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Search results for generations and "gender survey"

Displaying Results 1681 - 1700 of 53969

Senior European forestry sector officials highlight the pivotal role of forests in climate change mitigation and adaptation, water management and energy in the region

… of the European Forestry Commission (EFC).  Panelists and presenters will be providing expert insight into the key … also seek to highlight the need for continued coordination and collaboration in the dialogue among the various European … to ensure that the sector receives the political attention and support needed to pursue sustainable forest management …

UNECE and WHO/Europe call for renewed action on water, sanitation and health in the pan-European region

… 14 deaths per day due to inadequate water, sanitation and hygiene. Renewed momentum is therefore needed to address … of the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on Water and Health, taking place on 14–16 November in Geneva. This … water supplies in the WHO European Region Results of a survey conducted under the Protocol on Water and Health …

UNFC and UNRMS for Nuclear Fuel Resources: Exploring the Synergies between Uranium, Thorium and Rare Earth Elements - King Lee, Chair, EGRM Nuclear Fuel Resources Working Group and World Nuclear Association

… UNFC and UNRMS for Nuclear Fuel Resources: Exploring the … and Upper Scenarios there is some decline in global nuclear generating projections over 2025- 2035 due to various delays …

Draft mandate and terms of reference of the JWG on Environmental Statistics and Indicators

… Draft mandate and terms of reference of the JWG on Environmental Statistics and Indicators ECE/CEP-CES/GE.1/2023/3 English Economic … Statisticians Joint Task Force on Environmental Statistics and Indicators Twentieth session Geneva, 16 and 17 October …

Concept note and draft agenda

… Concept note and draft agenda English 1 Overcoming Challenges and Exploring Opportunities for Sustainable Energy … 2022 UNECE-UNESCAP-UNESCWA Side Event UNCC Bangkok, Thailand 13 September 2022, 16:45-18:00 (Bangkok time) Draft …

4 merchanting and factoryless producers

… 4 merchanting and factoryless producers English Economic Commission for … harmonized consumer price index and the household budget surveys; however, these components have to be unbundled for …

(Secretariat) Outcome of the GRVA workshops on Artificial Intelligence and Vehicle Regulations

… Outcome of the GRVA workshops on Artificial Intelligence and Vehicle Regulations GRVA-13-04 This document reflects … 6. Machine learning model is a mathematical construct that generates an inference, or prediction, based on input data. … scenarios from real world data to suport validation Generation of synthetic data for supervised learning / …

National Water Policy and the Conventions, Edward Martin Rwarinda

… National Water Policy and the Conventions, Edward Martin Rwarinda English National Water Policy and the Water Convention Edwa rd Ma rt i n R wa rinda Ag. … for all social and economic needs of the present and future generations with the full participation of all stakeholders …

Raw and roasted peanut kernels

… Raw and roasted peanut kernels ECE/CTCS/WP.7/2021/10 English GE. … Commission for Europe Steering Committee on Trade Capacity and Standards Working Party on Agricultural Quality Standards …

67th session of the Committee on Housing and Land Management and Ministerial Meeting

… ECE/HBP/141 PDF PDF PDF Implementation of the UNECE reform and matters arising from the 61st session of the Commission … in the Twenty-First Century ECE/HBP/120 PDF   Preparation and implementation of the Country Profile on the Housing … PDF PDF PDF The study on the housing sector of Serbia and Montenegro (see publication ) Report on the 10th …

Refrigerating machines and heat pumps (Germany)

… Refrigerating machines and heat pumps (Germany) ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2023/38 English … Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and … purpose to extract energy from an object or medium to generate heat. Heat pumps and heat pump components are not …

Summary of findings and recommendations


Porcine meat - carcases and cuts

… Porcine meat - carcases and cuts ECE/TRADE/369/Rev.1 English ECE/TRADE/369/Rev.1 … UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE UNECE STANDARD PORCINE MEAT CARCASES AND CUTS 2013 EDITION United Nations New York and Geneva, …

UNECE and partners support harmonization of transport statistics for improved SDG monitoring and comparability

… relevant transport statistics that are timely, accurate and impartial are necessary. In addition this allows the … on reducing road fatalities, 9.1.2 on monitoring passenger and freight volumes, and 11.2.1 on ensuring access to convenient public transport …

David Wong - Connected and Autonomous Vehicles at the Crossroad Opportunities and Challenges (Abstract)

… David Wong - Connected and Autonomous Vehicles at the Crossroad Opportunities and Challenges (Abstract) English Connected and autonomous vehicles at the crossroad: opportunities and

Critical raw materials - What, why and how

… Critical raw materials - What, why and how English Introduction UNFC and UNRMS UNFC is a globally applicable standard for … help promote the optimal use of resources, minimize waste generation, and enhance resource recovery and reuse. UNFC …

Methodological and ethical considerations on designing and implementing a national prevalence survey on violence against women, UN Women

… Methodological and ethical considerations on designing and implementing a national prevalence survey on violence against women, UN Women English VIOLENCE … AGAINST women Photo | UN Women/Ryan Brown Workshop on gender statistics Geneva, May 9th 2023 Violence against …

Porcine meat - carcases and cuts

… Porcine meat - carcases and cuts ECE/TRADE/369 English ECE/TRADE/369 UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE UNECE STANDARD P O R C I N E M E A T C A R C A S E S A N D C U T S 2006 EDITION United Nations New York and Geneva, 2008 Note Working Party on Agricultural Quality …

Concept note and tentative timeline

… Concept note and tentative timeline English Joint Workshop “Improving the resilience of energy systems through energy efficiency and renewable energy: demand side perspective and cross-sectoral approach” in the …

Administrative and field paradata sources for quality assurance and contingency approaches (United Kingdom)

… Administrative and field paradata sources for quality assurance and contingency approaches (United Kingdom) … 4 (e) Student hall and boarding school survey − administrative data collected direct from …