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Search results for gerhard weiss

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… Danielka (Czech Republic), Ms. Tuuli Tulonen (Finland), Mr. Gerhard Winkelmann-Oei (Germany), Ms. Esi Esuon Biney …

ENG_THI TRI template-DR

… Kovacs): [email protected] Герхард Винкельманн-Ойе (Gerhard Winkelmann-Oei): gerhard[email protected] © ICPDR & UBA &F &A …

Шаблон для сбора данных и оценки опасностей и рисков

… Kovacs): [email protected] Герхард Винкельманн-Ойе (Gerhard Winkelmann-Oei): gerhard[email protected] © ICPDR & UBA &F &A …

UNECE-SDA BocconiRegWorkshop_Docs

… circularity performance Presenters • UNECE Project Expert, Gerhard Heemskerk • UNECE Project Expert, Claudia di …

Minutes of the 24th NPD meeting in Moldova

… Jonathan Hecke Coordinator 8 Austrian Development Agency Gerhard Schaumberger Director 9 Austrian Development Agency …

List of participants

… Minister Ministry of Tourism and Environment Austria Mr. Gerhard OMERSU Senior Adviser Federal Ministry of Climate …

Item 5 (c): Standards for noting - Core Components Business Document Assembly Technical Specification (CCBDA) version 1.1

… Sugamata, Michel Bormans, Sylvia Webb, Satya Prasad Sahu, Gerhard Heemskerk 82 Contributors: Andreas Schultz, Audun … 92 Editors: Hisanao Sugamata, [email protected] Gerhard Heemskerk, Gerhard[email protected] Hidekazu …

Core Components Business Document Assembly Technical Specification (CCBDA) version 1.1

… Sugamata, Michel Bormans, Sylvia Webb, Satya Prasad Sahu, Gerhard Heemskerk 82 Contributors: Andreas Schultz, Audun … 92 Editors: Hisanao Sugamata, [email protected] Gerhard Heemskerk, Gerhard[email protected] Hidekazu …

PPT-ForumSecretariat - First working meeting ToSESG Traceability of Sustainable Value Chains in the Circular Economy

… Project Expert, Virginia Cram-Martos UNECE Project Expert, Gerhard Heemskerk United for greater traceability, … UN/CEFACT Project Lead Product Circularity Project Gerhard Heemskerk, UN/CEFACT Editor Textile and Leather …

CF-Forum-May2023 (40th UN/CEFACT Forum)

… Geneva, Switzerland Lunch & Learn Session Dr. Hanane BECHA Gerhard HEEMSKERK Brett HYLAND Maria Teresa PISANI • … for achieving ESG goals • Standards supporting ESG goals (Gerhard Heemskerk) • Using UNCEFACT standards process …

List of participants of the 84th ITC

… Energy and Communications Swiss Confederation Mr. Gerhard BALMER Vice-Director Federal Office of Transport … International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee (CITA) Mr. Gerhard MÜLLER President International Motor Vehicle …

Membership of the Compliance Committee

… Kružíková; ES, Eleanor Sharpston; FB, Fruszina Bögös; GL, Gerhard Loibl; HG, Heghine Grigoryan; ID, Ion Diaconu; JE, … that Mr. Jonas Ebbesson, a national of Sweden, and Mr. Gerhard Loibl, a national of Austria, had been nominated by …

Final list of participants

… Email : [email protected] Mr. Gerhard SAILLER Starokonjuschennij pereulok 119034 Moscow … Phone : +7-495-780-60-66 Fax : +7-495-937-42-69 Email : gerhard[email protected] Mr. Gunter A. SCHMIDT Sonnenweg …

Final list of participants

… Email : [email protected] Mr. Gerhard SAILLER Starokonjuschennij pereulok 119034 Moscow … Phone : +7-495-780-60-66 Fax : +7-495-937-42-69 Email : gerhard[email protected] Mr. Gunter A. SCHMIDT Sonnenweg …

The Dispatcher Review 2020

… had skin in the auto- mated automotive game, like Holger Weiss, Nils Lenke and Bryn Balcombe, talked about the … Automotive Connected Mobil- ity, STRATEGY ANALYTICS Holger Weiss, Founder & CEO, GER- MAN AUTOLABS Nils Lenke, Senior …

Dispatcher Review

… had skin in the auto- mated automotive game, like Holger Weiss, Nils Lenke and Bryn Balcombe, talked about the … Automotive Connected Mobil- ity, STRATEGY ANALYTICS Holger Weiss, Founder & CEO, GER- MAN AUTOLABS Nils Lenke, Senior …

FFV Blumenkohl 2021

… geformt, fest, kompakt,  sehr dicht stehend,  gleichmäßig weiß oder leicht cremefarben bei weißen Sorten. Er darf keine Mängel aufweisen, mit Ausnahme … Die Köpfe müssen sein:  fest,  dicht stehend,  weiß bis elfenbein- oder cremefarben bei weißen Sorten,  …

List of participants

… Nordstrasse 15 CH-8021 ZURICH Switzerland Mr. Gerhard BRUSS Director Transport Safety European Chemical …

Gian Luca Burci - Compliance Committee nonimation

… 8 "Health and Infectious Disease", in T.G. WEISS & S. DAWS (eds), Oxford Handbook on the United …

TEIA_Minutes 45th Bureau mtg

… Union); Ms. Wivi-Ann Wagello-Sjölund (Finland); Mr. Gerhard Winkelmann-Oei (Germany); Ms. Suzana Milutinovic …