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Search results for generations and "gender survey"

Displaying Results 761 - 780 of 53961

Lessons learned and gaps from the pan-European Assessment gaps and findings - UNECE

… Lessons learned and gaps from the pan-European Assessment gaps and findings - UNECE Presentation English Joint Task Force … availability for certain indicators, including “Total waste generation per capita”, “E-waste generation per capita” and

Affordable and Social Housing, Housing Finance

… one of the most important policy challenges as countries and cities in the UNECE region face an undersupply of … continuous increase of urban rents, low quality housing and urban infrastructure, limited access to land for housing construction and renovation, and mounting …

International Day of Forests - Forests and Education

… material which consists of nanosized cellulose fibres and innovative packaging materials made from post-consumer … faces such as raw materials depletion, climate change, and plastic pollution. “The forest industries are paving the way for a healthier and more sustainable future”, said Bernard De Galembert, …

International Day of Forests - Forests and Education

… material which consists of nanosized cellulose fibres and innovative packaging materials made from post-consumer … faces such as raw materials depletion, climate change, and plastic pollution. “The forest industries are paving the way for a healthier and more sustainable future”, said Bernard De Galembert, …

Why Are Women More Food Insecure than Men? Exploring Socio-economic Determinants of the Gender Gap and the Role of COVID-19 in the UNECE Region (Food and Agriculture Organization)

… than Men? Exploring Socio-economic Determinants of the Gender Gap and the Role of COVID-19 in the UNECE Region (Food and … during pregnancy and lactation has implications for future generations, leading to problems with infant nutrition, …

Tree Policy and Action Lab (Tree-PAL)

… Tree Policy and Action Lab (Tree-PAL) English Tree PAL Policy & Action … resilient and liveable communities today and for future for generations. They are a cost-effective solution to deliver … estimated that every €1 invested in urban trees and forests generated €4.5 in benefits Source: A.L. Soares et al., …

Conclusions and Recommendations

… Conclusions and Recommendations English CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS from the National Capacity-Building … 29 March 2024 “Digitalization of multimodal data and document exchange using UN/CEFACT standards” The United …

Measurements and modelling

… Measurements and modelling ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2022/4−ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2022/15 … Steering Body to the Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air … were raised for participants to answer through an online survey regarding capacity-building activities currently …

UNECE Timber Committee forecasts that wood and paper products’ markets will continue to grow – and grow greener - in 2011 and 2012

… Geneva Experts forecast a continuing upturn in wood and paper products markets (consumption, production and trade) in 2011 and 2012 for the UNECE region, with an increase in overall …

Infrastructures and Urban Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities from the ground

… Development Goals such as SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities still lack an effective methodology to be … The elaboration of innovative methodologies and set of effective indicators related to key areas of … thus continues to be a top priority for national, regional and local governments alike. The UNECE Housing and Land

Partnership Meeting Aims to Generate More Momentum for Concerted Road Safety Efforts Across UN system

… the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals, Member States have … Meeting for Road Safety on 29 October 2019 in Geneva, to generate more momentum for concerted efforts across the UN …

Concept Note and Agenda

… Concept Note and Agenda English Concept Note Southeast Asia Water … Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam have joined forces to streamline its core … GWP Vietnam Time allocation Activity Speakers/PIC ● 3rd Generation Express Flood Mitigation Using Elevated …

Markings and special traffic regulations for cyclists and drivers (Denmark)

… Markings and special traffic regulations for cyclists and drivers (Denmark) Informal document No. 2 English Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety …

Facts and figures

… Facts and figures ECE/AC.21/SC/2020/8 EUPCR2016697/5.3/8 English … noise annoyance is available from the Eurostat survey of Statistics on Income and Living Conditions, which … noise exposure and subjective noise annoyance by gender and further socioeconomic dimensions as a …

Item-2. J. Major. Forestry and urban financing mechanisms - the old and the new

… Item-2. J. Major. Forestry and urban financing mechanisms - the old and the new English … Models 5) Market Based Models 2) Fee Based Models 3) Income Generation 6) Bus. Model Innovation 7) Non-Market Mechanisms … Promoting Local Livelihoods around Natiure – 2.Concessions: Generating Income through Concessions and Events – …

Timetable and speakers

… Timetable and speakers English 10th Session of the Group of Experts on … Secretary, Group of Experts on Gas 10:20 Item 4: Activities and priorities of the UNECE Committee on Sustainable Energy … along hydrogen value chain Production methods Transport and storage Residential and industrial consumption Hydrogen …

Timetable and speakers

… Timetable and speakers English 10th Session of the Group of Experts on … Secretary, Group of Experts on Gas 10:20 Item 4: Activities and priorities of the UNECE Committee on Sustainable Energy … along hydrogen value chain Production methods Transport and storage Residential and industrial consumption Hydrogen …

Scope and purpose

… Scope and purpose English WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION REGIONAL … UNIES ЕВРОПЕЙСКАЯ ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКАЯ КОМИССИЯ Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme (THE PEP) Third High-level Meeting on Transport, Health and Environment Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 22–23 January …

Abbreviations and Symbols

… Disclaimer: the content of both files below is not binding and has no legal value. Please refer to the relevant … on GRSP-51-03, GRB-57-12, GRB-57-18, ECE/TRANS/WP29/2014/84 and GRRF-76-03) List of symbols: English (08/05/2015) XLS … Abbreviations and Symbols …

Workshop "Urban and Territorial Planning: Global Principles and Local Implications"

… urban planning experts, representatives of UN agencies and representatives from national and local governments, research institutions from Belarus and other CIS countries to discuss approaches to the …