lucilla Marinaro from FAO, for facilitating this process. viii Reporting on forest damages …

Note d’orientation: Foresterie durable en milieu urbain et périurbain Solution intégrée et inclusive fondée sur la nature pour une relance verte et des villes durables, saines et résilientes

… eaux de pluie et en limitant leur intensité, mais aussi en facilitant l’infiltration et l’absorption des eaux de pluie … des chercheurs et des décideurs ont appelé à repenser et transformer les villes afin de répondre à la réalité imposée … populations à la gestion de ces espaces. Cela peut en effet faciliter l’aménagement durable, l’entretien et la …