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Search results for generations and "gender survey"

Displaying Results 1321 - 1340 of 53961

Workshops and Small Group Discussions

… Workshops and Small Group Discussions English 1 UNITED NATIONS … that threaten the maintenance of high response rates in survey data collection, especially with rising costs and … with public distrust or reluctance to participate in surveys? How can these perceptions negatively affect data …

LPP and City of Ljubljana

… LPP and City of Ljubljana Mr. Damjan Kregar LPPd.o.o. -Ljubljana … Operator Session I English Ljubljana, December 2020 LPP and City of Ljubljana LPP d.o.o. - Ljubljana Public Transport Operator LPP operating area LPP and City of Ljubljana LPP and City of Ljubljana Ticketing …

Recommendations and Challenges Georgia HardTalk 2021

… Recommendations and Challenges Georgia HardTalk 2021 English UNECE Renewable … power stations (SPPS) and battery storage), dispatchable generation, interconnections, demand-side management, and … costs) are expected increase the financial burden that generators would have to pay. • Low participation in …

Georgia: Enhancing EIA and SEA

… the Spatial Planning Sector of Georgia (2024) ENG and GEO Guidelines on Environmental Impact Assessment of the Hydropower Projects (2023) ENG and GEO SEA Pilot Project (based on a real case of the … Spatial Arrangement Plan of the Gurjaani Municipality, and the draft Gurjaani Town Centre Development Regulation …

Draft Updated Strategies for Monitoring and Assessment of Transboundary Rivers, Lakes and Groundwaters

… Draft Updated Strategies for Monitoring and Assessment of Transboundary Rivers, Lakes and … campaigns;​ (h) More emphasis is put on inclusiveness (gender, vulnerable groups, etc.) and participation of all … healthy and sustainable environment for current and future generations. [28: …

High- Level Stakeholder and Ministerial Conference and adoption of the Valetta Declaration, Malta

… Special Envoy participated in the High- Level Stakeholder and Ministerial Conference with Ms. Violeta Bulc, European Commissioner for Mobility and Transport, and Mr. Joe Mizzi, Minister for Transport and Infrastructure …

UNFC and Sustainable Development Goals

… Ensuring sufficient, reliable, affordable, and environmentally responsible supplies of energy amd raw … Development Goals (SDGs). UNFC applies to energy and mineral resources; injection projects for the geological … viability of a project. These criteria include factors like gender equality and fruitful employment of disadvantaged …

Articles and packing groups, Revised

… Articles and packing groups, Revised HAR/2023/2/Rev.1 English … Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee Working Party on the Transport of … 19 April 2023 Joint Meeting of the RID Committee of Experts and the Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods …

TEM and TER Master Plan

… About the TEM and TER Master Plan The TEM and TER Master Plan, reflecting the priority transport infrastructure needs of 21 Central, Eastern, and South-Eastern European countries*, was published in …

2a : MMM and Roadmap

… 2a : MMM and Roadmap English Modernization Maturity Model and Roadmap Joint work of Modernisation Committee on Standards and Modernisation Committee on Organizational …

East West Rail and Mobility Hubs - by Mr. Adam King and Mr. Trevor Brennan

… East West Rail and Mobility Hubs - by Mr. Adam King and Mr. Trevor Brennan … of hubs, including how multiple sites used together can generate benefits greater than the sum of their parts. Role … wider services provided by the mobility hub, e.g. revenue generated by e-bike hire, rental income from parcel lockers …

David Wong - Connected and Autonomous Vehicles at the Crossroad Opportunities and Challenges

… David Wong - Connected and Autonomous Vehicles at the Crossroad Opportunities and Challenges English THE SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS LIMITED Connected and autonomous vehicles at the …

The Pan-European Programme on Transport, Health and Environment: Assessment and Progress Made

… of THE PEP in improving communication, cooperation and collaboration among the three sectors (transport, health, and environment) and its impact on the development of intersectoral policies …

Scanner Data, Product Churn and Quality Adjustment, W. Erwin Diewert and Chihiro Shimizu

… Scanner Data, Product Churn and Quality Adjustment, W. Erwin Diewert and Chihiro Shimizu … of these separate regressions are chained together to generate the final index, which is called an Adjacent Period … defined by (10) will generate the same solution as is generated by the weighted least squares minimization problem …

Strategic environmental assessment and its benefits: Seminar for sectoral planning and management authorities

… seminar was to raise awareness among the sectoral planning and management authorities about the strategic environmental … cases of SEA application in different economic sectors and the benefits of SEA. They discussed the roles of various stakeholders in the SEA process and the necessary measures for implementing SEA in Ukraine …

Data Collection and the impact, challenges and opportunities of the COVID-19 pandemic

… 1 - Tuesday 6 October:  Irene Salemink - Statistics Netherlands (Chair)   Welcome and opening remarks UNECE and Chair … Virtanen (Statistics Finland)   Presentation   ONS social surveys response to Covid-19.  Martina Portanti, Veronique …

Statements WGP26: CB Ms. Anna Clara Maia, European ECO Forum/Youth and Environment Europe

… WGP26: CB Ms. Anna Clara Maia, European ECO Forum/Youth and Environment Europe English Item 4(c) Capacity Building … to secure the “right of every person of present and future generations to live in an environment adequate to health and

Work Area 1: Data, monitoring, reporting and assessment, 2020-2021

… Work Area 1: Data, monitoring, reporting and assessment, 2020-2021 ECE/TIM/EFC/WP.2/2021/3 In … (110 views). First data indicate that most views are generated from desktop and computer based operating systems, … Organization, implementation and evaluation of a voluntary survey on forest damage in ECE member States 6) Overview …

3rd Environmental Performance Review of Bosnia and Herzegovina

… Bosnia and Herzegovina Environmental Performance Reviews Third … and in 2015 the share had fallen to 1.81 per cent of GDP. Gender Bosnia and Herzegovina ratified the Convention on the … the period 2016–2020 of Republika Srpska, the results of a survey conducted among manufacturing industry companies …

Protocol on Water and Health

… The UNECE – WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health was adopted in 1999 and entered into force in 2005. The Protocol aims to protect human health and well-being by better water management, including the …