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Search results for generations and "gender survey"

Displaying Results 1781 - 1800 of 53973

National workshop related to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes: Uganda’s accession process

… workshop was jointly convened by the Ministry of Water and Environment and the Secretariat of the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International …

UNRSF High level side event "Safe and Sustainable Mobility in Developing Countries"

… SAFE AND SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES A world … for Road Safety Olga Algayerova , Under-Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic … Iranian national football team player, UNICEF Ambassador and many more… The event will be also the occasion to launch …

Czechia ADR certificates and description

… Czechia ADR certificates and description English Czechia Models of ADR driver … The certificate is made according to, and ADR. Its dimensions are in accordance with ISO 7810:2003 ID-1 and it is made of plastic. The colour is white (both sides) …

Facilitating the financing and funding of transboundary water cooperation and basin development, Ms. Dimka Stantchev, SDC, Switzerland and Mr. Niels Vlaanderen, Netherlands

… Facilitating the financing and funding of transboundary water cooperation and basin development, Ms. Dimka Stantchev, SDC, Switzerland and Mr. Niels Vlaanderen, Netherlands English Item 10 …

Agenda item (3) Canada-U.S. Air Quality Agreement - Review and Assessment Findings and Recommendations

… Agenda item (3) Canada-U.S. Air Quality Agreement - Review and Assessment Findings and Recommendations English Canada-U.S. Air Quality Agreement Review and Assessment Findings and Recommendations May 28, 2024 1 …

Turkey meat - carcases and parts

… Turkey meat - carcases and parts ECE/TRADE/358 English UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE UNECE STANDARD t u r k e y M e A t C A r C A S e S A N D P A r t S … Description 0 Not specified 1 Young turkeys (without gender distinction) Turkeys less than 4 months of age 2 …

Promoting safe spaces for environmental defenders and public participation in decisions on products and chemicals

… means making sure the public is equipped to participate in and make informed decisions on environmental matters, even for complex and technical subjects. At the eighth meeting of the Task … to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters ( Aarhus …

The Protocol on Water and Health, a crucial tool for delivering water, sanitation and hygiene for all during and after the COVID-19 pandemic

… While the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the extent to which water, sanitation and hygiene are key to human health through frequent handwashing, in the UNECE region over 16 million people still …

Monitoring inclusive and sustainable well-being in the Netherlands, Statistics Netherlands, Netherlands

… Monitoring inclusive and sustainable well-being in the Netherlands, Statistics … to which this quality is achieved at the expense of later generations or of people in elsewhere in the world. …

Export and Import Unit Prices for Forest Products, 1964-2020

… Export and Import Unit Prices for Forest Products, 1964-2020 This … 40 countries in the UNECE region of Europe, North America and the former Soviet Union. Data start in 1964. Export and import unit prices are calculated for flows with over …

Facts and figures on the Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme-revised version

… Facts and figures on the Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme-revised version … Office for Europe High-level Meeting on Transport, Health and Environment Fifth session Online, Geneva, 17 May 2021 …

Vitaly Bekker and Mr. Andrey Dodonov, Updated guidelines and best practices for MSME in delivering energy efficient products and renewable energy equipment

… Vitaly Bekker and Mr. Andrey Dodonov, Updated guidelines and best practices for MSME in delivering energy efficient products and renewable energy equipment English E N E R G Y UPDATED …

UN/CEFACT Mini Conference on Travel and Tourism Domain Projects

… The UN/CEFACT Travel and Tourism Domain has been working to standardize Small-scale Lodging House (SLH) Information Process and Destination Travel Information (DTI) Process based on …

Finland ADR certificates and description

… Finland ADR certificates and description English 1.2.2022 ADR Driver Training Certificates – Finland: ADR models Finland-ADR2 and Finland-ADR1 ADR model Finland-ADR2 Starting …

Refrigerating machines and heat pumps (IASA)

… Refrigerating machines and heat pumps (IASA) ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2021/25 English … United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2021/25 Economic and Social Council Distr.: General 22 June 2021 Original: … opposite operating principle: instead of cold, these units generate heat. Action to be taken: IASA requests the Joint …

Rabbit meat - carcases and cuts

… Rabbit meat - carcases and cuts English UNECE STANDARD RABBIT MEAT Carcases and Cuts 2013 EDITION UNITED NATIONS New York and Geneva, …

S5_1 Statistics and indicators on waste management

… S5_1 Statistics and indicators on waste management English REGIONAL TRAINING … adequate final discharge out of total municipal solid waste generated, by cities (SDG 11.6.1) • Total waste • National … of environmental protection • Collection tools: Household surveys (integrated into national census) or global …

Bovine Meat - Carcases and Cuts

… Bovine Meat - Carcases and Cuts Revised version English UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE UNECE STANDARD BOVINE MEAT CARCASES AND CUTS 2007 EDITION United Nations New York and Geneva, …

Kankana Dubey, UNECE consultant, Energy Transition and Post-Covid-19 Socio-economic Recovery: Role of Women and Impact on Them

… Kankana Dubey, UNECE consultant, Energy Transition and Post-Covid-19 Socio-economic Recovery: Role of Women and … in these processes. The scope of study includes: • assess gender equality and women’s empowerment in the energy … supply – renewable and non-renewable sources of energy generation, transmission and distribution systems, …

PP:WGP 28; PPIF session; Written Update: Agenda2030 and SDGs

… PP:WGP 28; PPIF session; Written Update: Agenda2030 and SDGs English 1 28th meeting of the Working Group of the … focus on the Summit of the Future. 11. As youth and future generations is another pillar of the Summit of the Future, … people in the preparatory process and the Summit itself. To generate additional opportunities for the engagement of all …