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Search results for generations and "gender survey"

Displaying Results 53761 - 53780 of 53994

Canada: country market statement 2022 (French)

… de libre-échange nord-américain BBGH Bâtiment en bois de grande hauteur CCB Conseil canadien du bois CCMF Conseil … semestre de 2021 après la fin de la troisième vague de la pandémie de COVID-19 L’économie canadienne, mesurée par le … durables, provoquées par la reprise mondiale après la pandémie et accentuées par l’invasion de l’Ukraine par la …

Annex3-Questionnaire destiné à permettre à la SUISSE de rendre compte de l’application de la Convention sur l’évaluation de l’impact sur l’environnement dans un contexte transfrontière au cours de la période 2019-2021

… armasuisse immobilier Gestion de projet Suisse romande Boulevard de Grancy 37 1006 Lausanne Mars 2018 Projet: … 126, al. 3, LAAM, RS 510.10). Armasuisse immobilier a mandaté HOLINGER SA pour effectuer l’actualisation du RIE. Il … d'eau et intervention d'incendie par ceux de la nouvelle génération a déjà démarré. - Les installations existantes …

Mandate Revision Proposal RU (4 March)

… Mandate Revision Proposal RU (4 March) ECE_ENERGY_GE.4_2021_4 … с предложением, представленным в настоящем документе. … Mandate Revision Proposal RU (4 March) …

Azerbaijan: 2nd reporting 2020/2021

… to the guidance given by UNESCO SDG indicator 6.5.2 team and using the available maps provided by UNRAC online tools: … Ганых-Ganykh_commUNECE4Aug_revECE28Oct_clean2Dec Джандар-Jandar_commUNECE4Aug_revECE28Oct_clean2Dec …

UN Layout Key for Trade Documents - Guidelines for Applications

AND ELECTRONIC BUSINESS (UN/CEFACT) French COMMISSION … LES DOCUMENTS COMMERCIAUX ANNEXE INFORMATIVE À LA RECOMMANDATION 1 NATIONS UNIES New York et Genève, 2002 -ii- … les documents commerciaux Annexe informative à la recommandation no 1, Adoptée par le Centre des Nations Unies pour …

TIR Convention in Turkmen

… sekretarity bilen bilelikde HÝoG Konwensiýasynyň Dolandyrma komitetiniň, 1975 ý., haýyşy boýunça altynjy sessiýada taýýarlandy. Komitetiň pikiri boýunça, bu neşir HÝoG Konwensiýasy, … ony peýdalanmagyň geografiki öz içine almasynyň, dolandyryş düzüminiň, maksadynyň we täsir etme prinsipiniň …

2020 E-Rail Census Eurostat data

… 3.2663888889 0 0 BE BES10004 Zwijndrecht-Fort Waaslandhaven-Zuid 51.212591 4.310914 51.2516666667 4.2597222222 0 0 BE BES10005 Schijn Noordland (Antwerpen) GALLAIS Alain (ESTAT): GALLAIS Alain … 4.413529 51,3194080 4.349516 0 0 BE BES10006 Stabroek Zandvliet 51.319408 4.349516 51,3340710 4.3293 0 0 BE …

Towards Cleaner Air Scientific Assessment Report 2016

… for Europe Palais des Nations CH - 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Telephone: +41(0)22 917 44 44 Fax: +41(0)22 917 05 05 … Air. Scientific Assessment Report 2016. EMEP Steering Body and Working Group on Effects of the Convention on Long-Range … can be more than 12 months in some urban areas. A recent survey showed air pollution to be the number one …

Carbon neutral energy intensive industries

… Ant Rozetsky, © Unsplash The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed herein are those of the author(s) … to other energy intensive industries, cement production generates about 7kg of CO! per revenue dollar, compared to …

Mobilizing Financing for the Circular Economy

… the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the presentation of material herein do not imply the … neutrality; and (3) promoting economic inclusion, youth and gender equality. Although the new strategy does not have an … United States Geological Survey, “Rare earth element and rare metal inventory of …

Statement by Ms. Tatiana Molcean at the 6th Annual Leaders on Purpose CEO Summit

… for Europe Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Telephone: +41 (0)22 917 4144/6072 Email: … [21 September 2023] Page 2 2 Keynote address Leveraging Generative AI for Good Good morning, Excellencies, Leaders … of inclusiveness, in this case through the lense of gender-responsive standards. AI reflects the society in …

Remarks at Les Rencontres Economiques - session “Another growth model is possible”

… for Europe Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Telephone: +41 (0)22 917 6072 Email: … for Europe Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Telephone: +41 (0)22 917 6072 Email: … strong differences in the potential for renewable energy generation across Europe. High energy costs vis-a-vis …

Reply to question 4: Annex 11: Final SvWOL as adopted 31.03.2014 - ACCC/C/2015/133 (Netherlands)

… Final SvWOL as adopted 31.03.2014 - ACCC/C/2015/133 (Netherlands) Dutch, Flemish Structuurvisie Windenergie op land Structuurvisie Windenergie op land Inhoud 1. Inleiding 5 1.1 Waarover gaat deze …

Reply to question 2b: Annex 5: Full text land-use plan wind farm Noordoostpolder as adopted

… Reply to question 2b: Annex 5: Full text land-use plan wind farm Noordoostpolder as adopted Dutch, … Noordoostpolder In de gemeenten Noordoostpolder en Lemsterland Besluit Inpassingsplan “Windenergie langs de dijken van … van de Noordoostpolder’ De Minister van Economische Zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie en de Minister van Infrastructuur en …

Integrating droughts into water resources management planning in the Senegal River basin - Mr. Mohamed Fawzi Bedredine, Senegal River Basin Development Organization (OMVS)

… - Calcul des cotes et débits moyens journaliers; - Génération de diagrammes de calculs statistiques. Suivi des …

Capacity building

… службы, Института энергетики и т.д.). 2013 and before Семинар «Дисперсное вещество: воздействие на …


… Transboundary Air Pollution Editors Johan Sliggers and Willem Kakebeeke ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Geneva … as well as national programmes, were put in place to generate new knowledge (see chapter 5). Integrated … ecosystem functioning. Since 1986, ICP Forests has been surveying large-scale forest condition on a transnational …