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Search results for generations and "gender survey"

Displaying Results 1641 - 1660 of 53961

Revised Mandate and Terms of Reference of the Team of Specialists on Environmental, Social and Governance Traceability of Sustainable Value Chains in the Circular Economy

… Revised Mandate and Terms of Reference of the Team of Specialists on … oceans and over 40 million tonnes of electronic waste are generated (increasing annually by 4 to 5 per cent), causing …

You and the Espoo Convention

… You and the Espoo Convention Available in English , Russian and French . (ECE/MP.EIA/13, 32 pp.) An introductory booklet. … You and the Espoo Convention …

Strengthening national capacity in applying sustainable energy policies and practices based on the EPR recommendations - Bosnia and Herzegovina

… national capacity in applying sustainable energy policies and practices based on the EPR recommendations - Bosnia and Herzegovina English 1 Workshop “Strengthening national … Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources and Efficient Cogeneration, which transposed in the legislation of the …

M Amakali, and A Mwetulundila - Comments

… M Amakali, and A Mwetulundila - Comments English COMMENTS ON THE Draft … Supplemental Groundwater Specifications (M Amakali, and A Mwetulundila) The draft UNFC Classification for … Supplementary Groundwater Specifications has been reviewed and the following comments are made. 1. In arid areas, where …

Personal mobility devices and other devices facilitating sustainable and inclusive mobility - (Urban Robotics Foundation)

… Personal mobility devices and other devices facilitating sustainable and inclusive mobility - (Urban Robotics Foundation) … document No. 13 English Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety …

New identification system – lithium cells and batteries – additional and consequential amendments (United Kingdom)

… New identification system – lithium cells and batteries – additional and consequential amendments (United Kingdom) … Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and

(Netherlands) Loading and unloading instructions

… (Netherlands) Loading and unloading instructions ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/2021/26 … United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/2021/26 Economic and Social Council Distr.: General 8 June 2021 Original: English Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee Working Party on the Transport of …

Session 3-Yann Duval-Trade facilitation and digitalization for inclusive and resilient growth

… Session 3-Yann Duval-Trade facilitation and digitalization for inclusive and resilient growth … in cross-border paperless trade aspect Source: UN Global Survey on Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation, …

Land registeries and Open Data - Jimena Campuzano, Land Property Registrar, Member, Commission on Technology and Innovation of the Public Law Corporation of Land and Mercantile Registrars of Spain

… Land registeries and Open Data - Jimena Campuzano, Land Property Registrar, Member, Commission on Technology and … process In the Data Economy, technology allows a massive generation, collection, storage and analysis of data  The …

Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to improve access to water, sanitation and hygiene by joining Protocol on Water and Health, learning from experience of Serbia

… are actively working towards improving access to water and sanitation. Despite recent progress, Kazakhstan's aging infrastructure, lack of human resources and financial constraints still limit the access of rural population to improved water and sanitation services. In 2022, 10% of the rural …

(EBU and ESO) Construction materials

… (EBU and ESO) Construction materials ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/2021/30 … United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.2/2021/30 Economic and Social Council Distr.: General 9 June 2021 Original: … oder Verbundwerkstoff im Bereich der Ladung ist gemäß folgender Tabelle zulässig.“. Tankschiffe des Typs C und des …

Guidelines on the use of registers and administrative data for population and housing censuses

… this publication is to guide national statistical offices and other responsible agencies on the use of registers and administrative data in population and housing censuses, including operational, practical, …

(Secretariat) Nomination and Voting of Chairs and Vice-Chairs under the current situation

… (Secretariat) Nomination and Voting of Chairs and Vice-Chairs under the current situation WP.29-187-18 … past, WP.29 managed to reach consensus for decision making and elections. This year at the 84th session of ITC, during …

Presentation - Sharing and use of Environmental Data and Indicators for Environment Health Assessment

… Presentation - Sharing and use of Environmental Data and Indicators for Environment Health Assessment Russian … 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Armenia Bosnia and Herzegovina Georgia Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan …

Long-term strategy and the action plan for the Convention and the Protocol_track changes

… Long-term strategy and the action plan for the Convention and the Protocol_track changes English ECE/MP.EIA/2020/3 … that show room for improved coordination/harmonization to generate synergies with regard to their implementation and

1968 Conventions on Road Traffic and on Road Signs and Signals: Cycles - (Secretariat)

… 1968 Conventions on Road Traffic and on Road Signs and Signals: Cycles - (Secretariat) English . Robert Nowak … Division 26 April 2022 1968 Conventions on Road Traffic and on Road Signs and Signals: Cycles 1968 Convention on …

Mandate and terms of reference

… Mandate and terms of reference Presentation English Joint Task Force on Environmental Statistics and Indicators Agenda item 3: Implementing the mandate and terms of reference Nineteenth session 3 – 4 …

Exchange of experiences and good practices: implementation of and integration between land-use planning and industrial safety in the framework of the SDGs implementation - Montenegro

… Exchange of experiences and good practices: implementation of and integration between land-use planning and industrial … plants, the location for the temporary storage of waste generated due to major accidents and disasters shall be …

IBC Environment and Climate Change webinar water 25.10.2021 concept note and agenda

… IBC Environment and Climate Change webinar water 25.10.2021 concept note and agenda English [Type here] Webinar on preventing water … the Inter-Agency Issue- Based Coalition on Environment and Climate Change (IBC) has organized two webinars related …

Policy shift and game-changing tech will enable sustainable and circular economy at scale

… While consumer demand for sustainable goods is an important driver for change, regulation and policy change are essential if the world is to side-step a climate catastrophe and bend traditional linear economic models towards a …