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Search results for generations and "gender survey"

Displaying Results 1701 - 1720 of 53969

Guidelines and best practices for micro-, small and medium enterprises in delivering energy-efficient products and in providing renewable energy equipment

… Guidelines and best practices for micro-, small and medium enterprises … Nations Economic Commission for Europe region and they generate over half of the region’s collective gross domestic … of research also were provided by respondents to project surveys and to the call for case studies, as well as from …

Chains of responsibility and documentation

… Chains of responsibility and documentation CTU-Code/2021/second-informal-meeting/11 … Add new Functional roles after 4.2.9: 4.2.10 Inspectors / surveyors are: • Parties employed by governments or commercial entities to perform inspection / surveying functions to ensure the safe transport of CTUs • …

Technical Guide on Harvesting and Conservation of Storm-Damaged Timber

… This guide aims to help both public institutes and wood-chain professionals to take decisions, prepare their future actions and improve cooperation in the event of hurricanes. It is of utmost importance to prepare and to decide, before the storm occurs, which actions will …

Main Conceptual Provisions of the UNECE Strategy for ESD and its implementation framework 2021-2030 (Dr. Aravella Zachariou, Cyprus Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth and Chair, UNECE Steering Committee on ESD)

… Main Conceptual Provisions of the UNECE Strategy for ESD and its implementation framework 2021-2030 (Dr. Aravella … ecosystems to nurture entrepreneurial mindset. Increasing gender equality will boost employability for all, also … for the young should not overlook the experienced older generations and people with disabilities or marginalised …

Measuring multidimensional poverty around the world: an assessment of current data needs and gaps, Fanni Kovesdi, Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI)

… around the world: an assessment of current data needs and gaps, Fanni Kovesdi, Oxford Poverty and Human … measures (incl. national and global MPIs) rely on household survey data to offer comprehensive and timely assessments of … around the world, focusing on multi-topic household surveys. It provides a comprehensive and detailed overview …

Concept note and tentative timeline

… Concept note and tentative timeline English Joint Workshop “Improving the resilience of energy systems through energy efficiency and renewable energy: demand side perspective and cross-sectoral approach” Geneva …

Chicken meat - carcases and parts

… Chicken meat - carcases and parts ECE/TRADE/355/Rev.1 (Revised 2012 version) English … UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE UNECE STANDARD C H I C K E N M E A T C A R C A S E S A N D P A R T S 2012 EDITION United Nations New York and Geneva, 2013 ECE/TRADE/355/REV.1 Chicken Meat – Carcases …

Logistical note and practical information

… Logistical note and practical information English UNECE Resource Management … Expert Group on Resource Management LOGISTICAL INFORMATION AND UN TV LIVE STREAMING LINK 22-26 April 2024 | PALAIS DES … will receive a Digital badge by email. 3. First time entry and badge activation for meeting participants is via the …

Report of the Reginal Coordination Group on Data and Statistics for Europe and Central Asia

… Report of the Reginal Coordination Group on Data and Statistics for Europe and Central Asia ECE/CES/2021/13 English GE.21-06242(E) … of the Conference of European Statisticians, its Bureau and Teams of Specialists Report of the Regional Coordination …

Turkey meat - carcases and parts

… Turkey meat - carcases and parts ECE/TRADE/358/Rev.1 (Revised 2012 version) English … UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE UNECE STANDARD T U R K E Y M E A T C A R C A S E S A N D P A R T S … Description 0 Not specified 1 Very young turkeys (without gender distinction) Turkeys less than 4 months of age 2 …

HLG and the data revolution

… HLG and the data revolution English informing a data revolution … right people, at the right time, in the right format HLG and the Data Revolution HLG 2014 in fo rm in g a d at a re … is the data revolution ? “a revolution of new technologies and new of data sources “ in fo rm in g a d at a re vo lu ti …

UNECE adopts groundbreaking regulation introducing methodology to measure particle emissions from cars and vans’ braking systems

… strong reduction from exhaust particle emissions (PM 2.5 and 10) over the past 20 years, due to international and national vehicle regulations, non-exhaust sources now … vehicle, friction between the brake disc and brake pads is generating heat and is slowing down the vehicle. In this …

Response from Bosnia and Herzegovina

… Response from Bosnia and Herzegovina English United Nations Economic Commission … on Education for Sustainable Development 16th meeting, 10 and 11 May 2021 Information Paper 1 Proposed topics for … new policy developments with regard to progress on SDGs and impact of COVID-19. Some questions follow the updated …

Chapter 4 - Dimensions and indicators

… Chapter 4 - Dimensions and indicators Presentation English Edwin Horlings 10 July 2024 Chapter 4: Dimensions and indicators Meeting of the Task Force on Measuring … ─ Issues for discussion to provide a systematic and comprehensive list of common dimensions that together …

25 years of cooperation for safer and cleaner vehicles are a testament to multilateralism

… For many people around the world, the work and achievements of the United Nations remain in the realms of grand summits of heads of state on pressing global issues, of … people, common tools like UN Global Technical Regulations generate huge economies of scale.  As a sign of value of …

Guidelines and Best Practices for Micro-, Small and Medium Enterprises in Armenia in Delivering Energy-Efficient Products and Providing Renewable Energy Equipment Mr. Suren Shatvoryan, UNECE Consultant, Armenia

… Guidelines and Best Practices for Micro-, Small and Medium Enterprises … organizations and experts, as well as the results of the survey have been collected and analyzed. Methodology MSMEs … Strategy in Armenia“ in 2013. However, there are no gender-disaggregated statistics conducted for MSMEs. …

Session 4: Governance and Diplomacy

… Session 4: Governance and Diplomacy English  The Botswana Vision 2036 works …  The National Development Plan 11(NDP 11: 2017-2023) and the Second Transitional National Development Plan (TNDP … emphasizes the implementation of Integrated management and optimal utilization of natural resources. In order to …

Transboundary water cooperation between Uganda and neighbouring countries, Sowed Sewagudde

… Transboundary water cooperation between Uganda and neighbouring countries, Sowed Sewagudde English … balanced and sustainable manner for the present and future generations.”  National Water Policy 1999 ▪ Recognizes the … agriculture, trade, energy, public health, research, gender, Environment, forestry, information exchange  Lake …

Alberto Cendoya and Diego Lopez Urrichi, Kharkiv Masterplan

… Alberto Cendoya and Diego Lopez Urrichi, Kharkiv Masterplan English KHARKIV … Square respecting its historical significance, and to generate a more pedestrian and bike friendly cultural artery … construction components 3. Add insulation and electricity generation, bomb shelters and improve vertical circulation …

UNECE Package of Standards and Supporting Tools

… UNECE Package of Standards and Supporting Tools English UNECE Economic Cooperation and … works with modern and emerging technologies. The new generation of RDM-based standards are exchange syntax …