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Search results for generations and "gender survey"

Displaying Results 1121 - 1140 of 53961

Emission inventories and projections

… Emission inventories and projections … Steering Body to the Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air … in activities of the Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air …

Training workshops and drafting sessions on Developing legislative framework for the EIA and SEA in line with the Espoo Convention and its Protocol on SEA in Belarus

… expertise (EE), strategic environmental assessment (SEA) and environmental impact assessment (EIA) (the Law) that … Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention) and its Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment … intended to draw up the secondary legislation on EIA and SEA in compliance with the Convention and the Protocol. …

Risk management and modernisation

… Risk management and modernisation English 1) Internal Environment Analysis of the internal context and of the Risk Appetite Re-cognize. The growth of internal … culture will put the organizational risk management more and more in contact with the objective of improving …

Concept Note and Outline

… Concept Note and Outline English Objective: (1) Present to the Committee … of global methane emissions, review the existing agreements and initiatives targeting such emissions and evaluate their impact, and explore opportunities and

Draft Declaration on Environmental Democracy for Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient Development

… on Environmental Democracy for Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient Development AC/WGP-25/CRP.10 English … for building a sustainable future for present and future generations. 3. We acknowledge the critical role of the … the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities, gender equality, employment, public health, safety and

Concept Note and Outline

… Concept Note and Outline English Agenda Item 9 – 32nd Session of the … of global methane emissions, review the existing agreements and initiatives targeting such emissions and evaluate their impact, and explore opportunities and

The Protocol on Water and Health is a key tool to deliver access to clean water and sanitation to all

… aimed at improving the global situation in water supply and sanitation with the adoption by the United Nations … Assembly of a resolution recognizing access to clean water and sanitation as a human right. The resolution is calling on States and international organizations to provide financial …

Accession to and implementation of transport-related International Conventions and Agreements

… Accession to and implementation of transport-related International Conventions and Agreements SPECA/WG-STTC (26)/2 English This document … 2021 Working Group on Sustainable Transport, Transit and Connectivity (WG-STTC) 26th Session 25 November 2021 …

Fashion and the City

… Fashion and the City Programme Sustainable fashion English Panel … on the role of municipalities in promoting circularity and more sustainable consumption patterns in the fashion sector FASHION AND THE CITY WEBINAR 5 February 2024 14:00 - 17:00 CET …

Work session on registers and administrative records in social and demographic statistics

… 2002 Joint UNECE-Eurostat Work Session on Registers and Administrative Records for Social and Demographic … , Session 2 . DISCUSSION OF PAPER PDF 20 Dec.02  WP.8  Surveys on Internal and International Migration and Foreign …

DRAFT Conclusions and Recommendations

… DRAFT Conclusions and Recommendations CMMJT-18/2023/INF.1 English … on Sustainable Energy Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane and Just Transition Eighteenth session Geneva, 20-21 March … Item 13 of the provisional agenda Adoption of Conclusions and Recommendations DRAFT Conclusions and Recommendations …

Strengthening the connection between countries’ transport and trade policies and SDGs progress

… How can countries best harness transport and trade to drive progress in achieving the Sustainable … (SDGs)? How can enhancing countries’ statistics on trade and transport support this process?  This was the focus of … by UNECE in collaboration with the Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs and Ministry of Economy of Montenegro, …

Legal and Administrative Aspects

… Document Title ENG FRE RUS ENVWA/WG.3/R.12 Legal and Administrative Aspects, Final Report of the Task Force on Legal and Administrative Aspects of the Practical Application of … Provisions of the Convention HTML ENG FRE RUS … Legal and Administrative Aspects …

Systemic efficiencies and digitalization in energy

… Systemic efficiencies and digitalization in energy English Objective: Present the Committee on Sustainable Energy with approaches and perspectives on accelerating the deployment of energy … the energy sector due to growing decentralized intermittent generation, the influx of electric vehicles, and other smart …

Systemic efficiencies and digitalization in energy

… Systemic efficiencies and digitalization in energy Russian Objective: Present the Committee on Sustainable Energy with approaches and perspectives on accelerating the deployment of energy … the energy sector due to growing decentralized intermittent generation, the influx of electric vehicles, and other smart …

Provisional agenda and annotations

… Provisional agenda and annotations ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.11/2021/1 English GE. … Commission for Europe Steering Committee on Trade Capacity and Standards Working Party on Agricultural Quality Standards …

Trustworthy official statistics help us all overcome crises, now and in the future

… Data can be a matter of life and death. We have seen in recent years how statistical … In a world where huge amounts of data are being generated all the time, and where we take for granted almost … Who, after all, will offer up personal information in a survey if they think it could be misused? The crucial …

Challenges and Priorities in Housing and Land Management in the UNECE Region

… According to the survey, inefficient use of energy in the housing sector, … problems of housing affordability due to financial and economic crisis, increased damages from climate changes …

Invitation and provisional agenda

… Invitation and provisional agenda English Dear Sir or Madam, We are … taking place on invitation of the Government of Ireland in Dublin in the course of the Walk21 conference, … Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Transport and Environment Divisions in Geneva and the World Health …

Concept Note and Programme

… Concept Note and Programme English Annual Meeting Thematic Working Group on Gender and the Sustainable Development Goals United Nations …