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Search results for generations and "gender survey"

Displaying Results 53841 - 53860 of 53988

Protecting the Air We Breathe

… FOR EUROPE Palais des Nations CH - 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Telephone: +41(0)22 917 12 34 E-mail: [email protected] … Valentin Sokolowsky, UNECE Note The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do … that was destroying forests, causing fish loss in lakes and putting entire ecosystems at risks in the Northern …

Règlements ONU applicables aux véhicules concernant la sécurité routière : méthode d’analyse coûts-avantages

… Unies Tous droits réservés dans le monde entier Les demandes de reproduction d’extraits ou de photocopie doivent … du logement et de l’aménagement du territoire, un grand nombre des normes, règles et conventions élaborées dans … (CTI) et du Comité d’experts du transport des marchandises dangereuses et du Système général harmonisé de …

Guide to the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee

… to a United Nations document. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do … This publication may be reproduced in whole or in parts and in any form for educational or non- profit purposes, … to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus …

Resolution on safety considerations for activities other than driving undertaken by drivers when automated driving systems issuing transition demands exercise dynamic control

… when automated driving systems issuing transition demands exercise dynamic control I. Preamble 1. The Global … providing a reference for Contracting Parties to the 1949 and 1968 Conventions on Road Traffic, to offer safety … with automated driving systems that issue transition demands; b) Considering that road traffic safety will be …

Trans-European Railway High-Speed – Master Plan – Phase 2

… Chemin de fer transeuropéen à grande vitesse C h em in d e fe r tr an se u ro p ée n à g ra … Given that GSM system on which GSM-R is based is 3 generations old and is an outdated system, the railway … Şanlõurfa 63 200 New 2029 Samsun – Çarşamba – Fatsa – Ordu Survey – Project Works 144 200 New 2029 Survey-Project Works …

IPO flyer

… which guides member States in assessing, reforming and strengthening efforts to enable and promote innovation for sustainable development in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It provides …

Clearing the Air Issue no.2

… Protocol – to prevent acidification, eutrophication and ground-level ozone – enters into force today 17 May … Sweden on 30 November 1999. The following day ministers and their representatives lined up to sign the Protocol. A … also the first protocol to include ammonia control measures and the first to seek controls to limit the effects of ozone …

Statement by Ms. Tatiana Molcean at the Ministerial Meeting of the Landlocked Developing Countries

… 1 Ministerial Meeting of the Landlocked Developing Countries “Enhancing equitable, affordable and inclusive transport connectivity as a driver for sustainable and resilient economies.” Yerevan, 15 December 2023 …

Statement by Ms. Tatiana Molcean at the 32nd Session of the Committee on Sustainable Energy

… to help member States design innovative energy policies and build resilient and carbon neutral energy systems. • As you might know at … integration. The region is one of the largest producers and consumers of energy. It has the most extensive trade …

I4SDR flyer

… to “build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”. Developing and emerging countries urgently need to build institutions …

Opening remarks for the 43rd session of the Executive Body to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution

… of the Executive Body I am attending in my new capacity, and I am extremely pleased to open it, as UNECE’s work on … environmental agreement can lead to continuous progress, and remain ambitious. Forty-four years ago, the issue of … to the Convention risen to fifty-one, but eight protocols and several amendments have entered into force. These cover …

Statement by Ms. Tatiana Molcean at the IRENA – Energy Community side event COP28

… side event COP28, 3 December 2023, 17:15 - 18:00 “ NDCs and NECPs as the new financial roadmaps for facilitating a … towards renewable energy in the Southeast Europe “ Ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues, Firstly, thank you to IRENA … a big increase in renewable energy sources like solar and wind power for electricity production. In the last five …

Statement by Ms. Tatiana Molcean at the 16th meeting of the UNECE Standing Working Group on Ageing

… 16th meeting of the UNECE Standing Working Group on Ageing 20 November 2023 UNECE Executive Secretary – Opening remarks  Ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues,  It is my pleasure to … I joined UNECE in September. I am glad to meet you all and to reaffirm UNECE’s commitment to the important work of …


… Организации Объеди- ненных Наций. Carbon Capture, Use And Storage (CCUS) ВЫРАЖЕНИЕ ПРИЗНАТЕЛЬНОСТИ Настоящий … инфраструктуры. 1 Technology Brief 2 Carbon Capture, Use And Storage (CCUS) Круглые столы на высоком уровне, … в регионе ЕЭК ООН к 2050 году». CO2 4 Carbon Capture, Use And Storage (CCUS) Базовый сценарий представляет собой …

Recommandation K sur l’assurance métrologique de l’évaluation de la conformité et des essais - Troisième édition (ECE/TRADE/482)

… Recommandation K sur l’assurance métrologique de l’évaluation de la conformité et des essais Genève, 2024 Recommandation K sur l’assurance métrologique de l’évaluation de … sauf autorisation préalable du secrétariat de la CEE. La demande d’autorisation doit indiquer le but et l’étendue de la …

Рекомендация K Метрологическое обеспечение оценки соответствия и испытаний - Третье издание (ECE/TRADE/482)

… 1 В научно-технической литературе английское слово «standard» используется в двух различных значениях: как широко … еч ен ие оц ен ки с оо тв ет ст ви я и ис пы та ни й Layout and Printing at United Nations, Geneva – 2402231 (R) – … политики. Palais des Nations CH - 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Telephone: +41(0)22 917 12 34 E-mail: [email protected]

TIR手冊 - 第十一修訂版

… TIR secretariat Palais des Nations CH-1210 Geneva, Switzerland 电子邮件:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] - 19 - TIR … cover in the official language of the United Nations used and are also printed in English or French on page 3 of the … 10 d) below). 5. Number of Customs offices of departure and Customs offices of destination: Transport under cover of …

Перспективы инновационной политики, 2022 год: Восточная Европа и Южный Кавказ. Промежуточный обзор

… Promoting Innovation Policy Capacities in Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus («Содействие наращиванию потенциала в … No. 9, pp. 1329–1346. Eurostat (2020). Community Innovation Survey (database). … UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) (2022). Gender Inequality Index (database). …

Руководящие принципы в отношении опирающихся на фактологические данные политики и процесса принятия решений в области устойчивого жилищного хозяйства и городского развития

… 2007). 15 UN-Habitat, International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning (Nairobi, Un-Habitat, 2015). 16 … в плане социального признания своих прав. 70 UN-Habitat, Gender equality for smarter cities: challenges and progress … “Housing deprivation rate by number of item – EU-SILC survey”. Available at …